
I was blessed with so many wonderful and supportive people on this journey. I thank you all for your kind and encouraging words, thoughts, and prayers. Some days it was those words that made the difference between pushing through another long night of writing, or throwing in the towel.

To my family, for not telling me I was crazy when I said I was writing a book, even if you were thinking it, thank you.

A special thank you to Rachel Mixon. Your editorial skills are off the charts. You saw this book before anyone had, and helped me make it something I was proud to show others. I couldn’t have asked for a better person to work with on this project and I owe you many words of thanks.

To Jami Nord, thank you for picking this out of the madness that is the PitchWars submissions. You believed in my work, believed in its ability to thrive in this market, and helped me fine tune it to make it the best it could be. You have an amazing understanding of the market, and this crazy world of publishing. The education I got from you in that was truly priceless and there are not enough words to express my appreciation for your continued support.

To Kim Lionette, I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better agent. I said in an interview not long after signing with you and BookEnds that I looked like a heart-eye emoji after our first call. It’s been over a year and I think I still have heart eyes! Thank you for taking a chance on me. You are always so kind and understanding. You are my steady hand on this crazy ride and I look forward to many more books together.

To my wonderful editor, Eileen Rothschild, thank you for loving my characters and their crazy story, and your continued enthusiasm for this series. You and the entire team at SMP Swerve have been a dream to work with.

To my sister, Amber, thank you for letting me use you as my personal guide to all things Dallas. It has been too long since I have traveled the road back home.

To Lei, Kelly, Jut, and the girls at work, thank you for being excited with me, listening to me worry, and being an amazing brainstorming team.

Keira, you have supported me like no other through a very tough two years. You have been a friend when I needed one the most. Thank you for your time, for taking my wee hours of the night phone calls, for spur of the moment, lifesaving Vegas trips, for every encouraging word. You are an incredible writer and your way with the written word continues to give me something to aspire to. You have an amazing heart and I am blessed to call you friend.

Declan . . . Ribbet.

And to Rayven, you inspire me every day, simply by being you. I love you, my bean.