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Leah felt all wrong. Amitabh had moved back in and she really didn’t know why. It had been nice at first having him there, where he belonged, on their sofa, in their bed; being able to walk past a pub and not have to worry about whether he was in there with another woman, just to know where he was and what he was doing. That had been the worst thing about him moving out – losing track of him. Having to invent scenarios and imagine situations. But two weeks on and the novelty of knowing where Amitabh was all the time had already worn off and now Leah was just left with a big list of questions: What are we doing? Where are we going? Are you going to go against your family and marry me? Do you love me? Do I love you? Is this what I want? It had been exactly what she wanted for so long that the possibility that maybe it actually wasn’t hadn’t ever really crossed her mind before, and it was an unsettling realization. If she didn’t want Amitabh, then what exactly did she want? She was thirty-five. Surely she should know by now.

She pondered her situation during a quiet morning in the shop. They’d just had a big delivery of alphabet cookie cutters and she was unpacking them in the stockroom, wondering at the concept of having either the time or the inclination to bake biscuits in the shape of names.

She fiddled with them on the floor, arranging them absent-mindedly into words. LEAH. AMITABH. And then, weirdly, TOBY. She scuffed them together, hurriedly, into a puddle of letters, and took them upstairs. She was alone in the shop. Her assistant wasn’t due in until eleven. She looked round the shop, and sighed. What was she doing here? Why was she arranging cookie cutters on shelves? Something was wrong. Something was missing. She felt overwhelmed by a sudden need to escape, to shut the shop and to run away somewhere for the day. It was as if a parallel world had veered into her real world just for a moment, as if she’d caught a fleeting, fuzzy glimpse of another life – and she liked it more than this one. And if she stayed here, if she followed the pre-ordained pattern of her day, she’d be missing her chance to jump across the parallel lines and see what else life had to offer.

But she had to stay here. It wasn’t her shop to shut.

She sighed and unlocked the door, turned the sign from ‘closed’ to ‘open’, and hoped that maybe today her destiny would come and find her.