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A FEW DAYS LATER FOUND Lord Harrington at his desk, his head in his hands, his emotions scattered.
There was a knock on the door and Simmons entered. “Miss Pratt, my lord.” Cynthia appeared, her angelic curls arranged beautifully around her pensive wrinkles.
Lord Harrington watched her step forward and automatically stood, years of manners once again contradicting his emotions.
“Miss Pratt. How may I help you?” His voice was bland as his eyes drooped.
“I would like to talk to you, my lord.” At that, his eyebrow raised. She had called him nothing but ‘Charles’ since the announcement of their engagement.
“Please take a seat.” He gestured toward a chair.
“Thank you.” She sat, her brilliant blue eyes piercing his. “Forgive me, my lord, but you still appear to be unwell.” Lord Harrington inwardly did a jig as he calmly replied. “Uh, yes, my dear. I can’t say I’m quite back to my normal self.” He sat, a deliberate shake in his footing.
She eyed his cane, which leaned against his desk at the ready. “I see. And I had wondered, my lord, you haven’t seemed quite yourself. For example, your abrupt departure from London this past spring...” She paused waiting for information, and he found himself impressed. She really was very good.
He sighed. “Yes, I had wondered if you noticed. You see, Miss Pratt, I have been feeling ill for some time.”
“And is this illness of a more...permanent nature?”
Ah, here she was getting to the root of the problem. Bless George. Bless him! He cleared his throat giving him time to think. “The illness is...it may result in a rather shorter life than I had planned.” He drew a breath and held it.
“My lord I think, perhaps, we might have been rather hasty in forming this attachment.” Her wording, while blunt, was careful.
There was a nasty pause as they studied each other.
“I’m not sure I understand, Miss Pratt.”
“I believe that given this information it may be for the best if our engagement no longer continued.”
He could hear George’s voice in his head. If you agree too quickly, or if she suspects any intrigue... He took another breath. “If that is the way you feel, Miss Pratt, I entirely understand. Perhaps I should have been more communicative of my situation.”
She stood, her look speculative. He stood in response, careful to lean on the chair just a bit. “I cannot deny I was hoping very much to be married to you shortly, my lord. However, given the circumstances....if they are truly as you say...” He could feel her suspicions despite everything, so he bowed his head to hide his heart.
“I wish you the very best in your future, Miss Pratt.”
She turned to go, her head held high. He resisted the temptation....resisted the sarcastic comment and waited...the door closed and his breath came out.
“Yes!” He whispered the exclamation, and for the first time in days, cracked a smile.
LORD PETERSHAM STOOD at the door watching as the last of their guests prepared to leave, grumpy and accusatory in their looks. Miss Pratt came out at last, distracted as she put something in her reticule.
“Good bye, Miss Pratt.” Lord Petersham grinned at her.
She raised her brilliant blue eyes to his. “Good bye, my lord.”
“Safe travels and all that.” He grinned even wider. She nodded and continued down the steps. “Oh, and say hello to Reggie for me, will you?”
She turned abruptly to look at him. “What can you mean?”
“Oh, nothing, Miss Pratt, nothing.” His grin continued and annoyed, she turned back to the carriage, where her parents waited to berate her for their monumental waste of time.