FROM: Overdeputy Cannic Fanzhai, Ministry of Apportionment, Ziaparr Oversight

TO: High Captain Tiré Sengejú, Oversight Officer, Ziaparr Welfare Force

DATE: 06 Tian, High Sehosian Year 0049

MIMEOCOPY: Vice-Governor Idanji Nangmai, Provisional Government Oversight

Ministry of Materials, Ziaparr Oversight Office, Damas Kom

Ministry of Resources, Ziaparr Oversight Office, Damas Kom

Alliance High Command Archives, Wo Mwung Meng,

Ministry of Records, Ziaparr Oversight Office, Damas Kom

REGARDING: Safety and Security in Delivering Oil Quotas, Fourth and Fifth Season, HSY 0049

High Captain:

It deeply saddens me to report that we are significantly under quota on refined petroleum fuel delivery for the year to date, with notable shortfalls in the Fourth Season. Furthermore, deliveries to date in the Fifth Season are well below expected levels. This is especially shocking considering it is only the sixth day of the season, but the situation is dire enough that it requires direct intervention.

These shortfalls cannot be blamed on the production end, and our fine allies of the Outhic Military Command who administrate the oil wells and refineries in the Zian or Ureticar regions. They have been performing their duties with admirable zeal. Oil quotas are being reached on their end, when they load it on the trains.

But there have been notable shortfalls when the trains arrive at the port facility. Which means, the flaw lies in transit, and thus is a matter of security and welfare. I understand that we have an insurgency problem in the outer reaches of the city, which the tanker trains must pass through, and part of that problem manifests as petroleum theft. We have deemed a certain percentage of petroleum loss as “acceptable” while the problem was being investigated.

However, in light of the latest action, where an entire train’s worth of petroleum was stolen by these insurgents, I must stress we have crossed the threshold into “unacceptable,” and demand action be taken in the strictest of terms.

I recognize that the minutia of these matters is not within my jurisdiction, but I have gone over the reports of the latest operation to deal with these insurgents, and, frankly, find them deeply unacceptable. Are we resting our hopes on an infiltration mission carried out by a local Civil Patrol officer, hoping to make his way into the center of the rebellion and root out its leaders?

And more to the point, said officer is the half-breed child of Angú fucking Tungét?

Do you even read your own intelligence reports?

I know I will receive a missive the length of my leg about how we’re rebuilding the local government, and that the Prime Families are the best strategy in using the existing infrastructure and leadership and we need to be respectful in how we handle them, and these decisions were made over my head years ago. And, yes, I know several people in the leadership back home really like the idea of a Pinogoz led by the Prime Families just because it harkens back to the Cultivated Roots from glory days of the old empire. She already has too much power entirely because the Wotungét Root still has nostalgic meaning here and back home in Sehosia.

Power that she would have been kept completely away from had there been anyone else with her name left in her generation. Read your own files: The locals were barely able to put a leash on that woman twenty years ago, and I don’t see a way to weave this silk in a way that doesn’t undermine that and embolden her. If her dark-blooded son succeeds, that will give her further clout, and if he fails and is killed, there’s nothing left to control her with.

In short, this is a stupid plan, and I want it on the record that I have stated this is a stupid plan, and it will not be on my head when Alliance High Command is asking why we’re failing to deliver entire tankers’ worth of petroleum.


Overdeputy Cannic Fanzhai,

Ministry of Apportionment, Ziaparr Oversight

(Postnote, not included in mimeocopies)

Tiré—Seriously, I know you like sharing baths with Ainiro Hwungko, but use some common sense and do not let her whisper stupid ideas into your head. Try to remember, even though most of the llipe locals might look like us, have our old names, and even maintain much of our heritage, they are not us. For your sake, friend, I hope this pans out for you.