Q&A with Annie Bellet


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I love the layers in this story... the way the characters are slowly revealed. Is this something you plan out in advance, or does it simply happen in the telling?


I plan it out. I outline everything, including short stories. Once an idea starts to form, I let it percolate and refine in my head. Then I write down what needs to happen, who everyone is, etc.


Your Urban Fantasy series, The Twenty-Sided Sorceress, is very hot right now. How does writing that differ from writing SF for you?


It doesn’t. I mean, writing a novel is different from writing a short story, the pacing, etc., is different. But at its core, writing any story is about the characters and the problems they face. Science Fiction just means different settings, different sorts of situations you can put characters in, etc., but they are still people dealing with life. Character is always at the core of what I write.


What are you working on now?


I’m finishing up edits on Book 7 of The Twenty-Sided Sorceress.


Tell us how to find you online.


Readers can find me at www.anniebellet.com