Henry Morton Robinson was born in Boston, Mass., on September 7, 1898, and was educated in the public schools of Maiden, Mass. He enlisted in the Navy at the outbreak of World War I, and later attended Columbia University. He began his literary career as a poet, publishing three volumes of verse while acting as Instructor in English at Columbia College. In 1927 he became a free-lance writer and produced a succession of books as well as articles and short stories for leading magazines. He collaborated with Joseph Campbell on a monumental study of James Joyce’s last and greatest work. After five years of scholarly research and sheer divination, Messrs. Robinson and Campbell presented a puzzled world with A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake. Mr. Robinson is also the author of two previous novels: The Perfect Round, published in 1945, and The Great Snow, published in 1947.

Mr. Robinson is married, has three children, and has lived for the last twenty years at Woodstock, New York.