Marketing For Dummies®, 3rd Edition

by Alexander Hiam

Author of Marketing Kit For Dummies, 3rd Edition


About the Author

Alexander Hiam is a consultant, corporate trainer, and public speaker with 20 years of experience in marketing, sales, and corporate communications. He’s the director of Insights for Marketing, which offers a range of marketing services including design, branding, and strategy consultations for both nonprofit and for-profit marketers. He’s also active in developing the next generation of leaders in the workplace through his educational publishing firm, Trainer’s Spectrum.

Alexander has an MBA in marketing and strategic planning from the Haas School at U.C. Berkeley and a BA from Harvard. He has worked as a marketing manager for both smaller high-tech firms and a Fortune 100 company, led creative retreats for top consumer and industrial firms, and served as an instructor at the business school at U. Mass Amherst, where he taught marketing and advertising.

He is the coauthor of the bestseller The Portable MBA in Marketing (Wiley), as well as numerous other books and training programs. Additionally, he has consulted to a wide range of companies, nonprofits, and government agencies.

Alexander is also the author of a companion volume to this book, Marketing Kit For Dummies, 3rd Edition (Wiley), which includes more detailed coverage of many of the hands-on topics involved in creating great advertising, direct-mail letters, Web sites, publicity campaigns, and marketing plans. On the CD that comes with Marketing Kit For Dummies, 3rd Edition, you’ll find forms, checklists, and templates that may be of use to you. Also, he maintains an extensive Web site of resources ( that he organized to support each of the chapters in this book.

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