
“Stand back, everyone,” I warned. “It’s time for MISTER CHILLZ, THE FROST KING OF BOULDER CITY, to show these lizards what’s up!”

“That’s the worst superhero name of all time,” Felicia sniped. “And way too long.”

“I was just trying it out,” I said.

“Remember what I said about code names?” Mom said. “Think it through. You never know what’ll stick. Either way, I love you, my clever little guy.”

“Mommmm! Not when I’m trying to be a hero!” I said.

My whole body was pulsing with ice power. It was more than I’d ever felt before in my whole life. It was really cool! But there was no time to waste. I placed my hands on the door to our house and concentrated.

Tiny icicles began forming around my hands. They spread across the outside of the house until the whole thing was covered in a layer of fresh frost. I was making the entire house as cold as a freezer.

A commotion erupted inside our home. Lizard Lenn and his friends were shouting like crazy. I didn’t let it distract me. My job was to focus on the task at hand and keep my ice power going.


Lenn and his Lizardian family tore through the boarded-up front door. They fell all over one another trying to escape the freezing-cold house.