Chapter Thirty-Three

On her way home after her time at Smugglers Beach with Shane, Andie felt excited. Shane had been on the same wavelength as her tonight. It was almost like old times, except better, because they were more mature now and both of them knew what they wanted.

Andie was pretty sure they both wanted the same thing, and that was what had her feeling as giddy as a schoolgirl. She was so happy and elated, she didn’t want to go back to her lonely apartment. She needed to move around, to talk to someone, to do something with the thrill of excited energy thrumming through her.

Now that the Thompson project was winding down, she could focus on settling in, on getting some furniture for her place, and she wanted to spend some time really thinking about Maxi’s suggestions. But it was best to start that with a fresh eye, which meant maybe tomorrow or next week. It was late in the evening, and the tourist traffic had dwindled to a small trickle. Not enough to make it worth opening her shop. Maybe she could go chat with Mary and Jules?

The salon’s lights were on, and the Open sign was up, but there were no customers inside. It was the perfect time for chatting, so Andie parked in the spot behind her shop and headed straight across the street. She wanted to bring them up to speed about what was happening with her and Shane, and she really hadn’t had a chance to check on Jules’s grandmother’s health.

The bell over the door jangled as she opened it, and she stepped inside, expecting Mary or Jules or both to appear from the back room. When no one did, Andie called out, “Hello? It’s me, Andie. Are you guys back there?”

No answer.

Maybe Jules was at her grandmother’s and Mary was in the bathroom? Andie used the wait time to inspect the shelf full of hair care products, but after a few minutes with no sign of either Jules or Mary, Andie started to feel concerned. It just seemed funny not to hear any noises from the back if they were there.



She ventured farther into the shop until she could see down to the bathroom. The door was open and the light off, which meant no one was inside. Now she was getting worried. Would Mary go somewhere and leave the shop unlocked? She didn’t think so.

“Mary?” Andie walked farther around the corner to the kitchen and… “Oh no!”

Mary was lying on the floor, motionless. Her eyes were closed, her face ashen. A bottle of Tums lay spilled on the floor beside her. Andie rushed to kneel at her side. “Mary! Are you okay? What happened?”

Mary’s eyelids fluttered. She clutched her chest and made a gurgling sound. Was she having a heart attack? Suddenly terrified, but relieved Mary was still alive, Andie’s hands shook as she took out her phone. “Hold on. I’m calling 911.”

Andie called and did everything she was told exactly as the operator instructed. Still, she felt helpless. Mary was now unresponsive, though thankfully still breathing.

After what seemed like hours, though it was only minutes, Andie finally heard the wail of a siren. Relief flooded through her, and she ran to open the door.

The EMTs came in, and Jules rushed in right behind them. She saw Andie instead of Mary, and her brow wrinkled with confusion. “Andie? What happened?”

“It’s Mary. I found her on the floor.” Andie pointed toward the kitchen.

Jules rushed in, but the EMTs were already at work, and she couldn’t get close.

“She’ll be okay, I’m sure,” Andie soothed her even though she was worried too. They watched anxiously as the medical team got Mary on a gurney and then into the ambulance.

Jules caught one of the EMTs’ sleeves and tugged until she had his attention. “Where are you taking her?”

“York Hospital.”

“I’ll follow you.” Jules rushed halfway out the door then turned back. “I’d better close up.”

Andie pushed her back toward the door. “You go. I’ll close up. Where’s the key?”

Jules leaned over the counter and handed her the key then started back toward the door, calling over her shoulder as she went. “Call Shane and let him know!”

Andie watched the ambulance drive off, lights flashing, and her stomach twisted. Mary had become important to her, almost a substitute mother, and she didn’t want anything bad to happen to her.

She bent and picked up the spilled Tums, thinking about how Mary had been having indigestion a lot lately. And now this. Could it have been something more serious this whole time?

Pushing that thought away because she remembered Jules’s hurried reminder to let Shane know what had happened, Andie set the bottle on the counter and made the call. He picked up on the first ring.

“This is a nice surprise to hear from you so soon.”

“I wish I could say it was just a pleasant call, Shane, but I’m afraid I have some bad news.”

There was a moment of silence, then, “You do?”

“On my way home, I stopped in at the hair salon and found Mary on the floor. She’s been taken to the hospital.”

She heard him suck in a breath, then, “Is she okay?”

“I’m not sure. She wasn’t responsive. She’s alive, but… I’m just not sure.”

“Okay, thanks for letting me know. I’m heading there now. I’ll call you when I know something.”

Muttering a quick thanks, Andie hung up. Despite her worry over Mary, talking to Shane had made her feel better. Hearing the sound of his voice had soothed her wrangled nerves. He calmed her.

And after their walk on the beach tonight, she’d felt like she was getting a second chance with him and was so grateful, so happy, she’d wanted to share the news with Mary and Jules. Not everyone got a second chance.

Only now this had happened with Mary…

Should she go to the hospital? Shane had said he would update her, and Jules was there too. If Mary was in the ICU, they probably wouldn’t even let Andie in. The ICU was strictly family only.

Andie decided she would wait at home. She glanced around, making sure everything was picked up before she left, and her gaze fell on Mary’s phone. That was when she remembered there was still one member of Mary’s family who didn’t know she was in the hospital.

Her daughter.

Andie grabbed the phone. Surprised to find it wasn’t locked, she clicked to view her contacts. It was easy to find Carolyn’s information.

She hesitated only for a second then dialed. Carolyn might not care about Mary’s condition, but at least she could know about it. Andie knew she had to try. This might be Mary’s only opportunity for a second chance.