Honest Lunch

At lunch the next day, I was on top of the world. I had helped save my hometown from a Lizardian takeover! Lots of people were checking out my big smile and jaunty strut. I was pretty noticeable. I found my friends and plunked my tray down, accidentally splashing gravy on my shirt. Of course.

“Well, well, well! Someone has got some serious swagger in his step today,” Sandro said.

“So are you going to tell us what happened?” asked Chloe. “Or are you just going to grin all day long? You look so happy, I’m starting to get concerned.”

“I love smiling,” I said. Then I leaned in close to whisper to Chloe and Sandro. I needed to keep my voice down since my family had a secret identity to protect. “Yesterday was so amazing. I used my ice powers to drive the Lizard League out of my house. It turns out they lied about some stuff. Of course, if they told the truth, it might’ve saved them from the wrath of CHILLICUS REX!”

I moved my eyebrows up and down for maximum effect.

“Wait. Is that supposed to be your code name?” asked Sandro.

“You need to seriously rethink that,” Chloe added. “So where did Lenn and the League of Lizards end up anyway?”

“My parents and the police escorted them to their brand-new home in the desert,” I explained. “It’s the perfect spot for the Lizardians to lounge in the sun all day long and eat as many bugs as they want. Bob and I are going to keep in touch.”


“EATING BUGS?! THAT’S DISGUSTING!” Sandro snapped. But then he noticed a chocolate chip cookie on the floor. He scooped it up and stuffed it into his mouth. “Mmm-crunch-mmm-gobble-mmm-free-cookie!

The bell rang.

“Time for class,” Chloe said, tossing her trash and grabbing her book bag. “Peter, did you rewrite your paper?”

“I FORGOT TO REWRITE MY REPORT!!!” I shouted, slapping my forehead like a dummy. “I’m dead. I’m so dead. I’m really, really, really dead.”

“Aw man, that’s bad news!” Sandro said, leaning in close. “Are you going to lie about it again?”

Before I could answer, Chloe said, “Please tell me you learned a lesson from the League of Lizards. The truth will set you free, Peter.”

I just smiled. It wasn’t going to be easy, but I knew what I had to do.