This anthology is the outcome of many enriching and challenging conversations with inspiring critical thinkers, artists, and cultural producers. We remain humbled by the opportunity to have discussed these pressing issues in such respectful and stimulating company. None of this, however, would have been possible were it not for the initial foresight of Peter Catapano and Simon Critchley of the New York Times forumThe Stone.” It is our hope that we repaid their initial belief in this project. We are also extremely thankful to Taylor Adams for his meticulous editing and patience, Tom Lutz, Boris Dralyuk, and Cord Brooks from the Los Angeles Review of Books, whose support and contributions have also been integral to the development of these timely yet tragically timeless conversations, along with City Lights for its dedication to the radical voice. It has been a pleasure to work with these committed people.

Brad Evans would also like to acknowledge all the support of friends, family, and colleagues (who are too numerous to mention here). You know who you are! He is continually amazed by the spirit of his beautiful daughter Amelie, and he cherishes every moment they share together. And most of all, he is thankful every single day for the love and support of Chantal Meza. She has encouraged him to see the world for all its beauty and pain, and has made him realize the true meaning of “home.”

We don’t like to speak about “debt” because that is a form of violence itself. We are, however, thankful and grateful for those who engage in this ongoing fight for justice, dignity, and a world where nobody is disposable.