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Abortion, 137
Acemoglu, Daron, 202
Adams, Glenn, 183–185
Adler, Nancy, 103
Advertising, 23–24, 50, 99
Affirmative action, 33, 56
African Americans (see Race and ethnicity, cultures of)
Age of Reason, 28
Aggression, gender and, 46–47
Akrobatik, 75
Alcorn, Randy, 154
Aleichem, Sholem, 146
Allmendinger, Jutta, 39
Ambady, Nalini, 69
America’s Four Gods (Froese and Bader), 138
Anglicans, 137
Anti-Semitism, 146
Aronson, Elliot, 105
Aronson, Josh, 70
Arranged marriages, 191–192
Art of Happiness (Dalai Lama), 25
Asian Americans (see Race and ethnicity, cultures of)
Asian students, x, xiv, 1–10, 2–22, 30, 34, 117
Attention disorders, 54
Attributional style, 148–149
Autonomy, morality of, 156
ayo, damali, 85–86
B Corporations, 169–170
Babcock, Linda, 57
Bachmann, Michele, 136
Bader, Christopher, 138
Bamboo ceiling, x, 33
Banaji, Mahzarin, 75
Bandura, Albert, 207
Banks, Richard, 54
Baptists, 136, 137
Barber, Brad M., 47
Baron-Cohen, Simon, 44
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (Chua), ix, xv, xviii, 230–231
Baumeister, Roy, 47
Becker, Sascha O., 150
Become a Better You (Osteen), 25
Beitler, Steve, 165, 173, 176
Bell Curve, The (Murray), 91
Bellow, Adam, 208
Ben and Jerry’s Homemade, 165, 169
Ben-Zeev, Avi, 41, 58
Benet-Martinez, Veronica, 215
Benetech, 160, 168, 175–176
Bennett, Milton, 209
Berdahl, Jennifer, 52
Bial, Deborah, 106
Bierce, Ambrose, 135
BioLogos, 155
Black Empowerment Movement, 86
Blackmun, Harry, 88
Blacks (see Race and ethnicity, cultures of)
Blancs, Les (Hansberry), 84
Blascovich, Jim, 66
Blink (Gladwell), xviii
Bok, Derek, 81
Bolick, Kate, 54
Boly, Richard, 168, 169, 177–178
Boroditsky, Lera, 224
Bourdieu, Pierre, 110–111
Bowen, William, 81
Bowles, Hannah Riley, 58
Bowling Alone (Putnam), 119
Brannon, Tiffany, 79
Briley, Donnel, 224
Brooks, David, x
Buddhism, 28, 30, 139–140
Bullying, 47
Cain, Herman, 73
Campbell, Stacy, 214
Capital punishment, 128, 130
Carter, Jimmy, 142
Catholic Church, 27, 137, 139, 147–151
Caughy, Margaret, 74
Center for WorkLife Policy, 33
Charitable giving, 96, 142
Chatman, Jennifer, 171
Chavez, César, 23
Chedraui, Gregorio, 201
Chen, Edith, 97
Chen, Serena, 60
Cheryan, Sapna, 34, 51, 57
Children’s books, 24, 50
Chiu, Chi-yue, 215
Choices, ix, xiii–xiv, 14–15, 18, 19, 96, 98, 108, 185
Christianity, 142–147
Chua, Amy, ix–x, xii–xiii, xv, xvi, xviii, 5, 13, 17, 30, 33, 230–231
Chua, Louisa, x, xviii, 13, 230–231
Chua-Rubenfeld, Sophia, ix–x, 5, 13, 230–231
Cinderella Ate My Daughter (Orenstein), 50
Civil rights movement, xxi
Cizik, Richard, 156
Claire, Theresa, 106
Class Matters (Leondar-Wright), 110
Climate change, 136, 156, 157
Clinton, Bill, 92
Cohen, Adam, 142–144, 146, 148
Cohen, Ben, 165
Cohen, Dov, 125, 126, 128, 131
Cohen, Geoff, 86
Colbert, Stephen, 67
Collective intelligence, 41, 44
College degrees, 37, 89–91, 96, 101, 106
Collins, Francis S., 155
Collins, Jane, 204
Color Purple, The (Walker), 79
Computer science, 51–52
Condry, John, 49
Condry, Sandra, 49
Confucianism, 22, 28, 29
Confucius, 29
Conservative Protestants, 138, 139, 152–157
Constitution of the United States, 158
Corporal punishment, 128, 130
Cortisol, 34, 106
Croizet, Jean-Claude, 106
Cross, Susan, 7, 43
Cross-race friendships, 84–85, 87–88
Crucial Conversations (Patterson et al.), 167
Culture cycle, diagram of, xix, 16
Culture cycles (see Gender cultures; Global regions; Race and ethnicity; Regional cultures; Religion; Socioeconomic cultures; Workplace cultures)
Dalai Lama, 23, 25
dangerousNEGRO, 86
Darling-Hammond, Linda, 104
Davidson, Gail, 2, 10, 34–35
Dawkins, Richard, 156, 163
Death penalty, 128, 130
Declaration of Independence, 28, 78, 158
Delusions of Gender (Fine), 48
Democracy, 27, 202
Depression, 9, 38, 108, 113
Descartes, René, 28, 67
Deutsch, Morton, 156
Dialectical thinking, 144–145
Dignity, culture of, 126
Discrimination (see Race and ethnicity, cultures of)
Disneyworld, 11–12
Dispositional attributions, 148
Diversity training, 56–57
Divorce, 45, 59
Dr. Seuss, 50
Dweck, Carol, 32, 227
Eagly, Alice, 45–46
Eating disorders, 38
eBay, 52
Eberhardt, Jennifer, 84
Asian students, x, xiv, 1–10, 20–22, 30, 34, 117
college degrees, 37, 89–91, 96, 101, 106
gender cultures and, 37, 38, 51–53, 58–59
identity-safe classrooms, 83, 228
jigsaw classrooms, 105
KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program) Academies, 107–108
Lynbrook High School, Cupertino, California, 2, 10, 34–35
No Child Left Behind Act, 30, 54
Posse Foundation, 106, 107
preschool, 19–20
Quil Ceda and Tulalip Elementary School, Washington State, 225–228
race and ethnicity and, 63, 70–72, 75, 80, 81, 83, 86–87
science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), 31, 51–53
single-sex education, 58–59
socioeconomic cultures and, 89–94, 99–106
Socratic method, 27, 29, 35
standardized tests, 30, 38, 51, 83, 108
Education Enhancement Act of 1986, 104
Einstein, Albert, 23
Emotions, expression of, 10–12, 24, 25–26, 35
Enemyship, 184–186
Enlightenment, 28
Entrepreneurship, gender and, 37, 52
Ethnicity (see Race and ethnicity, cultures of)
Evangelical Environmental Network, 157
Evolution, 46, 136
Face cultures, 125
Faith cultures (see Religion)
False uniqueness bias, 47
Faura, Juan, 200
Fausey, Caitlin, 224
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 86
Feinberg, Mike, 108
Ferber, Robert, 190–191
Filial piety, 6–7, 29
Fine, Cordelia, 48, 57
Fisher, Dawn-Elissa, 75
Fixed mind-set, 32–33
Florida, Richard, 118, 121
For-profit businesses, 159–167, 170–172
Free-market capitalism, 202
Froese, Paul, 138
Fruchterman, Jim, 160, 175–177
Fryberg, Stephanie, 96, 225–228
Gächter, Simon, 132, 197
Galinsky, Adam, 205
Garcia, Julio, 201
Gardner, Wendi, 222
Gates, Bill, 217–218
Gender cultures, xv, xviii, 37–61
aggression and, 46–47
education and, 37, 38, 51–53, 58–59
entrepreneurship and, 37, 52
gender differences and, 42–44, 48–49, 51
gender equality and, 55–57
labor, division of, 40, 55–56
leadership and, 37, 45–46, 52, 60
media and, 50
negotiating and, 57–58
parenting and, 49–50
salaries and, 39, 40, 57, 58
socioeconomic cultures and, 48, 53
stereotypes and, 40–43, 51, 59
symphony orchestras and, 39–40
toys and, 50
Geography of Thought, The (Nisbett), 28
Gingrich, Newt, 136–137
Gladwell, Malcolm, xviii
Glass ceiling, 52
Global regions, cultures of, 180–209
India, 187–193, 196, 201, 203, 205
media and, 204, 206–208
Mexico, 198–202, 205
Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, 193–198, 201, 205
West Africa, 183–187, 205
Goldhor, Rob, 116–117, 121, 133
“Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” 19, 21
Gore, Al, 168
Government agencies, 161–164, 168–169, 172, 177–178
Graduation rates, 104
Granovetter, Mark, 118
GRE (Graduate Record Examination), 51, 70
Greece (ancient), 26–27, 29
Green, Mo, 26
Greenberg, James, 195
Greenfield, Jerry, 165
Growth mind-set, 32–33, 227
Grubb, W. Norton, 104
Gruenfeld, Deb, 60
Gupta, Vishal K., 52
Gurin, Patricia, 81
Haidt, Jonathan, 156, 157
Halpern, Diana, 58
Hamedani, MarYam, 108–109
Hansberry, Lorraine, 84
Hansei, 21
Harackiewicz, Judith, 31
Harrigan, Simon, 180
Harris, Sam, 156
Harvard University, x, 2, 79
HBCUs (historically Black colleges and universities), 75
Health care, race and ethnicity and, 63, 72, 76
Heath, Chip, 173
Heine, Steven, 8–9
Heinlein, Robert, 128
Hellerstein, Judith, 41
Hemingway, Ernest, 79
Herring, Cedric, 41
Hinduism, 139–140, 188–192
Hinshaw, Stephen, 38, 57
Hitchens, Christopher, 156
Holloway, Renee, 199
Hong, Ying-Yi, 223–224
Honor, culture of, 124–125, 127, 131, 194
Horne, Tom, 88
Housekeeping, 57
Housing, race and ethnicity and, 63, 72
How to Be Black (Thurston), 87
Howard, Don, 173–174
Howard University, 75, 79
Hsieh, Tony, 52, 170–171
Hurricane Katrina, 154
Hyde, Janet Shibley, 42
Hyman, Misty, 25–26
I (see Gender cultures; Global regions; Race and ethnicity; Regional cultures; Religion; Socioeconomic cultures; Workplace cultures)
Ickes, William, 44
Ideas (see Gender cultures; Global regions; Race and ethnicity; Regional cultures; Religion; Socioeconomic cultures; Workplace cultures)
Identity-safe classrooms, 83, 228
Implicit Association Test (IAT), 75–76
In Spite of the Gods: The Rise of Modern India (Luce), 187–188
Income, socioeconomic cultures and, 90, 91, 96, 109
Independence (see Gender cultures; Global regions; Race and ethnicity; Regional cultures; Religion; Socioeconomic cultures; Workplace cultures)
India, 187–193, 196, 201, 203, 205
Infants, gender socialization and, 49–50
Institutions (see Gender cultures; Global regions; Race and ethnicity; Regional cultures; Religion; Socioeconomic cultures; Workplace cultures)
Intel, 159
Interactions (see Gender cultures; Global regions; Race and ethnicity; Regional cultures; Religion; Socioeconomic cultures; Workplace cultures)
Interdependence (see Gender cultures; Global regions; Race and ethnicity; Regional cultures; Religion; Socioeconomic cultures; Workplace cultures)
Interracial interactions, 65–66, 69–70
Inzlicht, Michael, 41
Islam, 139–140, 194, 195
Iyengar, Sheena, 6
Jackman, J. Richard, 39
Jackson, James, 73
James, William, 36
Jefferson, Thomas, 28, 78
Jensen, Barbara, 109–110
Jesus of Nazareth, 27
Jigsaw classrooms, 105
Job interviews, 72
Jobs, Steve, 92, 134, 135
Johnstone, Barbara, 129
Jost, John, 152
Judaism, 139, 142–147, 149
Juku (“cram school”), 22
Juries, 82
Justice system, race and ethnicity and, 81–82
Kahlo, Frida, 210–211, 214, 230
Kalev, Alexandra, 56
Kaplan, Frank, 61
Kashima, Yoshihisa, 43
Kay, Aaron, 171
Keister, Lisa, 154
Keltner, Dacher, 97
Kim, Heejung, 1–4, 23, 27
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 86
KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program) Academies, 107–108
Kitayama, Shinobu, xiii, 9, 10, 14–15, 17, 117
Koelle, Sigismund, 186
Kusserow, Adrie, 97, 99
Labor, division of, 40, 55–56
Lader, Philip, 167–168
Lamont, Michèle, 102
Lao Tzu, 3
Lareau, Annette, 99
Laschever, Sara, 57
Latinos (see Race and ethnicity, cultures of)
Law enforcement, 72–73, 80, 130–131
Law of Rewards, The (Alcorn), 154
Leadership, 33–34
gender and, 37, 45–46, 52, 60
race and ethnicity and, 72
Learning disorders, 54
Leondar-Wright, Betsy, 110
Lepper, Mark, 6
Leung, Angela, 215
Levin, Dave, 108
Levine, Richard V., 125
Linnaues, Carolus, 77
Linville, Patricia, 215
Literacy rates, 150–151
Lobbying, 175
Locke, John, 28
Long, Jason, 123
Lopez, Jennifer, 63
Lu, Gang, xxii–xxiii
Luce, Edward, 187–188
Luhrmann, Tanya, 138, 152, 153, 156
Luther, Martin, 27–28, 149, 150
Lutherans, 136, 137
Lutz, Catherine, 204
Lynbrook High School, Cupertino, California, 2, 10, 34–35
Maddux, Will, 205
Madsen, Millard, 200
Magazine ads, 23–24, 99
Magee, Joe, 97
Malone, Thomas, 41, 44
Martin, Trayvon, 86
Masaoka, Jan, 174
Matthews, Karen, 97
McCain, John, 76
McGregor, Ian, 152
McGrory, Brian, 122
McIlvane, Thomas, xxii–xxiii
McIntosh, Peggy, 80
Media, 23–26
gender and, 50
global regions and, 204, 206–208
race and ethnicity and, 68–69, 83–84
socioeconomic cultures and, 99–100
Memory, 45
MendozaDenton, Rudy, 84, 88
Mentoring programs, 56
Mesquita, Batja, 195
Methodists, 137
Mexico, 198–202, 205
Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, 193–198, 201, 205
Midwest (U.S.), 115, 119, 122
Miller, Joan, 188–190
Miller, Peggy, 98
Money Myth, The (Grubb), 104
Monin, Benoît, 34
Morehouse College, 75
Morgan, Marcyliena, 75
Mormons, 136, 138, 139
Morris, Michael, xxii, 223
Mother Teresa, 218–220
Movies, 50, 69, 83
Multiculturalism, 211, 212, 229–231
Murray, Charles, 91
race and ethnicity and, 75
socioeconomic cultures and, 99–100
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 154
Native Americans. (see also Race and ethnicity, cultures of)
Quil Ceda and Tulalip Elementary School, Washington State, 225–228
Negroponte, Nicholas, 159
Nguyen, Angela, 215
Ninety-Five Theses (Luther), 27
Nisbett, Richard, 28, 125, 128, 131, 144–145
No Child Left Behind Act, 30, 54
Nonprofit organizations, 159–168, 172–178
Norenzayan, Ara, 140–141
Northeast (U.S.), 113, 115, 116, 118, 119, 122, 123, 126–128, 131, 133, 134
Northwestern University, 106
Nunn, Nathan, 186
Obama, Barack, 61–63, 76, 137, 216–217, 220
Occupy Wall Street movement, 89
Odean, Terrance, 47
Oishi, Shigehiro, 117–120
Old Man and the Sea, The (Hemingway), 79
Olympic Games (2002), 25–26
One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), 159
O’Neil, Susie, 25
Orenstein, Peggy, 50
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 90–91
Osteen, Joel, 25
Oyserman, Daphna, 87, 108
Page-Gould, Elizabeth, 84
Pager, Devah, 73
Paluck, Betsy, 207
discussion of race and, 74, 83–84
gender cultures and, 49–50
socioeconomic cultures and, 97–99
in South, 127–129
stay-at-home, 59
styles, ix–x, xiii–xiv, 33
Patnaik, Dev, 170
Patterson, Kerry, 167, 170
Paul, Ron, 136
Pell Grants, 104
Peng, Kaiping, xxii, 144–146, 223
Perry, Rick, 136
Pew Research Center, 80
Physical attractiveness, 114–115
Piff, Paul, 97
Plaut, Victoria, 82, 83, 114–116, 118
Population Media Center, 207
Portillo, Dan, 164
Positive Deviance Initiative, 203
Posse Foundation, 106, 107
Posse Scholars, 106
Powell, Colin, 63
Prejudice (see Race and ethnicity, cultures of)
Presbyterians, 137
Presidential elections
2008, 76
2012, 136
Principles of Psychology (James), 36
Prisoner’s Dilemma, 171
Protestant Reformation, 27–28, 137
Protestant Work Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The (Weber), 28, 150
Protestantism, 136–139, 141–144, 146–157
Public service motivation, 163
Purdie-Vaughns, Valerie, 82
Puritans, 137, 150
Putnam, Robert, 119
Quantum Magnetics, 160, 168
Quil Ceda and Tulalip Elementary School, Washington State, 225–228
Race (see Race and ethnicity, cultures of)
Race and ethnicity, cultures of, xv, xxi–xxii, 62–88
cross-race friendships and, 84–85, 87–88
daily discriminations, 71–73
education, 63, 70–72, 75, 80, 81, 83, 86–87
employment and, 72
heath care and, 63, 72, 76
housing and, 65, 72
justice system and, 81–82
law enforcement and, 72–73, 80
leadership and, 72
media and, 68–69, 83–84
music and, 75
parental discussion of race and, 74, 83–84
racial bias, 75–77
religion and, 73–75, 77
social class and, 65
as social constructions, 78
sports and, 73
Radloff, Lisa, 112–115, 133
“Rain” (rap), 75
Rao, Vijayendra, 182
Raven Progressive Matrices, 4
Rawls, James R., 163
Reading, 54
“Reading the Mind in the Eyes” test, 44
Red tape, 168, 177
Reed, John Shelton, 128
Regional cultures (U.S.), 112–135
in Midwest, 115, 119, 122
in Northeast, 113, 115, 116, 118, 119, 122, 123, 126–128, 131, 133, 134
in South, 115, 122–131, 133
in West, 112–122, 126, 134
Relational Interdependent Self-Construal (RISC) scale, 43
Religion, xvi, 136–158
Catholic Church, 27, 137, 139, 147–151
in history, 140–141
Judaism, 139, 142–147, 149
morality and, 142–143
Protestantism, 136–139, 141–144, 146–157
race and ethnicity and, 73–75, 77
Religious self-help books, 24–25
Relocation (see Regional cultures)
Rentfrow, Peter Jason, 133
Résumés, 72
Rice, Condoleezza, 63
Richeson, Jennifer, 65–66
Rise of the Creative Class, The (Florida), 121
Risk-taking, 47
Roberts, Diane, 124, 129
Roberts, John, 88
Roberts, Julia, 24
Robinson, James, 202
Roman Empire, 27
Romney, Mitt, 136
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 71
Rosen, Lawrence, 195, 197
Rosin, Hanna, 38–39
Ross, Lee, 171
Ross, Michael, 224
Rothman, Barbara, 49
Roughgarden, Joan, 157
Rozin, Paul, 142
Rural Development Institute (RDI), 203
Salam, Reihan, 37
Salaries, gender and, 39, 40, 57, 58
Sampson, Edward, 144–146
Sanchez-Burks, Jeffrey, 147–148, 205
Sandel, Michael J., 162
Santorum, Rick, 136, 137, 139
Saroglou, Vassilis, 141
SAT scores, 70
Savani, Krishna, 189, 199
Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), 31, 51–53
Scotch Irish, 130, 131
Sekaquaptewa, Denise, 67
Self-descriptions, 66–67
Self-esteem, x, 9–10, 33, 45
Blacks and, 68, 73, 75
gender and, 47
Self-serving attribution bias, 47
Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins), 163
Selves (see Gender cultures; Global regions; Race and ethnicity; Regional cultures; Religion; Socioeconomic cultures; Workplace cultures)
Sermon on the Mount, 142, 145
Sesame Street, 19
Seth, Reva, 191–192
Sexual harassment, 52–53, 57
Shaheen, Jack, 204
Shariff, Azim F., 141
Shelton, Nicole, 65–66
Shepherd, Hana, 73
Sherman, Jennifer, 59
Shintoism, 28–29
Shweder, Richard, 190, 191
Silicon Valley, 115, 118, 121, 134, 177
Single-sex education, 58–59
Skoll, Jeff, 52
Slavery, 78, 131, 186
Smiles, 24–25
Socioeconomic cultures, 89–111
education and, 89–94, 99–106
gender and, 48, 53
income and, 90, 91, 96, 109
media and, 99–100
music and, 99–100
parenting and, 97–99
race and ethnicity and, 65
stereotypes and, 102, 106
Socratic method, 27, 29, 35
Sommers, Sam, 82
Sotomayor, Sonia, 63
South (U.S.), 115, 122–131, 133
Spanish Inquisition, 27
Spelman College, 75
Sports, race and ethnicity and, 73
Sputnik, 61
Standardized tests, 30, 38, 51, 83, 108
Staub, Ervin, 207
Stay-at-home parenting, 59
Steele, Claude, 41, 70
Steele, Dorothy, 83
Stephens, Nicole, xvii, 96, 105, 108–109
gender and, 40–43, 51, 59
race and ethnicity and, 69–71, 86
socioeconomic cultures and, 102, 106
Sternin, Jerry, 203
Sternin, Monique, 203
Stone, Jeff, 71
Storm, Ingrid, 153
Stroop test, 65–66
Sudanese famine, 180–182
Suicide, 38, 46, 113
Symphony orchestras, 39–40
Tafel, Rich, 178
Takahashi, Naoko, 25–26
Taoism, 28, 29
Taylor, Shelley, 45
Teaching profession, 53–54
Television shows, 50, 69–70, 83
Ten Commandments, 145
Thiel, Peter, 162, 164
Thorpe, Ian, 26
Those Who Work, Those Who Don’t (Sherman), 59
Three-Fifths Compromise, 78
Thurston, Baratunde, 87
Thwaites, Thomas, xxiii
Touré, 68
Toys, 50
Tozan, 30
Trafimow, David, 220
Triandis, Harry, 199
Triple Bind, The (Hinshaw), 38
Trouble with Boys, The (Tyre), 53, 54
Tsai, Jeanne, 11, 12, 24
Twain, Mark, 205
Twenge, Jean, 214
Two Fridas, The (Kahlo), 210
Tyre, Peg, 53, 54, 58
Uchida, Yukiko, 10
Unilever, 165, 169
University of Pennsylvania, 106
Vandello, Joseph, 127
Vanderbilt University, 106
Video games, 50
Vittrup, Birgitte, 77
Vorauer, Jacquie, 64–65
Wa, 21
Walker, Alice, 79
Walmart, 132
Walton, Michael, 182
Wantchekon, Leonard, 186
Washington, Denzel, 63
Weber, Max, 28, 150
West (U.S.), 112–122, 126, 134
West Africa, 183–187, 205
What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets (Sandel), 162
When God Talks Back (Luhrmann), 138
Where the Wild Things Are (Sendak), 24
“White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” (McIntosh), 80
Whiting, Robert, 21
Whitman, Walt, ix
Who’s Your City? (Florida), 118
Williams, Christine, 42
Williams, Melissa, 84
Wilson, Charles Reagan, 129
Wilson, David Sloan, 153
Winfrey, Oprah, 63
Woessmann, Ludger, 150
Women Don’t Ask (Babcock and Laschever), 57
Women (see Gender cultures)
Women’s magazines, 24
Woolley, Anita, 41, 44
Workplace cultures, 159–179
for-profit businesses, 159–167, 170–172
government agencies, 161–164, 168–169, 172, 177–178
nonprofits, 159–168, 172–178
red tape, 168, 177
Zappos example, 170–171
Wu, Tsui-Feng, 7
Xiao enyue de gushi (The Story of February), 24
Yeskel, Felice, 101
You Gotta Have Wa (Whiting), 21
Zappos, 52, 170–171
Ziyi, Zhang, 24
Zuckerberg, Mark, 134–135