Chapter Eight

What are you doing?”

Blake turned around. He had grasped the front of the canoe and was heading toward the end of the dock.

“I’m getting in the canoe,” Blake said.

Troy laughed, guiding the man back to him.

“Not like that,” Troy said. “You’re such a cat.”

“I’m a lion,” Blake snapped back. “I’m the king of the jungle.”

“You’re a mountain lion,” Troy offered, smiling so Blake knew he was kidding. “You’re hardly king of the jungle. I’m just saying your cat-like tendencies are totally showing. Here, let me do the heavy lifting.”

Troy waved Blake off and slid up, hoisting the canoe and carrying it to the lake’s edge. The sun hung heavy in the sky, fat and sleepy in the early afternoon. It bounced off the water and caused the sand to glow a bright, hot tan. A fish jumped. Clumps of pine trees ringed the edge of the beach, cutting off the sight of the cabin resort from the water. It felt like a secluded paradise.

“You have to slide the canoe into the water,” Troy said, lowering the canoe and preparing to launch. The muscles in his arms strained as he controlled the boat and Blake found himself gazing at the tight skin and ridges of Troy’s arms.

“You’re stronger than you look,” Blake said.

Troy shivered as he felt Blake move behind him, reaching around him to help guide the canoe. Blake’s breath was against his neck. Troy’s hair stood up in anticipation. He could feel heat radiating off the other man. They guided the nose of the boat into the lake.

Troy looked over his shoulder. Blake’s mouth was just inches away. Blake licked his lips.

“You have to get in now,” Troy said, resisting the urge to capture the man’s mouth. “I’ll push off.”

“Whatever you say,” Blake said, his voice a low whisper. Almost a purr, Troy thought.

Blake stepped into the boat and Troy pushed off the canoe, jumping into the boat behind him.

“Here,” Troy said, passing Blake an oar.

The two men rowed, taking in the majestic beauty around them. After a while, the shoreline behind them vanished and they could only see the small waves of the lake, the sun, and the occasional outcropping of trees.

“So,” Blake said, “you didn’t tell me your brother was an alpha.”

Troy stiffened. “He’s not gay or anything, so don’t get any ideas.”

He couldn’t see Blake’s face, but he saw Blake’s shoulders stiffen a little.

“What are you talking about?” asked Blake.

“Everyone always likes Brandon better,” Troy said. “I don’t want you to think that he will want to go out with you or anything.”

Blake let out a small laugh. It echoed over the water.

“I don’t want to fuck your brother,” Blake said. “I mean, your family is clearly good-looking, don’t get me wrong. I didn’t realize that your family was an alpha family, that’s all.”

Troy felt heat rise to his neck. “What is that supposed to mean.”

Blake said, “Hey, listen, I’m not trying to upset you. I just meant that you don’t smell like an alpha.”

Troy was quiet for a minute. Then he said, “That’s what everyone says.”

Blake waited. Thoughts ran through Troy’s mind. He was a complete failure. He was a weak mistake that his dad regretted. He was nothing.

“My mom,” said Troy, “was the only one who didn’t seem to mind so much. You know, that I wasn’t showing alpha qualities when I was young. When Brandon and Bekah, my baby sister, could hunt and fight better than everyone their age, I struggled to make kills. My dad was ashamed, my mom said my kindness was a gift.”

“It is,” said Blake.

Troy shook his head, even though Blake couldn’t see him. “My dad’s family has always been alpha. Each and every one of them. My mom’s side too. They don’t know what happened to me. And, after mom died... there was no one to take my side. It’s a lot of pressure, being the different son.”

Blake chose his words carefully, “Sometimes, being different is the gift.”

Troy rolled his eyes, “You wouldn’t understand.”

Blake didn’t reply. They continued for a while, rowing in companionable silence, until Blake said, “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see,” Troy said. “We are almost there.”

Ahead, just in the distance, was a small island and sandbar. It was no bigger than a tennis court and covered in hearty trees, brush, and rocks.

Troy guided the boat up on to the sandbar. He leaped out and helped pull the front up on the beach, not minding that he got a little wet. When the canoe was secured, Blake stepped out, a little more delicately than Troy expected.

“You’re such a cat,” Troy said.

Blake grinned down at him, sunlight shining through his hair and making it appear amber in the afternoon light.

“You’re a dog,” Blake said.

Troy felt his stomach drop and heat build between his thighs. When he looked in Blake’s eyes he could see the raw power of his animal. It made him grow hard.

Blake turned away before Troy could press into him and kiss him senseless. What a regret.

“So, is this your own private island?” Blake asked, walking to the nearest tree and tapping on it. “Do you bring all the guys here?”

Troy smiled, “I never bring anyone here.”

“Virgin land, huh?” Blake asked with a wink.

“Not anymore,” Troy said.

Blake said, “Can anyone see us here?”

“Nope,” said Troy.

“Perfect,” Blake said.

He leaned in, reaching around Troy. Troy felt himself hardening, anticipating the feeling of Blake’s lips on his. Blake moved closer to him, wrapping his arms around him and then reached his fingers under the hem of Troy’s shirt. He pulled the shirt off over Troy’s head.

“What the fuck?” Troy said, smiling at Blake.

Blake smiled back and pulled off his own shirt. Troy watched as he revealed his taut muscular abs and his broad shoulders inch by inch. Blake’s shirt joined Troy’s on the ground.

“We’re going skinny dipping,” Blake said, reaching to his pants. Troy swallowed as Blake unbuttoned his jeans. When they dropped to the ground, Troy swallowed again, hard.

“Do you need help getting out of your clothes?” Blake asked, hesitating before dropping his pants.

Troy unbuttoned his jeans as well, slowly pulling down the zipper. He watched with satisfaction as Blake’s eyes darkened with lust.

“I could always use an extra set of hands,” said Troy.

In a smooth motion, Blake was just a hair’s breadth away from Troy. His hands ran down his abs, warm and calloused against Troy’s smooth skin. Troy shivered at the touch, breath catching as he felt Blake’s thumbs dip into his pants and slide them down over his hips and to the ground.

Blake rubbed his hand over Troy’s ass, giving it a light squeeze before saying, “No these.”

Troy reached and rubbed Blake between the thighs. He felt his bulge harden at his touch and he stroked it through the fabric.

“You first,” Troy said.

“Anything you say,” Blake said with a wink.

He stepped back from Troy and pulled down his boxers. His cock sprang to life, larger in the light of day. Troy licked his lips, imagining the pink head of Blake’s cock inside his mouth.

Troy kicked off his own boxers and took off running to the water’s edge.

“Come on, slowpoke,” he called.

Blake ran after him, a low laugh escaping his lips. They jumped into the water. It was crisp and cool from the early summer sun. Troy dove under the waves and crashed back up, feeling at one with nature. Blake swam out to meet him, strokes long and practiced, muscles rippling beneath the water.

“Not bad for a cat,” Troy teased.

Blake swam up next to Troy and gripped his shoulder.

“Let’s see you doggie paddle.”

Blake pushed Troy beneath the waves and Troy popped up, kicking his legs to stay up and sputtering. Blake laughed.

“Rude!” Troy said.

He splashed water at Blake. Blake reciprocated. Soon they splashed and dove like old friends, marveling in the good fortune that brought both of them to this beautiful place.

The sun continued its slow trek throughout the sky. The splashing and shoving subsided to lazy paddling and floating. Troy floated on his back next to Blake. Their hands were within inches of each other. Troy wondered if he should reach out and take Blake’s fingers.

“You asked what brought me here,” Blake said. His voice sounded small over the lake.

Troy didn’t say anything. He waited for Blake to continue.

“I’m an alpha too,” Blake said.

“I could sense that,” Troy said.

Blake floated a little closer. “So could my uncle. He was the alpha of our pride and he ruled us with an iron paw. He did not like to be challenged. Everyone showing alpha tendencies was kicked out of the pride. I thought I would be safe since I was family. But he cast me out when I was seventeen.”

“That’s awful,” Troy breathed. 

Blake scoffed, “Being on your own seems like a dream when you’re seventeen. I did whatever I wanted, whoever I wanted. But you realize that it’s hard to find work. It’s even harder to make friends.”

“I thought lions were solitary,” Troy said. “Not like wolves, we need each other.”

“Solitary is one thing,” Blake said. “Loneliness is another.”

“So you came here to escape loneliness?”

Blake said, “No, I came here for the work. I stayed to stop the loneliness.”

Troy’s heart dropped into his stomach. He felt a dull ache in his gut, longing and lust and gratefulness for the man next to him. He turned to Blake, eyes wide. Blake was already looking at him, a soft smile on the corner of his lips.

Troy wanted to say everything and nothing. So he kissed Bake.

Blake broke the kiss and said, “Let’s move this to the shore.”

Troy nodded and followed Blake to the sandbar. Once they were safely on land, Troy kissed Blake again. Blake’s soft lips were as delicious as a late summer afternoon and the kisses made him dreamy.

They moved together like they had known each other for years. Blake reached up and cupped the back of Troy’s neck with his large, calloused hand. Troy sighed and pressed into him, running his fingers over the wet, chiseled chest of the mountain lion. Blake ran his tongue against Troy’s lips for permission and Troy acquiesced willingly. Their tongues rubbed and flicked against each other like they had minds of their own.

When they broke for air, Troy let his eyes wander over Blake’s naked chest. He took in the water droplets trickling over Blake’s tan skin, the muscled “v” of his hipbones that led Troy’s eyes to the semi-hard member between Blake’s taut thighs. Troy bit his lip and ran his hand down Blake’s body in disbelief. Was this man really all for him?

Blake grinned, flashing a long canine, and leaned forward. He pushed Troy Down and rolled on top of him, their damp bodies moving together, skin on skin. He kissed down Troy’s neck, sucking and biting at the place where Troy’s neck met his collarbone. Troy moaned as the teeth teased at his sensitive spot. His cock twitched and grew harder with each flick of Blake’s tongue over his skin.

Troy ran his nails down Blake’s back, tracing the long lean muscles of the mountain lion as he moved on top of him. Blake let out a low growl and bit harder on Troy’s neck. Troy moaned and bucked his hips, rubbing their cocks together.

Blake shuddered as they rubbed together and Troy grinned dangerously, circling their hips and creating more friction. He was so hard now he would surely burst.

Blake worked his way down Troy’s body, leaving the nook of his neck and running his tongue around Troy’s hard, sensitive nipples. They perked and pebbled under Blake’s mouth as the man grazed his teeth over the sensitive nubs and took them into his mouth. Blake’s soft lips caressed Troy’s skin and the man rolled and bucked beneath Blake with pleasure.

Blake continued to work his way down, sliding his tongue around the tan, lean body of the wolf. Troy’s heart was beating fast and he tangled his hand in Blake’s hair, trying not to reach between his own legs and pump until he felt release.

Blake, smirking at Troy’s agony, moved slowly. Each kiss on Troy’s body was long, luxurious, and entirely too slow.

“Ah...” Troy moaned. “Please get on with it.”

Blake chuckled but did not reply. Instead, he dipped his head impossibly low. Troy cried out when he felt Blake’s hot, wet mouth cover the head of his throbbing cock. Slowly and gracefully, Blake twirled his tongue around the pink head of Troy’s dick. Troy thrust his hips up at the touch and Blake grabbed his hips and held him in place.

“Let me do this for you,” Blake said, his voice low and whispery.

The long, rough tongue of the mountain lion dragged slowly up the length of Troy’s member. He curled his fingers in Blake’s hair, holding the man’s head between his thighs, silently begging him to keep going.

Blake took the head of Troy’s cock in his mouth again, taking it deeper and deeper inside of him. Troy cried out and tried to keep from bucking his hips as he felt wet heat cover his manhood. Once Blake had the entire cock in his mouth he started to move slowly up and down, his lips moving agonizingly slowly over Troy’s sensitive skin while his tongue flicked around the length.

Troy moved his hips, wanting to feel full of Blake but wanting him to continue his heavenly ministrations on his cock. Reading his mind, Blake moved one of his hands to Troy’s entrance. His finger circled the pink, puckered hole at Troy’s backside and Troy gasped. As he gasped, Blake pushed one finger inside of him just as Blake took the cock fully in his mouth again.

The heat and pressure were unbelievable. Troy opened his eyes and threw back his head, reveling in the feeling of being completely covered by Blake. Soon, Blake’s finger started to move slowly inside Troy in time with his licks and sucks on his cock. Then two fingers. Then three until Troy was stretched and wanting.

Blake flicked his tongue around the throbbing, sensitive head of Troy’s dick and Troy could not help but buck his hips so his cock moved further inside Blake. He was so close.

“Please fuck me,” Troy said. “I want to finish with you inside me.”

Blake raised an eyebrow and gave Troy a long slow suck before removing his mouth with a loud pop. Then, he reached his arms under Troy’s thighs, spread him apart, and pulled him closer to his cock.

“You look so delicious all spread out and hot for me,” Blake said, eyes lingering over the aroused form of his wolf. Troy wriggled beneath him, anxious for his member.

Blake reached between his legs and brought his thick, dripping cock to Troy’s entrance. He circled the hole, rubbing precum all over the entrance. Troy moaned at the touch of the sensitive skin, ready to be completely taken by this man.

Blake spit in his hand and ran it over his dick in a few slow, easy strokes. His cock seemed to grow harder and larger as Troy watched. Troy bit his lip and spread his legs wider, ready for Blake to push into him and take him completely.

Blake entered him slowly. Troy closed his eyes and moaned as he felt every inch of Blake enter him. He stretched to accommodate the large cock, his body aching at Blake’s size but it still wasn’t enough. Troy wanted more.

When Blake was completely inside, Troy opened his eyes.

“Fuck me,” Troy said.

Blake did not need to be told twice. He pulled back and thrust deeply inside Troy. Then again. Then again. The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed over the water as Blake moved fast and hard inside Troy.

The pressure built up fast. Troy cried out and grabbed Blake’s shoulders, digging his fingers into the muscle there, holding on for dear life. Blake was deep inside him, tickling at the spot. He would hit it soon.

“More,” Troy begged, “I’m close.”

“Not so fast,” Blake groaned, thrusting so hard into Troy that the man’s breath hitched. “I am going to fuck you until I’m done.”

“Then come quickly,” Troy begged. “It’ll be soon.”

Blake growled and dug his fingers into Troy’s hips, guiding him to a better position. His thrusts sped up, burying his dick as far is it would go in the wanting man beneath him. The walls shuddered around Blake’s dick, the warm, tight walls pushing him to the brink. He was close too, the pressure built in his cock, ready to spill out at any moment.

Troy held tight to Blake’s shoulders and leaned up, biting down hard on Blake’s skin. Blake growled, his lion coming to the surface in this primal moment, and thrust into Troy harder than he had taken anyone. That was all he needed.

Blake came inside Troy, his hot juices spilling inside the wanting hole and filling Troy to the brim. Troy came right after, shooting his load all over their stomachs. Blake leaned forward, breathing hard and overcome by pleasure. He watched as Troy’s hips bucked as he came, thrusting upward as he emptied himself until he was sated. Then, with a lazy smile on his lips, Troy opened his eyes.

“That was amazing,” Troy said, leaning up to kiss Blake.

Blake kissed him back, rolling off to the side and wrapping Troy in a strong arm.

“I could definitely get used to this,” Blake said.

“Not so bad for a wolf, huh?”

Blake tightened his grip on Troy.

“You’ve learned from the best.”