Sketch of the life, personal appearance, character and manners of Charles S. Stratton, the Man in Miniature, known as General Tom Thumb (Van Norden & Amerman, printer, 1847)
The Autobiography of Mrs Tom Thumb, by Countess M. Lavinia Magri and Sylvester Bleeker (Archon Books, 1979 edition)
General Tom Thumb and His Lady, by Mertie E. Romaine (William S. Sullwold Publishing Inc., 1976)
General Tom Thumb’s Three Years’ Tour around the World, by Sylvester Bleeker (New York, S. Booth, printer, 1872)
The Life of P.T. Barnum, Written by Himself, by P.T. Barnum (University of Illinois Press, 2000 edition)
Struggles and Triumphs, or, the Recollections of P.T. Barnum, Written by Himself, by P.T. Barnum (Ward, Lock & Co., 1882)
Selected Letters of P.T. Barnum, edited and introduced by A.H. Saxon (Columbia University Press, 1983)
P.T. Barnum: America’s Greatest Showman, by Philip B. Kunhardt, Jr, Philip B. Kunhardt III and Peter W. Kunhardt (Knopf, 1995)
P.T. Barnum: The Legend and the Man, by A.H. Saxon (Columbia University Press, 1989)
E Pluribus Barnum, by Bluford Adams (University of Minnesota Press, 1997)
Barnum, by M.R. Werner (Harcourt, Brace, 1923)
Memories of Seymour, by John G. Jennings and Virginia Jennings (Seymour and District Historical Society Inc., 2003)
Reviews and accounts of the little people’s tour: The Age, Melbourne; The Argus, Melbourne; Melbourne Punch; The Sydney Morning Herald; The Courier, Ballarat; The Ovens and Murray Advertiser; The Register, Adelaide; The Mercury, Hobart; Daylesford Mercury and Express; Castlemaine Representative; Tarrangower Times; Avoca Mail; Dunolly and Bet Bet Shire Express.
Dr Foote’s Home Cyclopedia of Popular Medical, Social and Sexual Science, by E.B. Foote, M.D. (Murray Hill Pub Co., various editions from 1858)