Thank you for joining us at the cinescope this evening for our feature presentation of The Beaches of Ikriba, a glorious epic of the Second Transoceanic War, brought to you by the Alliance Ministry of Entertainment! Starring Hodesat Tibog and Xang Xewung, the biggest cinescope stars on two continents! We hope you enjoy this grand and accurate depiction of the events of the war.

But before we start, let us extend our thanks to the great Alliance of Eight Nations. The greatest good this world has ever seen, made possible due to the great treaties at the end of the Second Trans! They are making the world a greater, stronger, more peaceful place.

For example, the Office of Alliance Oversight is helping build the nation of Pinogoz and the capital city of Ziaparr into the great, modern nation we all know it can be. We all know that this beautiful island country, with its simple, native people, has thrived over the years as it was supported by the Sehosian Empire, and then later by Outhic nations like Reloumene and Hemisheuk. We wept as it weathered repeated devastation in the Second Trans, and cheered as their Prime Families, descended from old regal houses of the empire, tried nobly to rebuild. Then this poor nation suffered further tragedies under the tyrant Rodiguen.

And the Alliance was there for the people of Pinogoz in the Great Noble War! They came, dedicating personnel and resources to the very important task of ousting Rodiguen and his corrupt regime, stopping his reign of terror before he could launch his doomsday weapon.

Now the Alliance overseers have been there: rebuilding the city, rebuilding the country, getting the people on their feet. They’re working with the Prime Families to oversee a provisional government, and they’re getting the nation ready to finally have free and open elections.

The Alliance has done so much, so it’s good that the people of Pinogoz are happy to work to repay that debt! They’re growing food, making steel, and drilling for the precious oil found in such abundance in their lush, fruitful land. And they are tightening their belts, rationing themselves in their own use, so even more can go to our efforts in the Third Transoceanic War.

Working together, the people of Pinogoz can repay their debt, and all of us can make the world a greater, stronger, more peaceful place!

Now to the cinescope . . .