Most of the poems included in this volume have previously appeared in one or another of the many volumes of Mr. Brooks’ monumental work on the history of the animals of the Bean farm. They are offered as a sample or foretaste of the pleasure awaiting those who will be able some day to purchase the Complete Poetical Works of this gifted pig. The latter volume is in preparation and will include many new poems not hitherto available in print (though no publication date has been announced or for that matter contemplated). It is perhaps unnecessary to call attention to the artistic perfection and intellectual brilliance of Freddy’s work: the poems speak for themselves. We hope that this selection will introduce them to wide audiences, both here and abroad, among both humans and others.
Dealing primarily with farm life, and more specifically with the problems and pleasures of pigs, there is among them nevertheless something suited to every taste, applicable to every human situation.
As you can see, other Bean animals caught the fever from Freddy. Their verse, of course, has absolutely none of the fine tones found in the pig’s work, but it was deemed fair and square to include it. If nothing else, their work affords relief from the mass of stuff by the pig and about the pig.
—The Editors