For their very helpful comments on the manuscript, I thank David Attenborough, Keith Bezanson, Melanie Dammhahn, Ann Downer-Hazell, Lee Durrell, François Falloux, David Foster, Jörg Ganzhorn, Lisa Gaylord, Jacques Gérin, Jane Goodall, Frans Lanting, Mia-Lana Lührs, Bernhard Meier, Russ Mittermeier, Emma Napper, Dai Peters, Joe Peters, Peter Porter Lowry III, Johny Rabenantoandro, Léon Rajaobelina, Ny Fanja Rakotomalala, Joelisoa Ratsirarson, Alison Richard, Takayo Soma, Eleanor Sterling, Manon Vincelette, Pat Wright. Also to Hantanirina Rasamimanana and the support she has been given by the École Normale Supérieure and by her precious family, her husband Niry Ratovonirina and sons Andou, Zo and Tsilavina. And all the photographers who kindly sent photos, particularly Cyril Ruoso for the magical cover image. I also thank Andrea Cornwall for her help in suggesting the inspirational Zed Books, and Lucy at illuminati.
And then I thank my wonderfully supportive family: my husband of fifty years Richard Jolly, and my four children, Margaretta, Susan, Arthur and Richard Brabazon Jolly.