Chapter 1

What Is a Crystal Witch?

USING CRYSTALS ALONGSIDE MAGICK IS COMMON practice today, and whether you are experienced in your traditions or an inexperienced witch who has just discovered the craft, at some point in the future you will almost definitely begin to use a lot of different stones in your spell work.

If you have read some of the other books in the Modern-Day Witch series, you will know that witches fall into a variety of categories, with each sect focusing on various parts of the craft that ring true to them. Some may give more emphasis to candle magick, for instance, whereas others, like hedge witches and kitchen witches, might prefer working with potions, pouches, and herbs. The term crystal witch means that crystals and gemstones are the main focus of that witch’s craft.

Many crystal witches belong to the eclectic witch category. Eclectic witches tend to pull on many different aspects of witchcraft to carve out their own path, which makes their faith personal and custom-tailored to them. This is the beauty of Wicca. We all go through life at our own pace, and you can interweave the parts of Wicca that give you a sense of truth.

Before you embark on your journey toward crystal craft, you need to know that becoming a crystal witch—or any type of witch—will not just happen overnight. It can take many years of study and practice to evolve into the role entirely. Many experienced crystal witches are incredibly knowledgeable and proficient when it comes to their understanding of stones, and because there are so many crystals the world over, the time it takes to reach this level of familiarity is understandable. Before writing this book, Shawn and I both felt that we had broad-enough knowledge on the subject to incorporate our findings into a manuscript, but along the way, and with a lot of research, even we learned a thing or two we didn’t know before!

As a crystal witch, you might not use crystals just for spell work; you may also use them for one or more of the following:

CHAKRA BALANCING Some witches are skillful when it comes to knowing the right crystals to use when aligning your body’s chakras, or energy centers. They might also make chakra bracelets or other forms of jewelry to help a person equalize their energies.

DIVINATION Clairvoyant witches scry using crystal balls by gazing into a faceted stone to reveal the future. They might also dowse with crystal pendulums to receive answers from the spirit world or to find energy fields, such as ley lines.

HEALING Gemstones are often used as a healing accompaniment, placed on affected parts of the body to alleviate pain or discomfort.

MEDITATION Certain crystals have the power to transform meditations, raising a person’s vibration or enabling the art of astral projection.

POTIONMAKING This is the practice of infusing crystals in water to create elixirs, which are later consumed as magickal potions. Please be aware that some crystals are toxic, so your knowledge of gemstones must be very significant if this is the path you wish to take. There are also stones that rust or dissolve in water, so you must be sure to use a safe and hardy crystal for this purpose.


Crystals flourish and grow within the earth’s crust, sometimes taking millions of years to form and develop. As they mature and expand, they begin to oscillate and vibrate, encapsulating powerful elements from the earth, the oceans, the sun, and the moon. Although technically, crystals are not scientifically classified as living creatures, we believe that each crystal is alive with its own unique energy force.

As well as being valuable for their mystical and magickal properties, crystals are also utilized for industry. In modern technology we use fine slivers of quartz crystal to help regulate frequencies and enable correct movements for pinpoint accuracy. An example of this can be found in watches and clocks. We also use quartz in microprocessors and radios.

In the New Age spiritual movement, many cultures believe that crystals radiate high frequencies and, if placed on certain parts of the body, enable one’s internal chakras to align. There is no scientific basis to show that crystals possess or project anything that affects our natural bodies, but that doesn’t mean they don’t! If crystals communicate with technology, such as computer chips, then surely it is possible for them to communicate in other ways. Some skeptics reject the power of stones used for healing and consider them to have nothing more than a placebo effect, but there are many people who believe wholeheartedly in the power of crystals. For now, we can only wait until science provides a verdict on their abilities.

Crystals are most commonly known for their therapeutic properties, and many healers spanning diverse cultures use them to balance a person’s energy and help combat any ailments. While you can employ crystals for help with any number of ailments, please know that they are not a replacement for modern medicine and should not be relied upon to cure illnesses. Please consult with your doctor as needed.

Witches have used crystals for centuries as part of their magickal practices and believe that each one holds an inherent power that projects itself toward enhancing a person’s life. These precious nuggets of power are not just earthbound; they are universal. In this book, you will come to learn exactly how to get the best out of your stones and how to tap into them to enrich your life.


These days it is so easy to hop online and instantly find what you are looking for when it comes to selecting magickal items to use in spellcasting. You can access all kinds of paraphernalia, such as herbs, candles, and even powerful spices from all over the globe, and have them in your possession with just the click of a button. However, if your focus is entirely on crystal magick, you may have more success by venturing out to visit a store.

Some people who practice crystal craft believe that we should never purchase stones without seeing them first. Their argument is that each individual stone emanates a different kind of energy—energy that might not necessarily work for your intended task. Though there is no true right or wrong way to attain crystals, it’s recommended that you be selective and get a real feel for the stone you’re interested in acquiring. It’s like inviting a new friend into your life, a magickal companion who can assist you in all manner of witchery for an entire lifetime. Having said that, if you are housebound, don’t drive, or don’t live near a town with a New Age shop, it is perfectly acceptable to purchase crystals from the web or through a mail-order service. Your stone will still work. You will just need to spend more time familiarizing yourself with it once it arrives, spending as much as a week cleansing it and blending its energy with your own.

Should you choose to visit a brick-and-mortar store, then, before you step foot through the door, it is vital that you research what type of crystal you need. Make sure you are seeking out the correct stone for the task at hand. In this book, we have made this process easier for you by providing an A–Z guide for all the most commonly used crystals, along with their magickal correspondences (see chapter 4, pages 5696). You can scroll through the lists and see at a glance which crystal might work best for your situation. Only once you have educated yourself and made your choice can you begin to seek out the right stone for the job.

Make a Crystal-Clear Connection

Once inside the store, your main goal is to make a connection with a stone. Every crystal on the planet contains fluctuating levels of power depending on when and where it was sourced. Some have more strength than others, regardless of size. You may have visited New Age shops and seen very large crystal geodes standing proudly in all their glory. These stunning creations are indeed full of superpower and would surely grace any spell, but believe it or not, smaller tumbled stones—rocks or minerals that are rounded and polished—can be just as effective when used in rituals. It is safe to say that you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on a crystal when a smaller, more affordable one will do the trick just fine.

Many proprietors or employees of crystal shops have vast knowledge of the varieties and uses of crystals, so if you are in any doubt at all, you can always ask them to point you in the right direction. They may be able to recommend a few different types of crystals to help solve the issue at hand. However, the key to finding the right stone is to take your time. Before you even think of purchasing a crystal, you must be clear about what you are trying to achieve.

Each crystal has its own purpose, so the process of selecting the perfect stone should not be rushed. Leave yourself plenty of time to really browse the store and the selection of stones. Remember, you are choosing a companion to help you with a purpose, so don’t ever be embarrassed about how long it takes for you to choose. If the salesperson is looking at you funny as you linger over many different rose quartz tumbled stones, for example, just explain that you are taking your time because you will be in it for the long haul—this will be your next crystal buddy. This selection process is your job, and yours alone, so never be tempted to ask the assistant to help you pick the actual stone you will take home.

Another point to mention is that after entering a crystal shop, you may feel a little odd. Many people report headaches or feelings of light-headedness or nausea upon spending time in crystal shops. This is completely normal. It shows that you are sensitive to the energies around you, especially when facing many varieties of crystals all being housed in the same place. Their combined vibrations can be overpowering, so you must learn how to first tune out the other crystals before you begin to tune in to the variety you need.

When you’re standing before the crystal display, attempting to make your choice, you can assist yourself by asking the universe for some guidance. Practice some deep breathing, focus on your intention (to find the perfect stone), and try a little incantation, like “I ask for positive direction in making this connection” or “I ask for a crystal that will help me find focus” (or love, or peace, or healing—whatever it is you’re looking for). Your experience will be different every time you choose a crystal. This is because each stone has a personality of its very own, an aura that belongs only to it, and you must make sure that you select the one whose energy can merge with your own.

Listening for Your Crystal

Your perfect crystal might be on a shelf or inside a glass cabinet. It could be in a box alongside a lot of other, similar stones. Your eyes might be immediately drawn to it, or it may sing out to you, saying, “Look at me,” “Pick me up,” “Choose me.” You must pay attention to these feelings if they arise and do as your instincts suggest. If no crystal catches your eye, try one of the following techniques to determine which stone is right for you.

Cast your eyes over the various crystals before you and, for a few minutes, concentrate on each stone. Focus on the color and cut of each one, notice any grains or imperfections, and study its symmetry. Do any of them appeal specifically to you? Is there one quality that jumps out at you?

Hover your left hand (the hand nearest the heart) over the top of the collection or one specific stone, and see if you feel any energy radiating from them/it. It’s a bit like using a metal detector, only you are the sensor. Some crystals won’t emit anything at all, and others might make you feel tingly, hot, or very cold, as if your hand were in a freezer. Any kind of sensation—be it hot, cold, tingly, or even throbbing—simply means you are responsive to the crystal and it will work for you in a magickal way. The fact that every crystal is different cannot be stressed enough. You really must deliberate over your choice, because one crystal might release heat while another just next to it lets off a cooler vibration.

When you pick up the crystal that you believe speaks most clearly to you, cup it in both hands. Stay in this position for a few minutes, trying to detect any vibrations. You need to make sure you feel something. If you sense nothing at all, then it’s not the crystal for you and you can put it back where you found it.

Another good way to tap into the power is to hold it up to your Third Eye Chakra. This is the space between both of your eyes. Hold it there (again, with your left hand) and close your eyes. What do you see? Do you feel a kind of rapport with the stone?

You can purchase as many crystals as you like on any given trip, but it's best to select only one or two when you are feeling for the connection. You might find that more than one crystal will catch your eye, and then you could become confused, not knowing which one to choose. If this occurs, place one stone in each of your hands and grasp them tightly, making a fist around each one. Does one of your hands begin to throb? Do you feel your pulse in your fingertips? Does one of your arms start aching or become tender or sensitive? As uncomfortable as this may be, it is exactly what you need to be feeling. This is how the crystal communicates with you, and, in doing so, projects powerful rays, amalgamating its energy with your aura.

Another great way to get a real feel for a crystal is to draw the stone slowly toward your body. Again, pay attention to how to feel. One or more of your chakras may start to react. You may experience a twinge in your solar plexus, upper chest, or forehead. This is a sure indication that your energies are aligning and that this could be the crystal for you.

Never just look at a stone and say to yourself, “Wow, that looks pretty! I’ll buy it.” Some of the most effective crystals are the odd, ugly-looking ones tucked away at the back of a box. They might not be as aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but they could hold a power that might just make the difference between a good spell and a great one!

Once you have settled on your choice, you’re ready to get to know this beautiful stone. Many witches like to perform a ritual with each new crystal they obtain, to welcome it into the fold. You can call it a meet-and-greet, an initiation, or a crystal orientation—it’s all the same.

Welcome Your Crystal Companion

Before beginning this ritual, it is important that you be in the right frame of mind. If you have had a bad day or your mood isn’t sweet, leave the welcoming to another time. This ritual should be seen as a quiet time to focus, so make sure that you remove all sources of chaos.

When you feel ready, choose a space with natural light so you can easily see the interior of the crystal. Put on relaxing music and light a single white candle. Sit in a comfortable position and take the crystal in your hand.

Take some deep breaths. Close your eyes and feel the weight of the crystal in your hand. Begin with an opening incantation, calling down the universe to help you.

“I call upon the angels, gods, and goddesses to assist me this day. Allow me to connect with my newfound stone and share in its magick.”

Open your eyes. Hold the crystal where you can see it and study it. Observe its shape, its facets, its points— all its various dimensions. Focus on the interior of the crystal. What do you observe? How does the light enter and play inside the stone? You might even feel drawn to the internal structure as though in a kind of mystical trance. Remember, there is not another crystal exactly like this one, the one you have chosen as a partner.

It is not uncommon to occasionally run into a bit of a standstill during these welcoming rituals. If you find you’re having trouble connecting with your crystal on an energetic plane, simply light a white candle (if you haven’t done so already), hold the stone loosely, and say aloud:

“Universe, I am open to the energy around me. Help me to forge a connection with this crystal.”

Allow the candle to safely burn down (with supervision). Carry the stone around or have it nearby for the rest of the day. Touch and stroke the crystal whenever you can, even if you are simply sitting and watching TV. The more you handle it, the better. Some witches even insist on sleeping with their new stones at night for up to a month. They place them under the pillow, tuck them inside their pillowcase, or keep them on the nightstand by the bed. This is completely up to you.

You may want to repeat this welcoming process with your crystal from time to time, as a way of replenishing your connection or as a special thank-you if the crystal has been particularly useful or helpful.


Lots of witches the world over include a crystal in every single spell they perform. The frequency of use is up to the individual, but using magickal stones alongside rituals is becoming more popular with each passing year.

Crystals really give spells that magickal punch, so including them in rituals is important, especially if you want to ensure success. Believe it or not, for literally every situation you might face, there are numerous gemstones that can be used. For example, if you are casting a spell for better health, you can find thirty or more stones that could potentially work for you. The more familiar you become with crystals, minerals, and stones and the more confident you are in using them, then the sooner you will learn which can serve you best. A little research beforehand is a definite must. Each stone has a slightly different magickal influence compared to the next, making it perfect for pinpointing specific issues.


I am quite superstitious about when I choose my crystals. Unless I stumble upon one I like and acquire it on impulse, I usually only go shopping for my stones on a new moon phase. This is purely my choice, and I suppose it really doesn’t matter that much, but I love the new moon and like to introduce my newfound beauties when the energies are in this phase.