Works and archives frequently cited in the Notes and Bibliography have been identified by the following short forms and abbreviations.
Bakhmetev-Maklakov Correspondence |
Sovershenno Lichno i doveritelno!: B. A. Bakhmetev—V. A. Maklakov, Perepiska, 1919–1951 [Strictly personal and confidential!: B. A. Bakhmetev and V. A. Maklakov, correspondence, 1919–1951], ed. Oleg Budnitskii, 3 vols. (Moscow and Stanford, CA: ROSSPEN and Hoover Institution Press, 2001–2002). |
Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Rossiiskoi Federatsii [State Archive of the Russian Federation] |
Gosudarstvennoi Dumy, Stenograficheskii Otchet [State Duma, stenographic minutes] |
Gosudarstvennyi Istoricheskii Muzei [State Historical Museum] |
Hoover |
Hoover Institution Library and Archives, Vasilii Maklakov Papers, 1881–1956. Collection no. 57005. Two-number citations indicate the box followed by the folder. |
Maklakov, La Chute |
V. A. Maklakov, preface to La Chute du Régime Tsariste: Interrogatoires des Ministres, Conseillers, Généraux, Hauts Fonctionnaires de la Cour Impériale Russe par la Commission Extraordinaire du Gouvernement Provisoire de 1917 [The fall of the Tsarist regime: Interrogations of the ministers, counsellors, generals, high officials of the Imperial Russian Court by the Extraordinary Commission of the Provisional Government of 1917], French translation by J. and L. Polonsky (Paris: Payot, 1927), 7–87. |
Padenie tsarskogo rezhima |
Padenie tsarskovo rezhima, stenograficheskie otchety doprosov i pokazaniia, dannikh v 1917 g. v Chrezvychainoi Sledstvennoi Komissii Vremennogo Pravitelstva [Fall of the Tsarist regime: Stenographic records of interrogations and evidence taken in 1917 by the Extraordinary Investigative Commission of the Provisional Government] (Leningrad-Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo, 1925). |
Protokoly |
Protokoly Tsentralnogo komiteta i zagranichnykh grupp Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskoi partii, 1905–seredina 1930-kh gg. [Protocols of the Central Committee and Foreign Groups of the Constitutional Democratic Party, 1905–mid-1930s], compiled, with introduction and notes by Dmitrii Borisovich Pavlov (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1998). |
Sezdy i konferentsii |
Sezdy i konferentsii konstitutsionno-demokraticheskoi partii: 1905–1920 gg. [Congresses and conferences of the Constitutional Democratic Party], 3 vols., ed. O.V. Volobuev (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1997–2000). |
Tyrkova-Williams Diary and Letters |
Nasledie Ariadny Vladimirovny Tyrkovoi: Dnevniki, Pisma [The legacy of Ariadne Vladimirovna Tyrkova: Diary, letters], collected, with an introduction and commentary by N. I. Kanishchevas (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2012). |