In the summer of 2004, yes, I’m still holding it down on H-Conday-by-day. But N-E way, thanks to Liberty City, B.K.A.Pork-n-Bean’s. From Holmes Elementary to Brownsville Jr. High, the streets of Miami were my home and yes, I’m due South once I hit that free world once more 62nd, 4th Ave, Pack Jam, USA Flea Market, Dem Bulls at Northwestern and my peeps from 65th, you know who you are. Yes, Ramica A. Lloyd, dis your old flame, Vic, who bounced to N.C., Babyface (Sunshine), yeah, I remember!
I can’t give out many female names, but thanks to those that believed in me when I first picked up this pen and started this thang. Oh well! But a few did Karen from New Bern was the first to plant the seed, and boy did it grow. Tiffani L. Martin, gave me the sunlight that I needed at a time in my live that needed when I wanted to wither away. Yes, our minds will meet again; I’m thanking and thinking of you daily. My typist, Kim A. Carroll, thank you deeply for everything and we were right, friendship is priceless.
This would not have been possible without the help of all my test readers, thank you. You know I must hold it down for all my peeps from Johnston County, Selma and Smithfield, no doubt. Big Chubb (Keep your head up!) You said I would make it. P.K. (Holla!) and Shan Freeman (If you would have thrown this away ain’t no telling where I’d be. We’ll get up.) I would also like to thank, Fang, D.P., Jamaica, Big Pun, M. Peacock, and a moment of thought to all those resting in peace before their time.
To my grandfather, James McMillan, to my father, Gregory Martin, and my sister, Tremika Smith. Much love and thanks to the H.Q.I.C. (Head Queen In Charge) Vickie Stringer, I’ma just let my actions speak louder than my words. And Tammy, thank you, for allowing me to get on your last nerve with my 1.5 million questions about my book. To my editors and to everyone I know and don’t know who helped place A Hood Legend on the shelf. THANK YOU. T.C.P.