A big thanks to the following: my whole family, who have made me stronger and helped me to achieve; Pip and Martin, for their backing and for some amazing adventures; Sam and Megan for their friendship and critiques; my good friends for keeping me smiling; Parliament Hill School, for providing me with a good grounding as a reader and a writer; all the students and lecturers on the Creative Writing BA and MA courses at Roehampton University, who helped me develop as a writer (in particular Louise Tondeur and Leone Ross for ‘growing’ my fiction); the members of authonomy.com, who provided valuable feedback; Andy Sweetman (DNA Graphic Design) for helping me realise my front cover; and lastly the team at Sparkling Books for supporting me and my novel.
“The boy stood on the burning deck...”
Felicia Dorothea Hemans
ellipsis (Gk ‘leaving out’)
Cuddon J. A., (1999), Dictionary of Literary Terms & Literary Theory, Penguin Books, London