Friday night, Jasmine sat curled on her couch. She was preparing for her set of midterms the following week and had resigned herself to a weekend of heavy studying. Theo had not talked to her in three days. She was beginning to worry she had wasted her time on him.
There was a knock on her door and Jasmine started, eying the door with suspicion. She was not expecting any packages and she had not ordered any food. Quietly, she went back to her book. There was a second knock, which she ignored.
Her phone buzzed. It was Theo.
“Open the door.” Said the text.
Jasmine rolled her eyes and dropped her stockinged feet to the floor. She wore a loose t-shirt and a pair of black yoga pants. Normally she avoided being seen in workout gear, she felt like it made her look shapeless. Today, though, she felt good and loved the way her ample butt looked in tight yoga pants.
She opened the door and Theo stood before her, hair rumpled, eyes a little bloodshot, with papers in his hand.
“I don’t want any,” Jasmine said, starting to close the door. Theo’s hand shot out to stop her.
“No solicitors!” Jasmine cried, grinning to show she was teasing.
“I’m not soliciting,” Theo said, smiling back. Jasmine’s heart squeezed at the sight of his lopsided smile. “I am here to spread the good news.”
“Oh?” said Jasmine.
Theo handed her the stack of papers. She glanced down at the title.
“How My Tutor Taught Me How To Love,” she read out loud. Jasmine glanced up at Theo in disbelief.
“This is not a research paper,” said Jasmine, after a stunned moment of silence.
“It’s extra credit,” said Theo.
“Oh,” said Jasmine. “Why did you do extra credit? You know I don’t grade you, right?”
Theo laughed, “Of course not, you dork! This is for you! It’s a joke!”
“Oh,” said Jasmine, furrowing her brow. “It’s not a very good joke.”
Theo rolled his eyes, “I’m telling you I love you.”
Jasmine smiled, “I’d love to know what you got on your actual paper.”
Theo groaned and reached into his bag. He produced a stapled crumple of papers. Jasmine took the pages and glanced down. “B+” was written in black pen at the top of the page. She screamed with delight.
“You did it!” Jasmine said, throwing her arms around Theo. He was solid against her, protective and strong. “I love you!”
Theo lifted Jasmine up in his arms. She squealed as he lifted her from the floor. Never had a man been able to lift Jasmine so easily. She could certainly get used to this.
“I know,” said Theo, carrying her into the apartment. He shut the door with his foot.
“What are you doing?” asked Jasmine. She clung to his broad shoulders, digging into the fabric of his shirt.
“You told me,” Theo said, laying her down on the sofa, “that if I passed the midterm I would get to fuck you.”
“I did tell you that.”
“So,” said Theo, straddling Jasmine, “I am going to fuck you.”