The Life and Food of the Basque Country began at the Oxford Food Symposium in 1987 when I was talking to Vicky Hayward about a theme which for years has occupied the majority of my free and professional time: the people of my country, their food and drink and in particular their gastronomic culture. Without Vicky’s encouragement and enthusiasm this book would probably never have been written.
While the Basques’ character and respect for tradition has always attracted me, their generosity has proved to be overwhelming. My gratitude to Pedro, Kika, Patxi, Asensio, Milagros, Antonio, Joseba, the Lasa family, Domingo, Nunchi, and to all who have so actively contributed to the reality of the chapters which follow. The linguistic ability of Juliet Greenall and Suzannah Gough and the patience of Philip, Daniel and Angeles have proved invaluable.