You’re listening to Alliance Voice 930, coming to you with the sound of freedom. The time marks three mark zero, and it’s the twentieth day of Tian. We hope you’re having a very productive day. You may have heard disturbing news about the situations in Outtown or in the country work camps and outskirt villages, but we assure you that every situation is very well in hand. We want to assure you that these rumors are unfounded, exaggerations of a few acts of terrorism by a handful of malcontents. Everything is under control in the city—


Where did that—no, everything is under control. And we are happy to announce that the Alliance overseers are quite pleased, despite these minor disruptions, and they have every confidence in maintaining the planned schedule to elections and self-rule. The people of Pinogoz will soon have voice—

They already have a voice.

What is that? Someone is—I don’t know, find out. Listeners, we want to remind you that the Alliance is dedicated to building the country up so it can stand on its own feet—

You feed them lies. The Alliance is not building anything. The Alliance is only making its own coffers fat. Lining the pockets of the petty officials off the misery of the people who belong to this land.

I don’t know who it is. Cut them off! Shut it down!

There is no cutting us off. There is no shutting us down. We are the voice of the people. We are the broadcasters of truth.

Who is this?

This is Ajiñe Osceba.

This is Nália Enapi.

We are the voice of resistance.

We are the voice of tomorrow.

And we have come with a message for all of you who have tried to plant your boot on the neck of this country.

Nix xisisa. We have paid too much.

Now your debts come due.

You may have noticed burning pain in your muscles, black tears from your eyes, dry bramble in your throat. This is the curse upon anyone who was not born here. This is Zapisia telling you, you are not welcome here.

We do not want you “building us up.”

We do not want you deciding when we are ready.

You must leave.

Get on your steamer ships and your four-prop planes and leave this country, or you will be burned out, like a fever. We are humane, so we give you this chance to evacuate.

But let it be clear: If you stay, you will die.

And for the children of Zapisia, you who have been born to this land, no matter your heritage, join us. Baniz, jifoz, rhique, and even llipe. Are you out there? Can you hear the call of Varazina? Her blood is soaked into the land. She bled and died for you, for your freedom.

Do you feel the strength of Renzi Llionorco? He repented his sins, opened his heart to us all, and gave freely of the love he had for you. He can no longer ride for us, so we look to you.

Will you stand up, will you race out, will you fight back?

Will you follow us?

Will you fight with us?

Will you join us to reclaim your home?

Will you join us to reclaim tomorrow?