It was a rather strange journey back to the Magic Circle. Her Majesty had initially wanted to try this famous zip-line everyone kept on banging on about – until she learned that this would require them to slide uphill, making it quite impossible. And so instead, at the Queen’s insistence, the five of them had travelled by private horse and carriage (INCONSPICUOUS!). As they bounced up The Mall and headed north towards Stephenson Way, she demanded Zack show her a trick she could teach her great-grandchildren.*
It had been a startling series of revelations. Everyone was stunned – and no one more so than Jonny, who stared out of the window, uncharacteristically quiet. What should he tell his mother and father? Maybe this was what they’d been hiding from him all along – the fact that his granddad was a criminal.
Alex, his hand now freshly bandaged in fine royal linen, looked at Zack. ‘You … You were bluffing, right, when you said you’d brought us to Buckingham Palace deliberately.’
Zack smiled at him. ‘I wish I was that clever! But no, it was a bluff. A triple bluff, I think that makes it. Or maybe a double double bluff – I don’t know!’ Sophie and Alex laughed as Zack turned to face the Queen.
‘Your Majesty, do you mind me asking whether the Crown Jewels really exist?’ he asked.
The Queen stared at him as the carriage rocked from side to side, weaving in and out of traffic. ‘Well, the fakes certainly exist,’ she said.
‘Yes, but do the real ones?’ probed Zack.
‘Well, that’d be tellin’ now, wouldn’t it? But who’s to say the fakes aren’t as valuable at the real ’uns?’
Zack smiled at her, happy for it to remain a mystery.
‘Yeah, it’s not just you magicians who like to misdirect,’ the Queen continued as they headed up Shaftesbury Avenue. ‘Take that flag of mine always goin’ up and down. She’s in, she’s not in, she’s in, she’s not in! None of it means a bleedin’ fing – it’s completely random! I come an’ go as I please. Keeps everyone guessin’, though, don’t it?’
‘Ma’am,’ enquired Sophie. ‘What is it with your voice?’
The Queen looked at her. ‘I just don’t like givin’ too much away … When you’re on display all the time, it’s nice to keep some fings … secret! After all, what is it they say about royalty … a queen is just a person playing the part of a queen!’
Sophie smiled back at her. That sounded familiar – what a great way to put it!
Eventually the horse and carriage pulled up in Stephenson Way. The Young Magicians hopped out, Alex courteously turning to offer the Queen a hand – which was batted away with a snort. They headed towards the blue door again.
‘Nah, I thought we could go in the other way you talked about!’ said the Queen, already heading for the side of the building and heaving herself up the fire escape.
Just one last climb and then we’re almost done, thought Zack.