Whirling and Sinking

We arrive at the whirlpool and discover that Madame Know-It-All was right again! Mr. Big Nose’s grandchildren are whirling around and around and around, getting closer and closer to the center with each whirl.

“Oh my goodness!” says Jill. “Those children are in terrible danger! How do you stop this thing?”

“You can’t,” says Terry. “It’s the world’s most powerful whirlpool. Nothing can stop it.”

“Look at us!” calls Alice. “We’re in the whirlpool!”

“I can see that,” I say. “But it’s time to get out now.”

“Why?” says Albert. “The ride isn’t finished yet.”

“It’s not a ride,” I say. “It’s actually a really dangerous whirlpool.”

“We’ve got to get them out before they get sucked into the middle,” says Jill.

“We’ll have to pull them out,” I say.

We get as close to the edge of the whirlpool as we dare and lean out to grab them.

“You can’t catch us!” calls Alice as they whirl past, laughing and squealing.

“We’ll see about that!” I say. “Terry, hold on to me so I can lean out farther.”

“Okay,” says Terry. He picks me up by my legs and holds me out over the whirlpool.

I grab wildly at the children, but I still can’t reach them.

“Missed me!” says Alice.

“Missed me, too!” says Albert.

“I need to get closer, Terry!” I say.

“Jill!” says Terry. “Can you hold on to me so I can lean out a little bit farther?”

“Sure,” she says. “I’ve got you.”

I’m really close now. This time when they come around, I grab Alice with one hand and Albert—who is holding the baby—with the other.

“Got you!” I yell. “Terry! Pull me back in!”

“Jill!” says Terry. “He’s got them! Pull me back in.”

“I’m trying,” says Jill, “but I’m slipping!”

“Me too!” says Terry.

“Uh-oh,” I say.

Now we’re all in the whirlpool …

whirling …

whirling …

whirling …

whirling …

whirling …

… until we stop whirling—get sucked down—and start sinking!

Sinking …

sinking …

sinking …

sinking …

sinking …

… until we hit something soft and sandy and we can’t sink anymore.