5.1 (10) On the Three Primary Hypostases


The present treatise is, in a way, a continuation of the chronologically previous treatise 6.9 (9) On the Good or the One. Given the perfection of the first principle of all, the question may be raised as to why there is any separation from it, including the separation of embodied souls. This treatise attempts to answer that question by situating the embodied lives of individuals into the larger metaphysical framework. This framework is a hierarchy of principles, beginning with the One, followed by the Intellect, and then Soul. Plotinus aims to show how from the unqualifiedly simple first principle of all anything non-simple can arise and how the process of unfolding or emanating is one of increasing complexity or ontological separation from the One. Here Plotinus also argues that his systematic representation of Platos philosophy is accurate.
