

Meditation Audio Transcript

[Editor’s Note: We have included the text of the audio in case you would like to follow along or would like to refer back to it at a future date. Audio download instructions can be found at the end of the book.]

At first, focus on your breathing, your breath. Let it be nice and deep and even . . . relaxed yoga breathing. This is the way within. With each breath, let yourself go deeper and deeper and deeper into a relaxed, serene, tranquil state. This is so healthy for your mind and for your body . . . to relax . . . to go within . . . to feel the peace.

With each breath, deeper and deeper . . . relaxed, peaceful, and calm. As you do this, relax all of your muscles. Your facial muscles and jaw . . . the muscles of your neck and shoulders . . . completely relaxing. The muscles of your back, both upper back and lower back. And of your arms. And the muscles of your stomach so that your breathing stays deep and even, relaxed, and serene. And lastly, the muscles of your legs. Completely relaxing your whole body now. Going deeper and deeper, feeling lighter . . . a serene and beautiful state. . . .

Your breathing stays nice and deep . . . relaxed and peaceful . . . all of your muscles relaxing. You can feel the calm. Let yourself go even deeper. . . .

Next, visualize or imagine a beautiful light coming in through the top of your head . . . and beginning to spread down your body, from above to below. A beautiful, powerful, healing light. You choose the color or colors. This light is connected with the light above and around . . . the divine light . . . a powerful light . . . a healing light because it heals every cell, every fiber, every tissue, every organ of your body . . . restoring all of these cells to the normal healthy state. Getting rid of illness . . . getting rid of disease . . . getting rid of discomfort . . . restoring to perfect health. This is a deepening light because it will bring you to a deep level of peace and relaxation. . . .

Allow yourself to go even deeper now . . . even deeper. . . .

And the light spreads down and fills all of the cells, the tissues in your face, in the back of your head. It flows gently into your neck, soothing and relaxing the muscles of the neck. The spinal cord . . . and your throat, it smooths the lining of your throat. And you go even deeper. It flows into your shoulders and down your arms . . . healing and relaxing every muscle and nerve, every fiber and every cell of your body as it reaches your hands. And you go even deeper. . . .

And it flows into your heart, releasing the beautiful energy that is stored there. Healing your heart, filling your lungs, which glow beautifully in the light. And you go even deeper. Now you are feeling so peaceful, so relaxed. Deeper and deeper with each breath. . . .

And the light flows into your back . . . healing and relaxing the large muscles and nerves. And it flows into your stomach and abdomen, filling up all of the abdominal organs and healing them as well. Relaxing the nerves and the muscles of the abdomen. Flowing past your hips now and down both legs, this beautiful, healing, soothing, deepening light—reaching to your feet. Filling your body now, and you feel so peaceful, so relaxed, so serene and calm. Let yourself go even deeper. . . .

You will be able to focus on my voice, but let other noises, thoughts, or distractions only deepen your level even more as they fade away. . . .

Next, visualize or imagine the light completely surrounding the outside of your body as well, as if you were in a halo or a bubble of light. And this protects you. No harm can come through the light, only goodness. And it heals your skin and your outer muscles and deepens your level even more. . . .

In a few moments, I am going to count backward from ten to one. With each number, let yourself go even deeper. So deep that by the time I reach one, your mind is no longer limited by the usual barriers of space or of time. So deep that you can experience all levels of your multidimensional self. So deep that you can remember everything. Every experience you have ever had. You can remember everything.

Ten . . . nine . . . eight . . . going deeper and deeper with each number back . . . seven . . . six . . . five . . . deeper and deeper and deeper . . . four . . . three . . . very, very deep. So peaceful, so calm and relaxed . . . two . . . nearly there . . . one . . . good!

In this beautiful, relaxed, serene state, imagine yourself, visualize yourself walking down a beautiful staircase. Down, down . . . deeper and deeper . . . down, down. Each step down, increasing the depth of your level even more . . . And as you reach the bottom of the stairs, in front of you is a beautiful garden. A garden filled with flowers, trees, grass, benches and places to rest, fountains. A beautiful place . . . safe, serene. And you go into this garden. Visualize yourself in the garden now. And here your body can completely rest and continue to heal itself, still filled with the wonderful light. As you go deeper and deeper . . . your body will refresh, renew, rejuvenate, recuperate . . . continuing to heal and fill with the beautiful energy so that later on after you are awake, you will feel wonderful, filled with the beautiful energy, refreshed, renewed, and yet in full control of your body and your mind. . . .

As your body rests and relaxes in the garden and fills with the beautiful energy . . . this is a time for healing, for relaxing, for finding that deep and beautiful peace within . . . for letting go of all tensions and all anxieties . . . for repairing . . . for letting go of the world and all of its troubles. . . . Going deep, deep within . . . to let go of fear . . . and tension . . . Let go of all negative thoughts and emotions . . . Let go of fear, there is nothing for you to fear. Let go of tension, worry, anxiety. Let go of anger . . . and frustration . . . Let go of sadness and grief and despair. Instead, fill yourself with peace and love and joy and bliss. This is your true inner state. And as your body rests and repairs and recuperates and refreshes, let the deepest, deepest parts of your mind . . . of your spirit . . . also refresh . . . and heal . . . and find the deep peace which lies within. . . .

You are a beautiful and wonderful being. Immortal, eternal . . . existing beyond all limits, beyond your body and beyond your mind . . . a being of eternal peace and love and bliss. As you feel this, continue to let go of fear . . . to let go of anxiety and of sadness . . . and of all other negative thoughts and emotions. Just feel the peace, and go deeper and deeper . . . You may be immersed in colors. This will be healing, as well as relaxing. You may sense this. You may feel others around you. . . . You are never alone. You are always protected. . . .

Staying very, very deep . . . the healing relaxation envelops you, surrounds you . . . as you stay in the garden. . . . You have nowhere else to go now, nothing to do . . . no one to bother you . . . Just to rest, to relax, to go deeply within, to feel the peace, the love, the joy of this inner state . . . to recuperate and repair, to fill yourself with light and love. . . .

In the ancient meditations, there is one . . . which is a love meditation. It teaches you to fill yourself with love. That feeling which can bring a tear of joy to your eye . . . fill yourself with it . . . feel this joy. In love, all fear dissolves. There is no fear. . . .

Visualize now, yourself, throughout all of your ages. From childhood, when you were a joyful, alive, vibrant, wonderful child . . . through the growing-up years . . . to your current age . . . And surround yourself in this beautiful light. . . . You of all ages . . . this is all of you, there is no time . . . You are safe. You are surrounded in light. Send yourself this light, this love. And bring all of these images of you into your heart . . . so that you are complete. And there is nothing to fear. You are safe. . . .

And now, visualize or imagine your loved ones. And you can send them light and love as well. Surround them in light. Let them know how much you love. . . .

And this light protects, and it heals . . . and it connects you always . . . and whoever needs your light, your love . . . you can beam them . . . directly . . . now. . . . And bring them into your heart as well. . . .

And now, as you are filled with light and surrounded . . . and completely relaxed and serene and calm and peaceful . . . imagine that a wise and loving being comes to join you in the garden . . . And you can communicate with this being . . . whether through words or symbols or images or thoughts or feelings. It doesn’t matter. You can ask a question . . . and listen for the answer . . . You can ask for what you need. . . . Whether this is a guide, a friend, a reflection of your higher self or something different, it does not matter. . . . Listen for the wisdom . . . feel the peace and the love. . . .

In love, there is no fear, no anxiety, no time, and no space. It is absolute. . . .

And as you love yourself, you give up all negativity. Not just thoughts which are negative and feelings which are harmful, but also habits and behaviors that do not promote love and well-being and peace. . . .

Giving up all harmful behavior because you do not need these anymore . . . listen for the answers . . . whenever you need this communication . . . you can be there. If it is safe to close your eyes, to go deeply within, just take a few deep breaths. Fill yourself with light. Put yourself back in the garden and you will be there. . . .

If you are in a situation where you cannot close your eyes . . . just take a few deep breaths. Immediately, you will feel the peace, the relaxation, the serenity. And even though you stay in complete control, alert, awake, in full control of your body and mind, you will still be filled with peace and understanding, calmer, and more joyful than before. . . .

And now, it is time to awaken. And I will awaken you by counting up from one to ten. . . . With each number, you’ll be more and more awake and alert, in full control of your body and your mind. Feeling wonderful. Feeling great, refreshed, relaxed, and yet filled with a beautiful energy.

One . . . two . . . three . . . gradually awakening, feeling wonderful . . . four . . . five . . . six . . . more and more awake and alert. Feeling great . . . seven . . . eight . . . nearly awake now . . . nine . . . ten.
