Translating Plotinus’ Greek is never entirely straightforward, but this short treatise presents the translator with particular difficulties. As the title indicates, the entire treatise is dedicated to the examination of the concepts ‘actually’ and ‘potentially’. ‘Actually’ is the standard translation of the Greek expression ἐνεργεíą (ι), which is the dative of ἐνέργεια, which, however, is usually translated as ‘activity’, but here we have elected to translate it with ‘actuality’ in order to make more transparent the connection that is exercising Plotinus. Likewise, ‘potentially’ is the translation of the Greek expression δυνάμει, which is the dative of δύναμις, which can also have the sense of ‘power’ or ‘faculty’. (Hence, Plotinus’ question about whether a potentiality is a creative power at §1.23–26.) Here again we have preserved the linguistic connection by translating δύναμις with ‘potentiality’. This treatise is thematically very closely related to the preceding 2.4 On Matter, with Plotinus resuming his examination of matter under a new rubric.
§§1–2. A preliminary discussion of two senses of ‘potentially’ and ‘potentiality’, one relating to things that persist through a transformation and another relating to things that are destroyed, and how ‘actually’ and ‘actuality’ are related to each.
§3. All things in the intelligible world are actually and actuality.
§§4–5. Potentiality and actuality in the sensible world.