Q&A with Rory Hume
This is a very powerful world you’ve created, full of conflict and danger. The way you’ve positioned humans is fascinating—and scary. How did you come up with the concepts?
Normally, when I write, I get a couple images in my head and make the story a bridge to connect them. For “Symbiosis”, I didn’t wait for the images to come to me; I wrote a list of things I like to either read or write in stories, and I played “what if?” until the main characters sprung into my head. Mariana Soto and her physicality in particular was the one who shaped the universe. I knew she was too big and too small for her place, and it didn’t take me long to figure out humanity mirrored and influenced Mari. That’s one of my favorite things about sci-fi: small stories in as big a space as we know.
What is your background, and have you been writing long?
I’ve been writing nearly as long as I could string words together! A lot of that time was spent honing craft, especially in the recent past, but I was also having fun and figuring out self-expression in quieter corners. I’m happy to keep some stories in my metaphoric desk drawers—my actual desk doesn’t have drawers—but I thought the SFF community looked pretty exciting right now, and I’m hoping to connect with it more in the future.
Do you have other stories in the works?
Nothing specific is in progress currently, but it never takes me long to get new ideas.
If readers want to find you, is there a place we can send them?
@roryhumewriting on Twitter!