Chapter 4


External Connectors, Triggers, and Mechanisms in the Grid

The dance goes from realizing that you're separate (which is the awakening) to then trying to find your way back into the totality of which you are not only a part, but which you are.

—Ram Dass

Reality . . . is pictured as a limitless series of levels which extend to deeper and deeper subtleties and out of which the particular, explicate order of nature and the order of consciousness and life emerge.

—F. David Peat, Synchronicity

What does it matter if there are multiple realities and many worlds if we cannot access them? To actually witness another level of the Grid is what we live for, what we aspire to.

Let's go back to the skyscraper imagery, of floors that are connected to one another by elevators, escalators, fire escapes, and staircases. These connectors allow a person to move between floors and experience what “reality” is on each level of the building.

In the hidden infrastructure of the Grid, there are similar connectors. These are means by which the natural world allows us to move up and down, side to side, and in between. Some of them are even the stuff of science fiction bordering on fact; that is, they are theoretically possible.

We begin with wormholes.

Wormholes: A Connector between Levels of the Grid

A wormhole is nothing more than a black hole at one end and a white hole at the other end. A white hole is a black hole “exit point” for the potential tunnel. Just imagine a big red apple (or green if you are into Granny Smiths) and a worm crawling along the outside. The worm wants to get to the other side, and he has two choices: The long way around involves going along the exterior of the apple. But the worm can, if he's strong enough, bore right through the middle of the apple and get there faster.


Figure 5. A wormhole can connect two points in one universe or parallel universes. Courtesy of ScienceForum/Wikimedia Commons

Similarly, theoretical and quantum physicists point to wormholes as potential shortcuts between points in the space-time continuum. These points may be within the same universe, or they may link parallel universes so that a wormhole begins in Universe A but may end up in Universe L or M or R or Z. Wormholes can also be shortcuts in time, such as past to present, future to past, and so on.


Figure 6. Lorentzian traversable wormholes allow travel in both directions from one part of the universe to another part, or travel between universes. Courtesy of Allen McC/Wikimedia Commons

The term wormhole was coined way back in 1957 by physicist John Archibald Wheeler, but the theory itself had been around long before, evident in the works of German mathematicians Bernhard Riemann, Felix Klein, Adolf Hurwitz, Hermann Weyl, and others, and in the research of Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen, who proposed the Einstein-Rosen Bridge as a wormhole theory. German physicist Karl Schwarzschild became known for the traversable wormhole theory, called a Lorentzian wormhole, which again is basically a black hole entry with a white hole exit that connects two points via their horizons in either one universe or in parallel universes.

Modern day theoretical and quantum physicists such as Kip Thorne, Frank Tipler, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Lisa Randall, Brian Greene, and Fred Alan Wolf (among many others) have introduced potentially viable ways to stabilize the throats of traversable wormholes, mainly via the use of as-yet-to-be-discovered exotic matter. This matter might offset the deadly gravitational pull at the mouth of the event horizon, the point at which nothing can escape the wormhole—not even light! This would allow the wormhole throat to stay open enough to allow for something to pass through the tunnel through time and space . . . and survive intact. It has not happened yet, but it is theoretically sound.

So if two points in the Grid are accessible via wormholes, might this allow space travelers from other civilizations the chance to visit us here on Earth? And might this also allow time travelers to visit us as well? The shortcut between universes may indeed be like an elevator between floors in a large building, with the ability to not only move from one floor to another in a spatial sense, but also travel forward and backward in time, just as an elevator can bring you back to a floor you already visited at any time. Just press the right button when you get in.

With these cosmic wormholes, we look to the time when an actual object can traverse safely through, but physicists also point to information utilizing wormholes as well. If information itself, the its and bits that make up the universe and all that inhabits it, can move between worlds, perhaps the potential then exists for the means by which life came about to be seeded elsewhere. Information may carry the fundamental basics for the physical laws that worked so well in our universe, and may then begin or evolve the same life processes in another universe. We want to believe that we can send a manned spaceship through a wormhole into another reality, but we may have to settle for what little its and bits of basic information we can get first to boldly go where no man or woman has gone before.

But are there wormholes right here on Earth? Do portals or doorways where entities and energy from one reality can transfer into our reality really exist? Vortices or hot spots where anomalies exist in the environment that allow for a thinning of the veil between worlds? Could these Earth-based wormholes even be the means of access for such things as ghosts, aliens, and cryptids?

There is no scientific proof that wormholes exist in space, let alone on our planet, but people do speak of “zones of high strangeness” where paranormal activity and UFO sightings are more populous than elsewhere, where all kinds of unusual experiences involving altered states of consciousness, energy shifts, and even slips in time have been reported. What else might account for the prevalence of “haunted” locales, or UFO hot spots where waves of sightings occur to numerous witnesses, or even places where strange creatures pop into and out of view right in front of terrified humans who could swear, as many reports suggest, they “came from nowhere and disappeared right back into it”?

If there are many levels of the Grid by which something can travel from here to there, and vice versa, must we accept that cosmic wormholes are the only theoretical connector? There are millions of people throughout the world who claim to have experienced or witnessed what we deem paranormal or anomalous activity, and much of it involves some type of energy or “being” that doesn't by normal standards exist here in our own reality on a regular basis. So maybe there are earthly connectors that allow for movement between floors of the infrastructure, elevators right here on our own planet that can serve as a means for getting from Point A to all other points available.

Portals and Power Lines

Sacred geometry suggests that we can amplify the mystical powers of nature by aligning buildings with certain points in the landscape. Ley lines are a popular and contentious topic involving straight lines that were once ancient travel routes or pathways yet were also given a spiritual significance related to the Chinese concept of feng shui. By aligning edifices and monuments in ancient times, one created a line of power, which symbolically mirrored the heavens here on Earth (remember, “as above, so below”) and made sacred the buildings that dotted the path of the lines.

Even aligning a particular monument with stars or planets, or constellations and astronomical events, was thought to amplify a place's power and create an environment conducive to altered states of consciousness and the experience of other realms and worlds. Places like Stonehenge in Britain, Sedona in the Arizona desert, or the Giza pyramids of Egypt are still thought to be portals that, when the environmental aspects are in perfect alignment, somehow create a doorway to other realities. People trek by the thousands to such locales, hoping to have an experience that they feel they cannot achieve back home in less sacred Jersey or Cleveland (we beg to differ!).

A portal doesn't necessarily have to be in outer space or on land, though. The Bermuda Triangle and its sister spots, the Devil's Triangle in Japan and the Great Lakes Triangle in the United States, are three possible Earth-based wormholes. Located over bodies of water where decades worth of mysterious events have boggled the minds of researchers, debunkers and believers alike, these places share some interesting characteristics. Between these three locations alone, hundreds of ships, planes, and other craft have vanished. A few witnesses have returned to tell about electromagnetic anomalies that caused their controls to go haywire; the presence of a green “fog” that, once entered, proved to be a time slip mechanism; the sound of static electrical charges and bizarre weather that accompanied these near-disappearances; even UFO sightings have been reported!

We have no proof that any of these locations are anything more than normal, natural zones of strangeness that elude our understanding and lead to pilot error and disorientation. But we also have no proof that these are not actual locations where the external elements present create just the right foundation for objects, and people, to be sucked into other realities, never to be heard from again. When it comes to our environment, we tend to look at nature and its behavior in terms of what we perceive as our reality, but certain environmental effects may be behind experiences that go beyond our reality, beyond our perception, and even beyond our understanding.

While wormholes may be one connector of levels of the Grid, what are the triggers and mechanisms that might be involved right here on Earth that create them?

Water: A Trigger and Mechanism That Creates a Connector

Water itself may be an external trigger and mechanism, a culprit for the manifestation of anomalous experiences. When coupled with particulars of barometric pressure, temperature, and general weather conditions, water could be part of the necessary ingredients to create a wormhole, vortex, or portal, any of which would act as an opening to another energetic reality. Negative ions are found in increased levels near ocean waves and waterfalls, and before and after thunderstorms. The seashore contains about 50,000-100,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter, as opposed to an office room, which contains about 40-100. Research has shown that negative ions are associated with many physiological effects as well, but our focus right now is environmental.

In the Grid, we want to know what may be acting as connectors between realities, and perhaps the presence of water is a major connective force that allows for these openings to be created. In places of high strangeness like the Bermuda Triangle, could the presence of horrendous thunderstorms lead to an increase in negative ions, which may interact with the presence of ships and craft?

We know that water does not conduct electricity, but this only applies to pure water. Put an impurity in the water, like salt in the ocean, and when it is dissolved it separates into differently charged atoms, or ions. Salt (NaCl) breaks up into positive sodium (Na) ions and negative chlorine (Cl) ions. These ions float around and carry a charge, which can conduct electricity. If you were to place a battery with a negative pole into the water, the negative ions would be attracted to the positive pole, and the positive to the negative, creating a closed circuit.

Electromagnetic anomalies abound in places where people claim to have paranormal experiences. With the influences of water and ions and electricity, not to mention what might be going on above the sea with weather conditions such as air temperature, barometric pressure, and levels of humidity, the stew might be created for a passing ship or plane to fall prey to a rip in the space-time continuum, one right here on Earth.

This is pure conjecture, but think about the popular conception of haunted houses with thunder and lightning raging in the skies, or haunted ships like the Flying Dutchman appearing out of nowhere to those in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fluctuations in the electromagnetic field, caused and coupled by the presence of water, storms, and electricity sources such as lightning, may be the ingredients needed for a ghost or entity from another world to show up in ours.

Add to that the presence and physiological conditions of the observers, such as humans on a ghost-hunting tour, or the crew on a doomed ship, and you have the external and internal alignment of conditions required to access other levels of the Grid not ordinarily experienced in day-to-day life.

Electromagnetism (EM) has a long and interesting association with otherworldly phenomena, despite no real scientific reasoning. The evidence is circumstantial, thanks in part to the general presence of EM level fluctuations found in old buildings with exposed wiring and natural settings, such as supposedly haunted cemeteries and lighthouses. Most alleged haunted locales are not brand spanking new homes with solid and covered wiring, water sources deep underground, or nearby waterfalls or ocean waves that might influence the environmental conditions around the building.

Our own bodies give off EM fields, too, and may account for higher readings on simple measuring devices favored by ghost hunters (along with ion detectors), who often lack the knowledge of EM fields and the natural causes for high and low levels. Theories abound, including one that suggests the energy created by differences in pressure systems during a storm can create anomalous activity at a specific location. The significant pressure differences between air masses of different densities cause energy movement, and perhaps that movement is the key that unlocks the door to the Grid.

This theory does not explain why people experience anomalous activity on land far from water sources, and in perfect weather conditions, but there may be other external influences, such as the presence of seismic activity, infrasound, or ultrasound. In fact, there is a popular theory which suggests that water can retain an imprint of energies it has been exposed to. Perhaps this imprint may then manifest as ghostly activity. In 1988 French immunologist Dr. Jacques Benveniste published a paper in Nature that came to just such a conclusion. He conducted his research at the Aerospace Institute of the University of Stuttgart in Germany and came to the conclusion that water may contain not only the ability to imprint and then transfer vast amounts of information across distances, but that it may influence our own bodies as well (after all, we are mostly water!).

Also known as “digital biology,” specific molecular audio signals called the “beat” frequencies of water's infrared vibrations may be collected, transmitted, and amplified to affect other water molecules nearby as receivers.

So, if water retains an imprint of the vibrational frequency of a past event, might it also retain ghosts? And might the presence of negative ions and/or electrical charges somehow serve to release those ghosts and allow them to be perceived by an observer nearby?

There is a similar theory called the Stone Tape Theory that allows for the same influences in dry spots, such as homes and buildings, where information can be imprinted on certain types of substrate materials such as walls and floors, and then later played back to observers present like a video or audiotape in the form of ghostly apparitions and spooky voices and sounds. These apparitions are imprinted, so their behavior is always the same, because it truly is a recorded impression and not a real “ghost” strutting around. Sir William Barrett, a founding member of the Society for Psychical Research in the late nineteenth century, stated that “in certain cases of hauntings and apparitions, some kind of local imprint, on material structures or places, has been left by some past events occurring to certain persons, who when on Earth, lived or were closely connected to that particular locality; an echo or phantom of these events becoming perceptible to those now living.”

More recently, Professors William A. Tiller and Walter Dibble, Jr., conducted experiments altering water chemistry with thought impressions and intentions (yes, you read that right, thought and intentions) and concluded that water was a special material that was able to transfer energy and information “from the intention domain onto the conventional domain of cognition.” A similar experiment conducted in 1996 by Dr. David Schweitzer, grandson of Albert Schweitzer, photographed changes in minute particles of water as a result of thought influence. Using fluorescent microscopes, Schweitzer determined that water was acting as a liquid memory system that could actually store information.

If we go back to the zero-point field of the previous chapter, once again we are left with the feeling that energy and information are recorded onto an infinite field, or Grid, that is accessible when both external and internal influences offer a connection between the levels of reality.

Imprints are only one type of ghostly activity. Other ghost sightings involve entities that do not repeat actions and behaviors, and are often even aware they are being observed. Parallel universe anyone? Gridwalkers, indeed.


In addition to EM fluctuations, which occur both on land and over water, there is also sound to contend with . . . mainly infrasound. The range of human hearing is between 20 hertz (Hz) and 20,000 Hz. Infrasound is below our range of hearing, 20 Hz and below, and has been linked to a variety of physiological effects, such as disorientation, nausea, headaches, and even the sense of not being alone or of a presence or shadow figure nearby. We know this thanks to the infrasound experimentation of Nikola Tesla, Vic Tandy, and Michael Persinger. Infrasound increases in conjunction with major storms, volcanic eruptions, and seismic activity, and because infrasound travels faster through water and solids without dissipation, it could possibly be linked to an increase in anomalous phenomena. And not just because of how it affects the environment, but also because of how it affects our own physical bodies as well. Out in the oceans, where the greatest storms rage, and under the sea, the Earth's plates move and groan and the conditions are ripe for anything . . . for the lucky, or unlucky, soul that happens to be present at the time.

Infrasound also increases with the presence of auroras and EM fluctuations, solar activity, particular rocket launches, supersonic jets, meteors, nuclear explosions, air flow over mountains, and even avalanches. We don't even need to add water to get the right elements for a potential Grid level connection.

A popular theory involving animal reactions to oncoming earthquakes posits that many species are responding to the infrasonic waves that occur prior to a big shock, as the Earth's massive plates begin to move and rub against each other. Ultrasound, which is also outside our hearing range, is heard easily by creatures such as bats and might also play a role in anomalous activity. But few if any studies have tested the influences of ultrasound on human physiology. Ultrasound is responsible for echolocation in many animal species, and indeed influences nature, even if we cannot feel or sense that influence ourselves.

There is so much we humans cannot see or hear that to even imagine what we might not be aware of on this level of the Grid only leads to even greater imaginings as to what other levels may hold. There may be ranges of vision and hearing available in these other levels that we cannot even imagine, and creatures and entities that utilize these ranges that are but a mystery to our eyes and ears. Our reality is so limited, perhaps as a survival mechanism that allows us to do what is necessary to function here on this level. But we do get those wonderful glimpses all the time of other realities, and even other aspects of our own reality that sometimes evade our understanding. Spend a day in nature with no watch or clocks and time takes on a whole different behavior. Watch animals in their natural setting and see that they react to things in the air, around them, and underneath them that we don't perceive. Ever watch a cat come into a room, look up in the air with terror, and run out again? Did you see what the cat saw??

Maybe there are places all around us on this reality that we cannot even perceive yet, let alone other realities, and all that would be required is a tweaking of some environmental aspect. If only we knew which ones. For all we know, the doorways and portals could be everywhere.

But we are called upon to look at why so much of the activity deemed paranormal does occur in certain “hot spot” settings, and why there are indeed places on or near major bodies of water where things vanish into thin air, never to be seen again. If the entire planet were one massive wormhole, or crawling with smaller such shortcuts to other worlds, we would have a hard time existing safely in this one! But what if there are places where all the factors required fall into place to serve as the elevators between levels of the Grid? And why are certain individuals able to perceive these paranormal or anomalous events and not others? More to come on that. But first, speaking of vibrational frequencies, the next potential connector, which also can serve as a trigger/mechanism, is resonance.

Resonance: A Connector and Trigger

Quantum physics tells us that nothing is solid. Everything at its most fundamental level vibrates, resonates with its own frequency. String theory is based on this same concept that everything is made up of vibrating strings of various resonances, open and closed and looped. At the bottom level of the Grid, there is nothing but vibration and potentiality, before some unseen force assigns form. That which is formless is given form by an underlying vibration. Werner Heisenberg, the Nobel Prize-winning German physicist, once posited “the ontology of materialism rested upon the illusion that the kind of existence, the direct ‘actuality’ of the world around us, can be extrapolated into the atomic range. This extrapolation, however, is impossible. Atoms are not things.” No, they are not fixed and measurable things at all at their most fundamental level. They are vibrations and potentialities awaiting the act of observation to fix them into form.

Resonance is described simply as the tendency of a particular system to oscillate with greater amplitude at some frequencies than others. Resonance is the effect, therefore, that is created when the natural vibrational frequency of one object, form, or body is amplified by the reinforcing vibrations of another object, form, or body, especially when those two things have near the exact same frequency. Think of being in a guitar shop and strumming a chord on one guitar. The other untouched guitars nearby will begin to emit that same vibrational chord. Particular vibratory frequencies can sync and form greater amplitude. The maximum amount of amplitude a particular frequency within a system can respond to is called the resonant frequency. Particles may have a resonant frequency, and entire systems such as the human body, even the Earth itself, have a range of resonant frequencies.

A wonderful example of resonance at work is the shattering wineglass courtesy of an opera singer's high note. The perfect pitch and resonance of the note match that of the glass, and you have a big mess to clean up. Or think of a swing set at the playground. If you push too hard, your child goes flying off the swing. If you push too softly, your child complains and whines. But push just right, and the force and motion are in perfect resonance with the swing, and your child has a wonderful time.

There are various types of resonance, such as mechanical, acoustic, quantum wave functioning, nuclear magnetic, and electromagnetic, and resonance can occur naturally as well as in manmade devices. Harmonics is a collection of resonances that create music. Harmonics that are in phase or in sync produce lovely chords or resonances. Those that are out of phase or sync produce dissonance or discord. When two or more notes are played together, you end up with something that either sounds good or sounds awful. This is the concept behind sympathetic vibratory physics, proposed by physicist and natural philosopher Walter Russell in A New Concept of the Universe. This is also the implicate vibratory world of David Bohm's enfolding into unfolding, nothing into something. Matter and form vibrate their way there.

For the purposes of the Grid, we need to focus on the fact that the most fundamental level of existence is not solid. The Grid itself is a vibration structure, as is everything within it.

There are several existing theories that posit that when vibratory frequencies are synced, some kind of “opening” or opportunity is created whereby energy can transfer from system to system. Imagine two universes parallel to one another, and various resonances occur between these universes that may allow for the cross communication of energy and information, even possibly the cross travel of actual forms and beings.

When resonance is created between various present frequencies, the resulting vibration creates its own new resonant frequency and may be the connecting doorway to whole new worlds and realities. We wrote extensively about resonance and its influences on everything from day-to-day reality to health and healing to the paranormal in our book The Resonance Key: Exploring the Links between Vibrations, Consciousness, and the Zero Point Grid. To us, resonance is the key to so many aspects of how we get something from the sea of nothingness known as the void, the field, the Grid. It takes a concerted decision to sync resonant frequencies to create new energy, matter, form, and we will explore what may be behind that concerted decision. But because everything vibrates at its simplest level, it isn't until these vibrations connect with each other and amplify into mass and form and physicality that we actually have something tangible to call reality. Perhaps by the simple act of observation we may be the ones collapsing the wave functions of this sea of quantum resonance into fixed and measurable objects vibrating in close synchronization with one another. Thus we have a chair, a dog, a computer, and a sock with its match missing.

Physicist Claude Swanson wrote about the synchronization between realities and the potential cross talk of information and energy in his book The Synchronized Universe, which lays out his vision of universes like sheets, one lying atop the other but not necessarily touching, with resonance as the key between them. When frequencies are synced, there is a connection between the two universes by which information and energy can move in and out. Because nothing exists in nature other than vibration, we can only imagine how many of these connections may occur naturally, even without our interference or knowledge, out of which and into which things flow.

The connectors between levels of the Grid may not always allow for interaction between all levels, perhaps just between two or six or eleven. It depends on the resonance occurring between levels, which may or may not happen very often; thus, the very fleeting nature of experiences we call “unreal” or “otherworldly.” Resonant syncing is not consistent or even predictable yet, but we may be able to walk the Grid by matching our own vibrational frequencies with the experiences we desire or intend to have. This requires another mechanism: consciousness.

But before we swim that river, we go back to the idea that resonance acts as a main connector between floors in the skyscraper, or levels in the Grid. Earlier we looked at various external/environmental influences that could alter our perception or experience of reality, or open an Earth-based wormhole or portal between worlds. Combined with elements such as the presence of infrasound, electromagnetic fluctuations, or negative ions (or even positive ions!) and the weather and presence of water and electrical charges in the atmosphere, seismic activity, or any other number of environmental influences, the vibratory nature of reality itself would be changed. These factors, alone or combined in any way, along with our physiology, which we tackle in the next chapter, may be the triggers and mechanisms by which connectors like resonance can work. The triggers and mechanisms operate along with the connectors to create a new environment, a new energy, a new opportunity, for anything, formed and formless, to move from level to level to level.

The Field

There is another connector we must discuss: the “nature” of the Grid—the field. Various field theories, such as the zeropoint field, propose that there is an infinite and invisible field that is the void from which all things rise and are given form. This unmanifested field is a dumping ground for everything that ever was and will be in terms of information, energy, and matter. Even thought exists here, and time, too. Past, present, and future all exist at once in a landscape that can be walked and traveled through—well, if you know the right roads to take.

The field aspect of the Grid is also its fundamental level, yet when broken down to even smaller parts we find resonance and vibration. So perhaps this field is a whole of resonance that contains all potential vibratory nature. There have been so many names for this field level . . . logos, the Matrix, the zero-point field, the Higgs field, the akasha, the primal void. As a connector, what we must do is find again the triggers and mechanisms by which we can move about the field and access the levels of the Grid. Again, we propose that even though the field itself is a connector, it may require actions taken on behalf of other connectors, such as resonance, to navigate. The Grid is a web, and as we walk along that web we simply search for those connectors using the triggers and mechanisms we have at our disposal to jump from one strand to another.

The field is not the Grid in its entirety, but it permeates it, as the Kingdom of Heaven of the New Testament is in and through all things. The field, the Matrix, is the inherent structure of the thing, but not the thing itself. It may be only one level of the thing itself, because we cannot begin to imagine the physical laws that make up other stopping points along the Grid. Our reality is fixed in such a way that we often cannot ponder other realities that obey other natural laws.

Perhaps extra dimensions of space and time are required to move about the field level, as posited by Rupert Sheldrake in Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation. Sheldrake's theory of morphic fields is similar to Bohm's concept of the implicate order and the vacuum field of quantum physics. Sheldrake, a former research fellow of the Royal Society, used his rich background in biochemistry and cell biology at Cambridge University to develop his theory that morphogenetic fields are behind the forms and organizations of biological, chemical, and physical systems, and that the effects and influences of these are visible in nature. He says, “These fields order the systems with which they are associated by affecting events that, from an energetic point of view, appear to be indeterminate or probabilistic; they impose patterned restrictions on the energetically possible outcomes of physical processes.” Sheldrake then goes on to say that if these morphogenetic fields are responsible for the organization and form of material systems, they first must have characteristic structures. He suggests these field structures are “derived from the morphogenetic fields associated with previous similar systems; the morphogenetic fields of all past systems become present to any subsequent similar system; the structures of past systems affect subsequent similar systems by a cumulative influence that acts across both space and time.” Thus, the systems are organized almost out of habit, because they were done that way before. This field theory is based on the idea that the level of formative causation is influenced by the characteristics of what came before, rather than the introduction of new characteristics.

This somewhat mirrors the regenerative nature of the zeropoint field, which adds back into itself the ongoing snowballing collective of present events and forms into the existing field of the past. It also sounds similar to Ervin Laszlo's akashic field, which retains a sense of “cosmic memory” and the entirety of the past, present, and future. Laszlo states that akashic experiences of oneness and nonmaterial connectivity are examples of this cosmic memory field, which allows for the transmitting of information across the vast landscape of space and time. This cosmic memory information is not accessible via ordinary experience or through our five senses. Information is key here, because it is the “stuff” of experience itself.

Physicist John Wheeler once said that the most fundamental feature of our universe is information, and the other physical qualities are all incidentals. As Laszlo points out, “Information is present throughout space and time, and it is present at the same time everywhere.” Information is recorded, conserved, and conveyed via this fundamental field, or unified field (it doesn't matter what you call it), that underlies and manifests all of the things and processes of the universe.

Thus, the language of the field, and the language of the Grid, is information. It is the communicative stuff of the ether, the substrate, the rock-bottom level of existence and reality.

Laszlo states that the akashic field is made up of “multi-dimensional realms” and that a number of anomalous and paranormal experiences can be accounted for in this field. Because it involves moving between realms of realities, with cross talk between realms occurring under particular environmental and physiological circumstances, anyone can move about the akasha and travel back to the past, into the future, and across vast spatial landscapes and benefit from the information and memory components present in this unified field. In the foreword to the book The Way of the Explorer, former astronaut and visionary Edgar Mitchell describes this experience as of the “first sense” and not the sixth sense, as if this is our most basic sense of perception and experience.

These similarities in field theories are as exciting and stunning as their religiously themed counterparts. Every culture and civilization had both a spiritual and scientific understanding of the hidden, implicate order of things and the presence of an infrastructure that was not visible to the eye—an infrastructure of realities with various connectors, triggers, and mechanisms that, when examined, sound so strikingly familiar.

The connectors in the Grid, the resonance by which we sync and create and amplify, and the field in which information passes and exchanges and transmits both require the presence of a third major connector, as well as the minor triggers and mechanisms that are at play. We cannot access other realities without three things: a vehicle to take us there, gasoline to fuel the vehicle, and the open road itself. If the open road is the Grid itself, and gasoline is the connector and trigger and mechanism, what then is the vehicle? What is the key behind all of existence itself? What unlocks the doors to other worlds, even this one we live and move and have our being in?

There is a very special connector that also acts as trigger and mechanism. In fact, it may be the whole damn enchilada itself. We cannot leave our own bodies and minds out of this equation. What is the one common denominator in any experience involving the paranormal, altered states of reality or consciousness, and anomalous events? Heck, what is the one common denominator behind the perception and experience of normal daily reality??

We are.

Meet connector number three: Us.