Even parents, once so reluctant to see their boys go off to battle, shared in the patriotic fervor after the official declaration of war. Kate Gordon watched as three of her sons—Luke, John, and Jimmy—left their home in New York for Europe. Gordon addressed a shoñ letter to one of her boys (it cannot, however, be confirmed precisely which one), admonishing him to maintain his pride and dignity throughout his experience, regardless of what should happen.
My dear boy,
Your father says to tell you that he will give his son to his country, but that he will be _____ (never mind what!) if he will give all his new suspenders. He says you pinched three pairs from the top drawer of his dresser—he adds that he “is on to your curves.”
Nora says you were very wise to take them, and she would give you all of hers, if she had any! Betty says to tell you that she hears Jack Ellis sails next week;—I know just how his mother will feel for those ten days while he is crossing. But she wouldn’t have had him stay at home, any more than I would have had you! All the same, she won’t have a good night’s sleep until she hears he has landed. I keep thinking what a different world it will be to mothers; when you all come marching home again!
And when you do come marching home old fellow bring me back the same boy I gave my country,—true, and clean, and gentle, and brave. You must do this for your father and me and Betty and Nora;—and most of all, for the daughter you will give me one of these days! Dear, I don’t know whether you have even met her yet,—but never mind that! Live for her or if God wills, die for her;—but do either with courage,—“with honour and clean mirth!” But I know you will come back to me—
Jimmy, age eighteen and the youngest of the three boys, would be killed in the war. John and Luke would return home to the States in 1919, but Luke would die three years later from medical complications resulting from a mustard gas attack in October 1918.