The editors would like to thank editors Cherise Davis and Meghan Stevenson for their hard work and advocacy for this second edition. Putting the anthology together took much longer than any of us expected—problems with crashed computers, software, authors’ permissions, and the like—and we appreciate their patience in the face of fast-approaching production deadlines. We would also like to thank Jeff Wilson, executive director of contracts at Simon & Schuster, for his calm and generous support with permissions and contracts. This anthology would not have been possible without the technical expertise of Amit Ghosh’s terrific BorderSenses Technology team (—Javier Sanchez, Ernesto Flores, and Edevaldo Orozco—who designed the Web site and the survey’s complex databases, administered the surveys, and then compiled all the data for simple-minded literary types who can barely add up a column of numbers.

Once again, we’d also like to thank Rosellen Brown for her lovely new introduction for the second edition and the many teaching writers who took time out of their busy summers—the only time many of them could write—to take our survey: Robert Abel, Elisa Albert, Laurie Alberts, Marcia Aldrich, Sherman Alexie, Dorothy Allison, Carol Anshaw, Rilla Askew, Thomas Averill, Christopher Bakken, Kim Barnes, Jim Barnes, Mary Baron, Steven Bauer, Geoffrey Becker, Leslie Becker, William Boast, David Borofka, Marshall Boswell, Rus Bradburd, John Gregory Brown, Rosellen Brown, Janet Burroway, Kevin Canty, H. G. Carrillo, Dan Chaon, Kim Chinquee, Laurie Chinquee, Eric Chock, Steven Church, Jane Ciabattari, Jan Clausen, Lawrence Coates, Alicia Conroy, Kenneth Cook, Elizabeth Cook-Lynn, Jameson Currier, John Dalton, Tracy Daugherty, Rob Davidson, Alan Davis, Burke Davis, Cathy Day, Robb Dew, Debra Di Biasi, Anthony Doerr, Tony Earley, Julie Edelson, Edward Falco, Mark Farrington, Monica Ferrell, Ernesto Flores, Abby Frucht, Gloria Frym, Mary Gaitskill, Louis Gallo, Mark George, Carole Glickfeld, Tod Goldberg, Elizabeth Graver, Daniel Green, Geoffrey Green, Mary Grimm, Lauren Grodstein, Marian Haddad, Alyson Hagy, J. C. Hallman, Jane Eaton Hamilton, Stephanie Harrison, Ehud Havazelet, Chris Haven, Reed Hearne, Alan Heathcock, Robert Hellenga, Susan Henderson, Michelle Herman, David Huddle, Marjorie Hudson, Juli Huss, Susan Ito, Honoree Jeffers, Laura Kasischke, N. M. Kelby, Barry Kitterman, Michael Knight, Alex Kuo, David Leavitt, Sara Levine, Paul Lisicky, Robert Long, George Looney, Elizabeth Macklin, Adrianne Marcus, Lee Martin, Nancy McCabe, Richard McCann, Thomas McConnell, Yona McDonough, Margaret McMullan, Eric Melbye, Corey Mesler, Judith Claire Mitchell, Nicholas Montemarano, Faye Moskowitz, Manuel Muñoz, Richard Newman, Phong Nguyen, Tom Noyes, Nathan Oates, Sondra Spatt Olsen, Daniel Orozco, Susan Perabo, Michael Pettit, Leslie Pietrzyk, James Reed, Ibby Reilly, Nancy Reisman, Luis Rodriguez, Jim Ruland, Josh Russell, Edward Schwarzschild, Daryl Scroggins, Robbie Clipper Sethi, Enid Shomer, Robert Anthony Siegel, Joan Silber, Nea Simone, Jane St. Clair, Mary Helen Stefaniak, Cynthia Thayer, Melanie Rae Thon, Jessica Treadway, Jessica Treat, Sergio Troncoso, Mary Troy, Donna Trussell, Marianne Villanueva, Charlotte Walker, Ronald Wallace, Sharon Oard Warner, Kellie Wells, Allen Wier, Robert Wilder, Judy Wilson, Dick Wimmer, and Richard Yañez.

For interested fiction writers who have also published at least three stories in nationally distributed literary magazines, please e-mail, and we’ll add your name to our database so you may participate in surveys for any future edition.