- Acheson, Dean, 190, 192, 255–259
- Adenauer, Konrad, 130, 275
- Administration of Soviet Properties in Austria (USIA), 244, 255, 263–264
- advisors, Soviet: in Albania, 57, 60–62, 64–70, 77–79, 84; in Finland, 108; in Poland, 199; in Yugoslavia, 68, 79
- advisors, Yugoslav, 54, 56, 64–66, 81
- agriculture. See collectivization
- airlift, 157, 166–168, 172, 190–192; and Berliners, 179, 186; and propaganda, 182; and Soviets, 160, 171, 181. See also Berlin blockade
- Albania, 25; American view of, 271; and Greece, 75–77, 84–85; independence of, 81; Soviet view of, 55, 62–63, 66–74, 83–84, 87; and Soviet-Yugoslav split, 80–81, 87, 270; and United Nations, 58, 62, 72; and Yugoslavia, 23, 54–64, 67–78, 82–83, 86–87
- Albanian Communist Party (CPA), 54, 66
- Albanian National Liberation Front, 54
- Allied Commission for Austria, 232, 235, 238, 260
- Allied Control Commission (ACC) in Finland, 88, 93, 100–113, 118
- Allied Control Council for Germany, 165–166, 174
- Altmann, Karl, 242
- Anschluss, 234, 238
- anti-Comintern Pact, 29
- anti-fascist coalition, 14; in Austria, 236; in Denmark, 32; in Finland, 95; in Germany, 193; in Italy, 128; in Poland, 205
- anti-Semitism, 2; in Poland, 214–215, 220, 223–224, 274; of the Soviet elite, 229
- anti-Zionism, 214, 229
- Antonov, Aleksei, 37, 236
- Arctic Sea, 47, 99
- armistice: with Finland, 47, 88–89, 93–98, 103, 108–112, 115; with Italy, 123
- assassination attempt: on Tito, 85, 154; on Togliatti, 23, 149–154
- atomic bomb. See nuclear weapons
- Austria: communism in, 234, 240–245, 254–255; impact of Czechoslovak coup on, 254–255; independence of, 232, 238, 242, 250–251, 254–256; Moscow Declaration on, 231; nationalization attempts in, 239–240; as part of neutral zone, 11, 30, 231, 263, 265; Soviet occupation of, 3–4, 25, 232–233, 241, 246, 259; Soviet thinking on, 13–14, 18, 161, 232, 236, 245, 250, 259–266. See also Austrian Communist Party; Austrian State Treaty
- Austrian Communist Party (KPÖ), 233, 238, 243, 249, 266; election results of, 240–242, 248; Soviets’ relations with, 244–248, 261–262
- Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), 236, 240, 248
- Austrian Socialist Party (SPÖ), 238–239, 242
- Austrian State Treaty: American thinking on, 255–256; and Hungary and Romania, 251; negotiations of, 247, 260–264; signing of, 233, 265–266; and Soviets, 245, 250, 253, 259–260; and Stalin’s death, 259
- Badoglio, Pietro, 111, 123
- Balkans, 75–80, 94
- Balkan Union, 14, 74
- Balli Kombëtar, 54
- Baltic countries, 14, 37
- Baltic Sea, 28–30, 37, 48
- Basic Law, 168
- Belgrade, 68, 77; Cominform meeting in, 143; Hoxha’s visit to, 58; Soviets in, 70, 77–78; Xoxe in, 59
- Belishova, Liri, 65–67
- Belts and Sound, 28–31, 37–38, 46–47, 92
- Beneš, Eduard, 20, 254
- Beria, Lavrentii, 6, 10, 199, 219
- Berlin, 157–159, 192, 194, 269; population of, 178–189. See also Berlin blockade
- Berlin blockade, 20, 24, 157, 271; and currency reform, 159, 176–177, 180, 190–191; end of, 189–195; fatalities, 191; and German population, 159, 181, 185–186, 192–194; and propaganda, 172, 181–182; Stalin’s goals with, 159–160, 171, 184, 190
- Berling, Zygmunt, 199
- Berman, Jakub, 200, 206, 216, 228–229; and Cominform meeting in Poland, 210, 212; as Jew, 215, 219
- Bevin, Ernest, 251, 253–257
- Bierut, Bolesław, 200, 202, 222, 224; and Gomułka, 203, 212, 217–221, 225, 227–228
- Bischoff, Norbert, 255–256, 259
- Bizonia, 163
- Black Sea, 5, 90, 92
- B-mark, 176, 179–180
- Bolshevism, 9, 97, 233
- Bolshevization, 146, 216, 249
- Bornholm, 92, 268–271; American and British thinking on, 32, 34; Danish resistance on, 33; and memory politics, 275; in the press, 41–42, 48; Soviet occupation of, 28–31, 35–46; Soviet troops on, 25, 39; Soviet withdrawal from, 46–52; during WWII, 27, 34
- Bradley, Omar, 166–168, 258
- Brosio, Manlio, 143, 148
- Brussels Treaty Organization. See Western European Union
- Bucharest: Cominform meeting in, 212, 216; Hoxha in, 83
- Buhl, Vilhelm, 32, 41
- Bulganin, Nikolai, 31, 229
- Bulgaria, 11, 14, 55, 71–73, 103, 251
- Burgenland, 232, 233, 238
- Byrnes, James, 129, 253
- Carinthia, 253, 256
- Catholic Church, 126, 144, 197
- Central Bureau of Communists in Poland, 200
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 140, 155, 166, 194, 227
- Cherriere, Paul, 253
- China, 12, 13, 72, 86, 167, 272
- Christian Democrats, 268; Austrian, 240; German, 184; Italian, 125–130, 137–146, 151–155
- Chuikov, Vasilii, 190–191
- Churchill, Winston, 6, 32, 93, 231; Iron Curtain speech, 17, 273; and percentages agreement, 74; and Poland, 197
- Chuvakhin, D. S., 62, 81–86
- Clay, Lucius: and Berlin blockade, 24, 157, 165–174, 186–191; and currency issues, 169, 177, 180
- coalition government: Austrian, 236, 249; Czechoslovak, 254; Italian, 126, 131
- Cold War: after the, 273; and Austria, 247, 262, 266; and Berlin, 157, 186; and Finland, 119; and Italy, 128, 155; Molotov on, 138–139; and Poland, 230; and postwar Europe, 8, 17–19, 24, 270–273
- collaboration, 4, 5, 27, 38, 267, 275
- collectivization, 15, 269; and Albania, 83; and Finland, 106; and Poland, 202, 204–205, 208, 227
- colonies, 13, 123, 142–143
- Cominform: and East Germany, 193; expulsion of Yugoslavia from, 23, 67, 79–82, 85, 153–154, 256; and Gomułka, 210–212, 215–216; and Italy, 131–132, 147–149, 154, 268; location of headquarters, 212; meeting in Poland, 19, 68, 102, 108, 131, 210–211, 270
- Comintern, 14, 72; and Polish communists, 200–202, 211; and Togliatti, 123, 125
- communists. See Albanian Communist Party; Austrian Communist Party; Finnish Communist Party; Italian Communist Party; Polish Communist Party; Socialist Unity Party; Yugoslav Communist Party
- Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (CGIL), 137
- Continuation War, 25, 47, 89, 101, 112, 269
- Copenhagen, 30, 32–33, 41, 42–43; Stalin on, 51
- Corfu Channel, 63
- cosmopolitanism, 214, 220–221, 228, 248
- Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM): and Austria, 251–253, 256–257; and Berlin question, 189; London meeting of, 163, 176; Paris meeting of, 191, 193, 252, 253, 256
- currency reform, in Germany, 159, 164–165, 169, 170
- Curzon Line, 197
- Czechoslovak coup, 20, 23–24, 117, 119, 152; and Austria, 235, 254–255; influence on Italian election, 135–139, 144
- Czechoslovakia, 2, 11, 25, 52, 94–95, 249
- Danish Freedom Council, 27, 30–34
- Danubian federation, 231, 234–235
- De Gasperi, Alcide, 126–135, 268, 275; American support for, 139–140, 146–147; and attempt on Togliatti’s life, 151–153; Catholic support for, 144
- Dekanozov, V. G., 30–31, 46
- demilitarization: of Austria, 252; of Germany, 161, 176
- demobilization, 100–102, 108, 208
- democratization, of Germany, 161
- de-Nazification, 161, 244, 248, 252
- Denmark: in NATO, 50, 52, 194, 271; occupation of, 26, 32, 39, 41; as part of British sphere, 32, 34, 43, 49; as part of neutral zone, 11, 30; proper and Bornholm, 34, 41–42, 45, 47; Soviet relations with, 48, 50, 52; Soviet thinking on, 29–31; during WWII, 27, 33
- Dewing, Richard Henry, 32–34
- dictatorship, 35, 157, 274; Albanian, 268; of the proletariat, 15–16, 90, 193, 201, 205, 208, 268
- Dimitrov, Georgi, 124–125, 243; and Greece, 75–76; and plans for federation, 14, 61, 72–74; and Poland, 202–203, 217; and Stalin, 73–76, 200
- displaced persons, 1, 3, 109, 241, 252
- Di Vittorio, Giuseppe, 152–153
- Djilas, Milovan, 25, 69–70, 76–77
- Doctors’ Plot, 228–229
- Dönitz, Karl, 35
- Døssing, Thomas, 31–32, 48–49
- Dulles, Allen, 155
- Dunn, James Clement, 134, 136, 138–141
- East Germany, 157, 183, 185, 194, 239
- East Prussia, 47, 161, 197
- economy: Albanian, 60, 83, 86; Austrian, 244, 246, 262; of Berlin, 158, 170, 179; Finnish, 100, 118, 120; Italian, 123
- Eden, Anthony, 34, 93
- Einaudi, Luigi, 130, 152
- Einaudi, Mario, 145
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 32–33, 37
- elections, 17, 22, 24, 272; in Austria, 238, 240–243, 248; in Denmark, 44, 46; in Finland, 106–107, 119; in Germany, 168, 183, 193; of 1948 in Italy, 137–149, 155–156; in Poland, 206
- Epirus, 58, 61, 75
- Erhardt, John, 250
- espionage, 162, 194, 247
- Estonia, 92, 99, 101
- European Advisory Committee, 235
- European Recovery Program (ERP). See Marshall Plan
- European Union, 129, 273–274, 277
- Fagerholm, Karl-August, 120
- famine, 117, 202
- Farkas, Mihály, 134
- Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). See West Germany
- Federation of Independents, 248
- Figl, Leopold, 241, 256, 268, 275
- Finder, Paweł, 201, 217, 226
- Finish People’s Democratic Union (SKDL), 103, 105, 107, 115, 120
- Finland: independence of, 90–94, 98, 115; in NATO, 273; as part of Soviet sphere, 30; socialism in, 114–115, 119; Soviet base in, 118; Soviet thinking on, 13, 90–95, 269; Soviet troops in, 25, 96, 108, 116; and USSR, 25, 47, 50, 88–89, 94–97, 120; and war crimes, 110–113; during WWII, 100; and Zhdanov, 89, 101–108. See also friendship treaty: Finno-Soviet
- Finlandization, 88
- Finnish Communist Party (CPF), 95–96, 103, 105–108, 119
- Fischer, Ernst, 238, 247
- foreign policy, Soviet, 9–10; and Germany, 157
- Foreign Policy Department of the Soviet Central Committee, 68, 79
- Fornalska, Małgorzata, 201
- Forrestal, James V., 166
- Four Power agreements, 168
- France, 117, 140, 148, 161; Christian Democrats, 130; communist party in, 107, 155; Hoxha in, 86; as part of British sphere, 11, 30; sexual violence in, 4; Stalin and, 14–16, 73, 131, 142, 175, 205, 270
- Free German Trade Union Federation (FDGB), 184
- friendship treaty: Finno-Soviet, 24, 50, 102, 114–120; Yugoslav-Albanian, 56–58
- Fürnberg, Friedl, 240–245, 260
- Gagarinov, N. A., 65
- Garbo, Greta, 140
- Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 135
- German assets: in Austria, 240, 244, 253–258; in eastern Europe, 4
- German Democratic Republic (GDR). See East Germany
- German People’s Congress, 193
- Germany: division of, 192, 194, 272; and Finland, 88, 94–96, 118; four-power governance of, 164, 168, 174, 178; as part of neutral zone, 11, 263; plans for postwar, 160–161, 162–163, 169; plans for unified, 161, 163, 193, 263; since reunification, 273; socialism in, 163; sovereignty of, 269; Soviet-occupied zone of, 41; Soviet thinking on, 13–14, 18, 29, 157, 160, 162, 175, 193; Soviet troops in, 166, 172. See also Allied Control Council for Germany; Berlin blockade; East Germany; West Germany
- Gomułka, Władysław: attitude towards Jews, 213, 215, 219–221, 223, 229; and Cominform, 131, 210–213; internment, 200, 225–227; letter to Stalin, 219–221; as minister of the Recovered Territories, 206–207; and Polish communists, 203, 206, 216–218, 228; and Polish sovereignty, 204, 269; removal from office, 218, 222; return to power, 229; and socialism in Poland, 202, 204, 208–209, 216, 221, 268; and Stalin, 203–205, 208, 217, 219, 225; and underground state, 203; and Yugoslavia, 153, 212–213
- Gomułka, Zofia, 220
- Gottwald, Klement, 153–154, 254
- government-in-exile, Polish, 198, 205, 219
- Great Britain: and Albania, 62, 70, 72; and Austria, 250; and Baltic, 30, 37; and Finland, 88; socialism in, 15; and Soviet Union, 18, 131, 175, 193; and Western European Union, 14, 140. See also sphere of influence: British
- Greece: and Albania, 55, 58, 75; civil war in, 122; as part of British sphere, 11, 55; Soviet thinking on, 73–74, 76; and Tito, 68, 77, 84; Togliatti on, 132
- Greek Democratic Army, 75, 85
- Greek royalists, 75, 85; and Albania, 55, 58, 60, 80; Stalin’s thinking on, 74, 76; and Tito, 84
- Greenland, 42, 47, 50
- Gromyko, Andrei, 259
- Grotewohl, Otto, 169, 185, 193
- Gruber, Karl, 240, 251, 255–259
- Gulag, 200
- Gulf of Bothnia, 94, 118
- Gulf of Finland, 30, 47, 92, 99, 118
- Helgoland, 30, 46
- Helsinki, 47, 99, 116; Soviet plans to occupy, 95, 107; Zhdanov in, 101–103
- Herz, Martin, 232–233, 242, 261
- Holland. See Netherlands
- Holocaust, 214, 275
- Home Army (Armia Krajowa, AK), 198–204, 217, 225
- housing, 4, 5, 35, 206, 208
- Howley, Frank, 170, 174, 188, 192
- Hoxha, Enver, 86; and Albanian domestic politics, 72; and Greece, 58, 75; and Spiru, 62, 65–66, 82; and Stalin, 55–56, 62–64, 81, 83, 86–87; and USSR, 69, 80–83; and Xoxe, 56, 62, 63, 67, 81, 87; and Yugoslavia, 54–59, 61, 64, 70–71, 80–82, 86–87
- Hungary: and Austria, 254; compared to Finland, 94, 101, 103, 114–117; compared to Poland, 227–228; democracy in, 17; as part of the Soviet sphere, 11; sexual violence in, 4; and Soviet occupation of Austria, 232, 235, 252–253, 259, 265–266
- Iakushev, A. V., 44, 50
- Iceland, 42, 47, 194
- imperialism, 92, 132, 228, 249
- Independent Union Opposition (UGO), 184
- intelligence, 226; American, 49, 138–140, 166; British, 29, 48, 94, 196; Danish, 38; Finish, 108; Polish, 197, 222; Soviet, 6, 42, 106, 166, 255, 261; Swedish, 108
- Ioannides, Ioannis, 77
- Iron Curtain, 14, 17, 271
- Israel, 214, 223
- Italian Communist Party (PCI), 128, 153; and Americans, 155; and Catholics, 144–145; in coalition government, 125–126, 129–130, 133; election results, 136–139, 144–145, 147; and Soviets, 122, 126–127, 132–135, 142, 146, 149, 152–154; and Togliatti, 123, 125–127, 135, 147–148, 154
- Italian Socialist Party (PSI): in coalition government, 129–130; and general strike, 152; and PCI, 134–137, 145, 147–148
- Italian Workers’ Socialist Party, 136
- Italy: and Americans, 129–142, 137–139, 154–155, 260; as Catholic nation, 126, 144–145; compared to Finland, 107, 111; democracy in, 125, 138, 151; impact of Czechoslovak coup on, 23; independence of, 125, 268; in NATO, 148, 154–155, 265, 273; as part of neutral zone, 11, 30, 132; sexual violence in, 4; and Soviets, 122, 126–128, 143, 146, 152; and Stalin, 14, 123–124, 142, 148, 269–270; and Western European Union, 148; and Yugoslavia, 152. See also elections, of 1948 in Italy; Italian Communist Party; Italian Socialist Party; Togliatti, Palmiro
- Jacobs, Joseph E., 58
- Jankowski, Jan Stanisław, 200, 204
- Jessup, Philip, 190–191
- Jewish Antifascist Committee, 214
- Jews: after war, 2, 218, 274; in communist party, 213–216, 219–225, 228–229; evacuation from Sweden, 27
- Joint Distribution Service, 222
- Jóźwiak, Franciszek, 202
- Kardelj, Edvard, 63–64, 74–78, 134
- Karelia, 13, 90, 93, 95–98, 100, 115
- Karelian-Finnish Republic, 103–105
- Katyń, 197–198
- Kennan, George: on Bornholm, 38; on Germany, 158, 170, 175, 263; on Italy, 137–138
- Kerr, Clark, 99–100
- Keyes, Geoffrey, 254, 264
- Khromushina, G. F., 43
- Khrushchev, Nikita, 9, 85, 229, 260, 264–265
- kidnapping, 165, 179, 247, 261
- Kiel Canal, 28–30, 46–48
- Kliszko, Zenon, 205, 218
- Kommandantura, 165, 174
- Konev, Ivan, 235
- Koplenig, Johann, 238, 242, 245, 247, 260
- Koptelov, M., 239
- Korçë region, 58, 61, 70–71
- Korean War, 262–263, 272
- Korotkov, F. F., 37, 42–45
- Kosov, Mikhail, 42
- Kosovo, 56, 61, 86
- Kostov, Traicho, 74–75
- Kostylev, M. A., 146, 152
- Kotikov, A. G., 174, 184
- Kuprešanin, Milan, 71, 80–81
- Kuusinen, Hertta, 105, 119
- Kuusinen, Otto, 89–90, 101, 103, 105, 111
- Kuznetsov, A. A., 247
- Kuznetsov, N. G., 31
- Lapland, 100
- Latvia, 92
- Lavrent’ev, A. I., 71, 78
- Lebedev, Viktor, 212, 214–216, 222–224
- Leino, Yrjö, 105–106, 111, 113; on inclusion of Finland in USSR, 94; as minister of interior, 109; removal from office, 119
- LeMay, Curtis, 158–159, 179
- Leningrad, 47–48, 89, 95, 97, 101, 117
- Leninism, 126, 273; accusation of revisions of, 80; and Gomułka, 202, 216; and SED, 193; and Stalin, 12
- Lithuania, 197
- Litvinov, Maxim: on Albania, 55; on Austria, 231; and Baltic, 30, 37–38; Memorandum of, 10–11, 30, 92
- Lombardo, Riccardo, 136
- Longo, Luigi, 132, 149
- Lower Austria, 107, 232, 238, 244
- Lozovskii, Solomon, 30, 90, 92
- Lübeck, 28, 32
- Lublin government, 203, 205
- Lviv (Lwów), 197
- Macedonia, 61, 75, 77
- Magistrat, 184–186, 189
- Maiskii, Ivan, 10, 29, 92, 122
- Malenkov, Georgi, 10, 229
- Maletin, Pavel, 169
- Mannerheim, Carl Gustaf Emil, 90, 109, 111, 114–115; and armistice, 96–97; memory of, 275; during WWII, 100; Zhdanov’s opinion of, 104–105, 120
- Marek, Anton, 247
- Marek, Franz, 243, 246
- Marshall Plan, 17, 23; and Austria, 244, 246, 254, 261–262; and Finland, 113, 116; and Germany, 163–164; and Italy, 130–131, 140–145, 148; and Poland, 211; Soviet rejection of, 19
- Masaryk, Jan, 19, 136
- Matern, Hermann, 184–185
- Mediterranean: American interests in, 122, 139, 154; Soviet interests in, 28, 55, 123, 125
- memory politics, 5, 8, 274–277; Stalin in, 276
- Mikołajczyk, Stanisław, 15, 205–206, 271
- military administration, Soviet, in Germany, 164, 182
- Minc, Hilary, 206; and Gomułka, 211–214, 217, 219, 221; as a Jew, 215, 219, 221, 228; and USSR, 200, 212, 229
- Ministry of the Interior: Austrian, 242; Finish, 109; Polish, 247; Soviet, 84
- Moczar, Mieczysław, 216
- Møller, Christmas, 31, 40, 43, 46, 51
- Molotov, Viacheslav: and Austria, 231, 252–253, 256, 264; and Berman, 223, 229; on Cold War, 139; and Denmark, 31, 42, 49, 51; and Djilas, 69; and Finland, 95–104, 111, 115–117; and Germany, 163–164, 175–178, 189; on Gomułka, 221; and Hoxha, 62–63, 82; and Italy, 128, 135, 143; and Khrushchev, 265; and Poland, 196, 210–211, 214; replacement of, 190; and Spiru, 66, 82; and Stalin, 9–10; and Yugoslavia, 71–73, 76, 78–82
- Montgomery, Bernard, 31–35
- Moscow: Austrian communists in, 232, 237, 242–243, 245, 247, 260; Bierut in, 217, 229; Churchill in, 28, 74; Danish trade delegation to, 51; Declaration on Austria, 231; Djilas in, 69; East German leaders in, 193; Eden in, 93; Gomułka in, 203, 210, 217; Gruber in, 255; Hoxha in, 62–64, 83; Kardelj in, 63–64, 76; Kuusinen in, 105; Masaryk in, 19; meeting of ambassadors on Berlin, 175, 177, 181, 189; Mikołajczyk in, 15; Møller in, 31; Paasikivi in, 104; Pekkala in, 116; Popović in, 66, 79; Sokolovskii in, 164; Togliatti in, 125, 154; Zhdanov in, 101–102, 113
- Mugoša, Dušan, 54
- Murmansk, 92, 99
- Murphy, Robert, 166, 172, 178, 191
- nationalism: Albanian, 276; Austrian, 245; Gomułka’s, 215, 220–221; Hoxha’s, 69; Jewish, 223; Tito’s, 68; Togliatti’s, 142
- nationalization: in Austria, 239–240; in Italy, 128; in Poland, 16
- National Liberation Front, Albanian, 54
- National State Council (KRN), 203
- NATO, 273; and Denmark, 26, 50–53, 271; and Finland, 117; formation of, 272; and Germany, 172, 194, 265; and Italy, 148, 154–155
- Nazi-Soviet Pact, 8, 13, 14, 196, 197
- Nenni, Pietro, 129–130, 133–136, 148
- Netherlands, 11, 30, 140
- neutral zone, 11, 30, 53, 92, 265
- new democracy, 17, 21; and Denmark, 46; and Finland, 95, 102; and Germany, 163–164, 193; and Hungary, 252; and Italy, 127, 143; and Poland, 15, 205; retreat from idea of, 19; and Romania, 252; Stalin’s commitment to, 16, 268. See also people’s democracy
- Nexø, 35–36
- NKVD: and Jews, 214; and Poland, 197–200, 204, 209, 219, 222; and POWs, 247; and Yugoslavia, 78, 85
- North Sea, 28–30, 46, 92
- Norway, 11, 30, 37, 96; border with USSR, 47, 92, 99, 118; and NATO, 50, 194; Soviet evacuation of, 45
- Nowotko, Marceli, 201, 217, 226
- nuclear weapons, 6–7, 160, 173, 258, 273
- occupation, Soviet: of Austria, 4, 231–237, 241–243, 249–252, 256–266; of Bornholm, 26–28, 38–41, 46–48, 50, 53, 269, 271; and Finland, 94, 98, 107, 108; of Germany, 4, 31, 158–162, 169–170, 172, 177, 182, 214; and Japan, 12; memory of, 275; of Poland, 206, 208; Stalin on, 25. See also Red Army; troops, Soviet
- Oder, 197, 199
- oil industry, Austrian, 240, 244, 253, 257–258, 262–266
- Okulicki, Leopold, 200, 204
- Organization for European Cooperation, 140
- Ottilinger, Margarethe, 261
- Paasikivi, Juho Kusti, 105, 268, 275; and friendship treaty, 114, 118–119; and Marshall Plan, 113; and Soviets, 97, 104, 109, 113–114, 116–117, 120–121; and war crime trials, 101, 103, 110–113. See also friendship treaty: Finno-Soviet; Paasikivi line
- Paasikivi line, 97, 108, 120
- Pallante, Domenico, 149
- Paris Peace Conference, 62, 129, 252
- parliamentary system, 20, 138, 268, 274; Austrian, 238, 248; British, 15; Danish, 49; Finnish, 90, 93, 97, 104, 114; Italian, 126, 132–134, 151; Polish, 205
- partisans: Albanian, 54; Greek, 74–75, 78, 84, 270; Italian, 123, 125–126, 147; Yugoslav, 54, 122
- peace treaty: with Bulgaria, 72; with Finland, 97, 102, 113, 115; with Italy, 130, 142
- Pekkala, Mauno, 115–116
- People’s Army, Polish (AL), 201, 203, 225–226
- people’s democracy, 11, 14, 72, 252, 268; and Albania, 84; and Austria, 232, 248–249, 262; and Finland, 90, 95, 102, 105–107, 114–117; and Germany, 162, 193; and Italy, 123, 134; and Poland, 16, 204–205, 209–210. See also new democracy
- percentages agreement, 74
- Pessi, Ville, 105, 113–114
- Petsamo, 47, 92, 96, 99, 115, 120
- Piccioni, Attilio, 127
- Pieck, Wilhelm, 169, 172, 176, 183, 193
- Pius XII, 144
- Poland: after war, 2–4, 199; Cominform meeting in, 19, 102, 108, 131, 210–211; communists in, 200–202, 206, 218, 227; compared to Finland, 94–95; government of, 203, 206; independence of, 209–212, 217, 229, 268; and Jews, 3, 213, 215–216, 218–223, 228–229; in NATO, 273; as part of Soviet sphere, 11, 13; and Soviets, 37, 47, 196, 199, 204, 206–208, 230; Stalin on, 13, 15–16, 52, 197, 204–205, 269; territory of, 161, 197; and Western Allies, 92, 271; and Yugoslavia, 153
- Polish Committee of National Liberation (PKWN). See Lublin government
- Polish Communist Party (KPP), 200–201, 213
- Polish Government of National Unity, 205
- Polish Ministry of Public Security, 199, 222–223, 225, 227
- Polish Peasant Party (PSL), 206
- Polish Peasant Party (SL), 204, 208
- Polish road to socialism, 205, 208–209, 215–216, 228–230, 268
- Polish Security Service (UB), 209, 219, 222
- Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR), 214, 218–221, 224, 229
- Polish Workers’ Party (PPR), 201–209, 212–218, 226, 271; merger with PPS, 219–221
- politburo: Albanian, 62, 65, 71, 82; Polish, 212, 219–220, 222, 224, 226; Soviet, 84, 89, 259; Yugoslav, 68, 77, 78
- Popović, Miladin, 54
- Popović, Vladimir, 66–68, 79
- Popular Front, 14, 202; Italian, 134, 136–137, 141, 144
- Porkkala, 94, 116, 120; Soviet naval base, 47, 92, 99, 118
- postwar years, 7, 8, 270; memory of, 274–275
- Potsdam Conference, 6, 162, 178, 192, 270; agreement, 111, 168, 235, 244, 246; and Germany, 161, 164; Soviet aims at, 28, 196
- Prisoners of War (POWs), 1, 3, 112, 241, 243, 247
- provisional government, Austrian, 235–238, 242, 251
- purges, 276; Albanian party, 66–67; in Poland, 200, 221, 229; Stalin’s, 90
- Raab, Julius, 265
- Ranković, Aleksandar, 71, 82
- rape, 4, 207, 233–234, 246, 275
- Rasmussen, Gustav, 48–51, 275
- Reale, Eugenio, 132
- realism, 12, 130, 196
- realpolitik, 75, 192
- Reber, Samuel, 257
- Recovered Territories, 206–208, 218, 226
- Red Army, 5, 25, 89, 101; and Austria, 231–237, 246–247, 261; on Bornholm, 26, 37, 39, 46, 270; and Finland, 112; and Germany, 159, 182; and Italy, 122–123; and Poland, 13, 196, 199–200, 205–209, 226. See also troops, Soviet
- refugees: in Austria, 241; on Bornholm, 35–36; in Finland, 90, 100
- Renner, Karl: and Allies, 242, 250–251; and Austrian communists, 237–238, 241–243; and Austrian neutrality, 264; and Austrians, 240; memory of, 275; and Soviets, 235–239
- reparations: Finish, 88–90, 100–103, 113, 117, 120; German, 14, 161–163, 176, 206–207; Italian, 142
- resistance groups: in Albania, 54; in Denmark, 27, 30, 33–34, 37–38, 44; in Italy, 125; in Poland, 198–199, 217
- Reuter, Ernst, 184–185, 192, 268; and Clay, 186–188, 194
- Rokossovskii, Konstantin, 35, 223–225
- Romania: compared to Finland, 94, 101, 103, 114–117; and Soviet occupation of Austria, 232, 252–253, 259, 265–266; in Soviet sphere, 11, 13
- Rønne, 33, 35–36, 38, 50
- Roosevelt, Franklin, 6, 93, 161, 197
- Rügen, 30–31, 37, 46
- Ruhr, 14, 18, 162, 169, 171
- Russkikh, A. G., 182–184, 188
- Saragat, Giuseppe, 136
- Sargent, Orme, 32
- Scelba, Mario, 146, 153
- Schroeder, Luise, 184
- Secchia, Pietro, 126, 143, 149, 152; and radicalism, 132; Stalin, Zhdanov, and, 133–135, 142
- sectarianism, 13, 59, 203, 217, 245
- security interests, Soviet, 7, 13, 92; and Austria, 250; and Baltic, 37, 47–49; and Denmark, 30, 38, 46–48; and Finland, 90, 97, 104, 115–120; and Poland, 196
- Semenov, V. S., 30–31, 172, 177
- Serov, Ivan, 199–200, 204
- Shehu, Mehmet, 67, 82
- Shepherd, Francis M., 93, 103, 108–110
- Shoah. See Holocaust
- Sicily, 122, 137, 139
- Sigurimi, 66, 81–82, 96
- Silesia, 161, 197
- Smirnov, A., 164
- Smith, Walter Bedell, 175–177
- Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), 182–185
- Social Democrats, 32, 112, 268; Austrian, 235, 254; Danish, 46; Finnish, 103, 105, 107, 120; Italian, 136, 139. See also Social Democratic Party of Germany
- socialism: in Albania, 59; in Austria, 232, 237; in Finland, 114; in Germany, 163; Polish road to, 205, 208–209, 213, 215–216, 221, 224–225, 229–230, 268; separate roads to, 19, 211, 213; and Stalin, 9, 14–17; and Yugoslavia, 74, 80, 212
- Socialist Unity Party (SED), 169, 181–185, 193
- Sokolovskii, V. D., 164–166, 177, 181; and Clay, 174; and currency reform, 170, 178–179; replacement of, 190
- Sørensen, Arne, 33
- sovereignty, 21, 23, 267–269, 272–274; Albanian, 72; Austrian, 231, 242, 249, 251, 256, 261; Danish, 27; Finish, 26, 90, 97, 115–117; German, 162, 185, 192; Italian, 135; Polish, 200, 204, 211–212, 217; Yugoslav, 55
- Soviet aid, 276; for Albania, 56, 64, 80–83; for Italian communists, 134; for Yugoslavia, 77
- Soviet Union, 267, 271; and Albania, 78, 81, 84, 87; and Austria, 234, 246–249, 259–264, 276; and Denmark, 30, 42–43, 52–53; and Finland, 50, 88–90, 92–95, 98, 103–109, 115–121; geopolitical interests of, 12–13, 30, 46, 89, 92, 196, 269; and Germany, 5–6, 30, 46, 164, 181, 192, 269, 276; and Great Britain, 11, 15; and Italy, 122, 127, 134, 136, 143; and Poland, 15, 197–199, 201–202, 205–209, 212–213, 216, 218, 230; and Stalin, 8–9, 13, 18, 192; territory of, 9, 13, 14, 42, 47, 96, 99, 115, 161, 197; and United States, 19, 128, 249, 272–273; and Western Allies, 18, 88, 194, 211, 270; and Yugoslavia, 66, 68, 76, 78. See also security interests, Soviet; sphere of influence: Soviet
- Soviet-Yugoslav split, 68, 81–84, 260, 270
- sphere of influence: British, 11, 32; Soviet, 11, 30, 33, 92–93
- Spiru, Nako: death of, 66; and Hoxha, 82; and Soviets, 65, 86; and Xoxe, 62, 65, 67, 82; and Yugoslavia, 60, 64, 69, 78
- Spychalski, Marian, 205, 212, 218, 222; PZPR case against, 224–227
- Stalin: and Albania, 55–57, 62, 64, 67–74, 83–84, 87; and Austria, 231–232, 241, 250–253, 257, 260–261, 266; and Baltic, 29; and Berlin blockade, 159–160, 164–166, 170–172, 175, 178, 181, 189–192; and Churchill, 28, 32, 74, 197; and Cominform, 131; death of, 86, 227, 228, 259, 263, 273; and Denmark, 32, 41, 43, 47, 51–53; and Dimitrov, 72–73, 76; and Finland, 90, 92–93, 95–96, 103–105, 114–118, 120; and geostrategy, 269–270; and Germany, 6, 160–164, 169, 176, 183, 191–193, 263; and Gomułka, 202–204, 206, 208–212, 215, 218–221, 225–229; on Greece, 75–76, 84; and Hoxha, 62–64, 69–70, 81–83, 86–87; and Italy, 123–125, 131, 133, 135, 142, 146–148, 155; and Jews, 214, 221, 229, 248; and Marshall Plan, 19, 148, 211; memory of, 276; and Molotov, 10; and new democracy, 14–17; on occupation, 25; and plans for Europe, 6, 8, 11, 13–14, 20, 24, 88, 123, 268; and Poland, 13, 15–16, 196–200, 205–206, 208–209, 230; and Polish communists, 200–201, 210, 212, 213, 217, 223; at Potsdam Conference, 6; and Potsdam principles, 162, 164; and Renner, 235–237, 243; and Soviet foreign policy, 9–10, 12–13; and Tito, 68, 71, 73–80, 85–86; and Togliatti, 123–125, 128, 130, 135, 137, 142, 146–149, 153–154; and United States, 11, 12, 18, 68, 72–73, 133, 160; and Western Allies, 18, 131, 133, 167, 175–177, 192, 259, 269, 270; and Xoxe, 69; and Yugoslavia, 68–72, 74, 85; and Zhdanov, 89, 101–103
- Stella Polaris, 108
- Stojnić, Velimir, 56
- Strebkov, Pavel, 37, 39, 43
- strikes: in Austria, 249; on Bornholm, 27; in Finland, 119; in Italy, 132–133, 145–146, 151–153
- Strzelecki-Gomułka, Ryszard, 220
- suicide, 3, 136, 179; note of Spiru, 65
- Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF), 32–33, 37
- surrender, German, 28, 31–36, 40
- Suslov, Mikhail, 79, 182, 217
- Sweden: evacuation of Jews to, 27; and neutrality, 50, 88–89, 94, 120; as part of Soviet sphere, 30
- Światło, Józef, 225–228
- Szklarska Poręba, 19, 131, 134, 211, 212
- Tanner, Väinö, 112–113
- Teheran Conference, 93
- Terijoki government, 89–90, 103, 105
- Terracini, Umberto, 132
- Thorez, Maurice, 13, 133
- Tirana, 55; oil refinery, 83; Soviets in, 60–65, 70–71, 81
- Tito, Josip Broz: and Albania, 54, 56–59, 61, 66, 74, 77, 80–82, 87; and federation plans, 14, 72–73, 78, 80; and Gomułka, 213, 230; and Greece, 75, 77; and Italy, 135, 154; and nationalism, 68; and Soviets, 62, 66, 70–71, 73, 76–80, 212; and Stalin, 57, 68, 70–72, 74–78, 80, 85–86, 154, 268
- Togliatti, Palmiro: and Americans, 128–129, 133, 142, 268; and armed uprising, 146–147; assassination attempt on, 23, 149–153; and civil war, 125; and De Gasperi, 126, 129–130, 151, 155; and elections, 135, 137, 147; as leader of PCI, 127–128, 132, 134–135, 147–148, 154; and Marshall Plan, 130, 144; memory of, 275; and partisans, 126, 127, 147; and Soviets, 126, 134, 146, 268; and Stalin, 123–125, 132, 135, 142, 154
- Tolbukhin, Fedor, 233, 235, 236
- trade: Berlin inter-sector, 171, 191; Soviet-Albanian, 84; Soviet-Danish, 51, 270; Soviet-Finnish, 117; Soviet-Italian, 142; Yugoslav-Albanian, 67, 78, 81
- trade unions: in Austria, 243; in Berlin, 184; in Italy, 151–153; in Poland, 202
- Trieste: British and American troops in, 123; Yugoslav claims to, 57, 143, 260
- troops, Soviet: in Austria, 3, 233, 246, 251, 254, 258–259, 261; in Berlin, 166; on Bornholm, 40–41, 43–44, 49–50; in Finland, 95, 99, 103, 116; in Germany, 3, 23, 263; locals’ problems with, 44, 207–208, 233, 246; in Poland, 23, 205, 207–208. See also Red Army
- Truman, Harry S., 6, 12; and Austria, 258, 260; and Finland, 93; and Germany, 161, 173–174, 194
- Truman Doctrine, 17, 23, 254, 270
- two-camps speech, 19–20, 103, 270
- Ukraine, 197, 274
- Ulbricht, Walter, 16, 171, 176, 193
- Union of Polish Patriots (ZPP), 203, 213
- United Nations, 42; and Albania, 58, 62, 72; Austria in, 250, 266; Denmark in, 27; Italy in, 140; Security Council, 189
- United States: and Albania, 62, 70, 72, 81; and Allies, 18, 175, 250; and Austria, 244, 250, 258, 264; and Baltic, 37–38; and Berlin blockade, 172, 175, 194; and Bornholm, 47; and Finland, 88, 93, 115; and Italy, 129, 132, 139, 141, 148, 154–155, 268; and Mao, 86; and NATO, 194; and Poland, 15, 205, 271; and Stalin, 11, 12, 18, 72, 131, 160, 193, 270
- United Trade Union Confederation, 128
- Vatican, 130, 215, 231; and De Gasperi, 126, 129, 144; and Italian elections, 143–144
- Venstre Party, 46
- Vetrov, M. S., 30, 46
- Vienna: and Berlin blockade, 24, 262; and Four Power occupation, 235, 262, 271; Rathaus, 238; Soviets in, 231–233, 237–238, 244–246, 260–261
- von Kamptz, Gerhard, 35
- von Stemann, Poul Christian, 35, 39–45, 50
- Vyborg, 96, 99, 103
- Vyshinskii, Andrei, 190, 219, 222; and Austria, 240, 256–257, 259; on Berlin, 190; meeting with Hoxha, 83
- war criminals, trials of alleged Finish, 100–105, 109–113
- Warsaw, 212, 225; Molotov in, 82; move of government to, 203, 205; Red Army in, 199; Soviet ambassador in, 214, 224; underground, 226; Uprising, 198
- Warsaw Pact, 118, 265
- Wehrmacht: and Finns, 89, 99; soldiers on Bornholm, 27, 35; surrender of, 31
- Western European Union, 14, 140, 148, 164, 194
- West Germany: American troops in, 260; and Berlin, 186, 191; creation of, 157, 160, 162, 163–164, 173, 175, 178, 193; and NATO, 172, 265; provisional character of, 168; and sovereignty, 269; and Soviets, 171, 180, 194, 264
- Winter War, 113; communists and, 90; Finish losses after, 115; memory of, 96, 103, 117; and Terijoki government, 93; and Zhdanov, 89, 101
- Wolski, Władysław, 222–224
- women: building Tegel airport, 179; and PCI, 128; violence against, 4, 38, 207; and war, 3
- Xoxe, Koçi: execution, 82, 87; and Hoxha, 56, 58, 62–63, 67, 81–82, 87; in Moscow, 63–64; and Spiru, 62, 65–67; Stalin on, 69; and Yugoslavia, 59, 62–63, 66, 70, 80, 86
- Yakov, Malik, 190
- Yalta Conference, 11, 18, 93, 161, 270; and Poland, 196
- Yugoslav Communist Party (CPY), 54
- Yugoslavia: and Albania, 55–59, 67, 69–70, 73–74, 78, 83, 87; and Austria, 235, 250; and Bulgaria, 14, 73; compared to Finland, 95; expulsion from Cominform, 215; and Greece, 75; and Italy, 134; and Spiru, 66; and Stalin, 11, 55, 67, 69, 72, 74, 85; and USSR, 11, 25, 68, 73, 78–79, 149. See also Yugoslav Communist Party
- Zahariadis, Nikos, 77, 84
- Zambrowski, Roman, 212; as a Jew, 215, 219, 221–223, 228
- Zdorov, V. A., 182
- Zhdanov, Andrei: and Austrian communists, 260–261; as Central Committee member, 66; and Finland, 89, 94–95, 101–103, 117; and Finnish communists, 105–107, 114, 120; and Finnish war crime trials, 101, 104, 110–113; and Finno-Soviet friendship treaty, 114–115, 118; interference in Finnish affairs, 109; meeting with Djilas, 69; meeting with Popović, 66–68; meeting with Secchia, 133–134, 142; and Molotov, 96–97; and Paasikivi, 104, 114, 121; and Stalin, 89, 101–102; two-camps speech, 19–20, 103, 211–212, 270, 272
- Zhdanova, T., 46
- Zheltov, Aleksei, 237–238, 245, 247
- Zionism, 223, 228
- Zlatić, Savo, 65, 81
- Žujović, Sreten, 78