Plotinus takes a number of Platonic texts referring to a personal daemon to illustrate his own theory of the way in which a human being can move through the different levels of his own soul until he identifies himself with the intelligible universe and even beyond.
§1. Soul imbues body with the faculties of growth and perception.
§2. Our soul has many different levels of activity. The level at which a person lives during his life determines the level of his reincarnation.
§3. The Platonic daemon is twofold, one representing the level which we attain, the other on the next level, the intelligible world, drawing us up to it. In this sense we are an intelligible universe.
§4. The soul of the universe is always at this higher level without body and sense-perceptions.
§5. Interpretation of the daemon in Republic 10 and Timaeus 90a.
§6. There are different levels of daemon corresponding to the different levels we choose to be dominant in our lives, the highest levels being gods.