
Abelard, Pierre: Historia calamitatum, 193, 226; Theologia Christiana, 192, 193

Abraham (patriarch), 14

Accius (Roman playwright), 215

Achilles Tatius, Leucippe and Cleitophon, 129, 131

Acts of Paul and Thecla, 16, 130

Acts of the Apostles 10:9-16, 252

Adam, 16, 172

Adkin, N., 156

Aeneas, 89, 259

Aeschylus, 29

Afranius (Roman playwright), 42, 50; Divortium, 40; Mariti, 40; Repudiatus, 40

Agamemnon, 29, 54, 224

Alban, Saint, 261

Alcestis, 233, 266

Alcibiades, 259, 266

Alcman, 31

Alexander the Great, 8

Ambrose, 16, 160, 252; De viduis, 253

Anaxagoras, 7

Anderson, W. S., 5

Andreas Capellanus, De amore, 12, 21, 195, 22728

Andromache, 28, 29, 32, 34

Anselm, 237

Antipater of Tarsus, 37, 184

Antiphon the Sophist, 35

Antony and Cleopatra, 29

Aphrodite, 28

Aphthonius, 27, 28

Apuleius, 2; Golden Ass, 3, 10, 121, 130 passim, 224, 235

Aristides, Milesian tales, 134

Aristippus, 165

Aristophanes, 2, 32, 84; Lysistrata, 30, 124

Aristotle, 26, 158, 198, 225; Nicomachean Ethics, 78, 31; Politics, 31; Topics, 215

Aristotle, pseudo-, Oeconomica, 29

Arria, 233

Artemesia, 259

Athalia (daughter of Jezebel), 233

Athena, 198

Athens, 29, 30

Atta (Roman playwright), Socrus, 40

Augustine, 19, 199, 225, 24369 passim; City of God, 248, 263, 267; De bono conjugali, 18, 19; De bono viduitatis, 249, 256; De civitate Dei, 248, 263, 267; De Genesi contra Manich., 248; On Holy Virginity, 18; On the Good of Marriage, 18; Operis imperfecti contra Julianum, 252; Sermo, 32, 252

Augustus, 11, 93, 101, 107, 108

Babel, cupbearers of, 22

Baker, Donald, 257

Bakhtin, M. M., 111, 113

Barwick, K., 33

Baudri of Bourgueil, 229

Bede, Eccesiastical History, 261

Benson, Larry, 267

Bernard of Cluny, De contemptu mundi, 230, 23537

Bernard Silvester, 220

Besserman, Lawrence, 244

Bettini, Maurizio, 41

Bickel, Eduard, 158

Bilia, who endured husband's bad breath, 194, 260, 266

Blamires, A., 210, 211

Boccaccio, Corbacdo, 22

Braund, Susanna Morton, 1, 4, 5, 7, 12, 33

Brown, Peter, 11

Carmina Burana, 228

Cato of Utica, 120, 215

Cato the Censor, 43, 49, 93, 12627; De agricultura, 117

Catullus, 12, 85, 117, 224

Cedasus, daughters of, kill themselves, 264

Chanson de mal manage, 199

Chariton, Callirhoe, 129, 131

Chaucer, 24369 passim; “Franklin's Tale,” 2123, 25667; “Legend of Good Women,” 262, 267; “Wife of Bath's Tale,” 2123, 2012, 223

Chretien de Troyes, romances, 227

Chrysostomos, John, 199, 223

Cicero, 30, 191, 193, 195; 217; De amicitia, 246; De finibus, 86, 88; De inventione, 245, 253; De oratore, 112, 216; De república, 117; divorces Terentia, 225; Pro Caelio, 127, 224

Clark, Elizabeth, 188

Claudian, 214

Claudius (Roman emperor), 3

Clement, pseudo-, Recogniúones, 130

Clement of Alexandria, 37; Stromata, 29

Cleoboulos, 29

Cleon, 2

Cleopatra, 29

Clytemnestra, 13, 20, 28, 54, 124, 224, 233

Coffey, Michael, 114

Columella, 191

De coniuge non ducenda (anonymous poem), 199200, 22242 passim

Corbier, Mireille, 51

Corinthians, First Epistle to, 23; I Cor. 6:12, 248; I Cor. 7, 15491 passim, 24369 passim; I Cor. 10:23, 248

Couplets sur le manage, 199

Courtney, E., 33, 34, 156, 158

Creusa (bride of Jason), 102

Cupid, 83

Cynics, skeptical toward marriage, 8, 184

Cyprian, 160, 225

Dalzell, A., 89

Damasus, Bishop, 160

Danaus, daughters of, 233

Dark Ages, migrations of, 190

David, 17, 232, 237; and Bathsheba, 233

Dawson, Christopher, 17

De Decker, Josue, 34

Del Corno, D., 130

Delilah, 20

Dempster, Germaine, 257

Deschamps, Eustache, Miroir de manage, 201

Deuteronomy, Book of, 32:13, 214

Dido, 163, 171, 259, 262

Dinshaw, Carolyn, 244, 256

Diogenes Laertius, 72, 113

Diogenes the Cynic, 184

Douglas, Mary, 10

Duff, J. W, 115

Ecclesiastes, Book of, 21; Eccles. 7:27, 228

Eleanor, Queen, 195, 197

Encratite movements, 186

Ennius, 29, 54, 122

Ephesians, Epistle to: Eph. 5:22-32, 170; Eph. 5:25, 15; Eph. 5:25-27, 170, 248, 254

Epictetus, 8, 32

Epicurus, 71, 86, 89, 113, 165, 245; Epicureans, 8, 26, 83, 88, 115

Erasmus, 23; Annotationes on I Cor., 251

Eriphyle, plotted against her husband Amphiaraus, 20, 30, 233

Euripides, 27; Aeolus, 36; Alcestis, 30, 32, 34, 36, 214; Alcmaeon, 36; Andromache, 29, 31, 36; Antiope, 36; Bellerophon, 36; Cretan Women, 36; Danae, 36; Electra, 36; Hecuba, 36; Helen, 99; Hippolytus, 12; Hippolytus stephanophorus, 132; Ino, 31, 36; Melanippe, 36; Meleager, 36; Oedipus, 36; Orestes, 36; Phaethon, 29; Phoenician Women, 36; Phoenix, 36; Protesilaus, 36; Sthenoboea, 36; Suppliant Women, 31

Eusebius, 37

Eustochium, 163, 172

Eve, 20, 233

fabula Atellana, 49, 119

fabula palliata, 39, 40, 52, 54, 62, 63

fabula togata, 40

Feichtinger, Barbara, 14

Fieschi, Andreas, De dissuasione uxorationis, 198

Foucault, Michel, 8

Frye, Northrop, Anatomy of Criticism, 40

Fulbert (uncle of Heloise), 226

Galatians, Epistle to: Gal. 3:28, 171; Gal. 4:26, 14

Galen, 11

Gardner, Jane, 51

Gellius, Aulus, Noctes Atticae, 4243, 49, 183, 215

Genesis, Book of: Gen. 1-6, 170; Gen. 1:8, 248; Gen. 1:28, 19, 248; Gen. 2:22, 247; Gen. 20:6, 251; Gen. 35:22, 237; Gen. 39:13, 169

Gerald of Wales, 211, 213, 220

Geruchia (correspondent of Jerome), 172

Gorgias, Enkomion of Helen, 99

Gospel of Thomas, 17

Great Mother, 82

Guillaume du Conches, 4

Hagendahl, H., 159

Hanna, Ralph, III, 158, 212, 214, 259, 260

Hasdrubal, wife of, 259, 262

Hebrews, Epistle to, 13:4, 252

Hector, 28

Helen of Troy, 20, 28, 99, 103

Heliodorus, Aethiopika, 130, 131, 132

Hellenistic age, 28

Hellenistic thinkers, 26

Heloise, 193, 195, 210, 226

Henry II, as literary patron of Walter Map and others, 195, 197, 203, 210

Hephaestus, 28

Heraclitus, 162

Hesiod, 33, 36, 98, 184; Catalogue of Women, 33; Theogony, 10, 30, 98, 115; Works and Days, 30, 224

Hierocles of Alexandria (Stoic philosopher), 37, 184

Hildebert of Lavardin (antifeminist bishop), 22933, 234

Hildegard of Bingen, 234

Hipponax, 3, 32

Homer, 27, 31, 266; Iliad, 28; Odyssey, 28, 100, 135, 136, 224

Homeric epic, 28

Horace, 6, 86, 165, 230; Ars Poetica, 216; Epistle 2.1, 219; Epodes, 10; Odes, 83, 89, 116, 127, 218; Sermones (Satires), 2, 84, 88, 93, 11128 passim, 156

Hugh of Folietto, De nuptiis libri duo, 191, 201

Hugh Primas of Orleans, poems against harlots, 20

Isaiah, Book of: Is. 33.18-19, 212; Is. 50:6, 165

Isis, 32, 148

Isocrates, Enkomion of Helen, 99

Jacques de Vitry, 8

Jason, 102

Jean de Meung, Roman de la rose, 17, 200

Jerome, 1, 8, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 30, 116, 196; Adversus Helvidium, 160; Adversus Iovinianum, 31, 154209 passim, 228, 24369 passim; On the Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary, 17

Jesus, 13, 14

Jezebel, 233

John Chrysostomos, 199, 223

John of Salisbury, Policraticus, 194, 195, 197, 203, 22627, 228

Johnson, W. R., 89

John the Apostle, 200; John 4:17, 247; John 4:27, 13; John 6:9, 253; John 20:1-18, 13

John the Evangelist, 200

Joseph (biblical patriarch), 237

Jupiter, moos after Europa, 213, 216

Justinian, 95

Juvenal, 15, 37, 11128 passim, 165; Sat. 1, 3, 6, 9, 14950, 236, 24546; Sat. 2, 33; Sat. 3, 3; Sat. 4, 106; Sat. 5, 118; Sat. 6, 1, 3, 5, 6, 1214, 17, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 72, 74, 86, 104, 137, 198, 224, 239; Sat. 7, 215; Sat. 8, 119; Sat. 9, 3, 33; Sat. 11, 118

Kelly, J. N. D., 248

Kenney, E. J., 6, 72

Kings, First Book of, 11:3, 249

Kittredge, George, 2223, 267

Konstan, David, 41, 48, 49

Lawler, Traugott, 158, 214, 259, 260

Lawrence of Durham (antifeminist poet), 220, 223

Leach, Eleanor, 57

Lee, Anne Thompson, 257

Libanius, 28

Livy, 97, 262

Lollianus, Phoenikika, 130

Longus, Daphnis and Chloe, 129

Lot, daughters of, 20, 233

Lucan, Pharsalia, 215

Lucian: Dialogues of the Gods, 100; Loves, 34

Lucian, pseudo-, Loukios, or The Ass, 130

Lucilia, delivers aphrodisiac to Lucretius, 8

Lucilius (Roman satirist), 2, 6, 32, 73, 74, 112, 156, 157, 184

Lucretia, raped by Tarquin, 171, 233, 260, 26263, 267

Lucretius, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 17, 7191 passim, 98, 101, 104, 108, 113, 116, 118

Luke, Gospel of: Luke 12:51-53, 15; Luke 23:34, 165

Luther, Martin, criticizes Jerome, 2324

Lydgate, John, Payne and Sorrow, 223

Lysidamus, 45

Macedonicus, 62

Macrobius, Saturnalia, 239

Makowski, E., 7, 192, 196

Mani (opponent of Jerome), 162

Manichaean heresy, 164, 186

Manilius, 104

Manitius, 237

Map, Walter, Courtiers' Trifles, 21, 22, 19597, 203, 22627, 228

Marbod of Rennes: De matrona, 20; Demeretrice, 20, 23234; Liber decem capitulorum, 12, 20, 229

Marcella (friend of Jerome), 163

Marcion, 162

Marcus Aurelius, 113

Mark, Gospel of, 213; Mark 16:1-8, 13

Mars and Venus, 76, 99, 100, 101, 216

Martial, 33, 213, 214, 215

Martianus Capella, 212

Marx, C. W., 210, 211

Mary Magdalene, 12

Mary, the Virgin, 1, 13; cult of, 198, 201

Matheolus, Matheoli lamentationes, 200

Matthew, Gospel of, 15, 171; Matt. 19:5, 248; Matt. 20:20-22, 17; Matt. 24:19, 17, 170

Medea, 102, 103, 139

Menander, 27, 28, 36; Dyscolos, 29, 41; Epitrepontes, 29; Plokion, 29; Samia, 30

Menelaus, 99

Menippus, 115

Messalina, 33

Metellus, Q. Caecilius Macedonicus, 42, 183

Midas, and ass's ears, 247

Milesian tales, 134, 140, 141, 224

Milton, John, Areopagitica, 218

Minadeo, Richard, 89

Montanist heresy, 246

Morgan, Gerald, 257, 262

Morin, G., 252

Moses, 214

Musonius Rufus (Stoic philosopher), 32, 36, 184

Myron (second wife of Socrates), 8

Myrrhina, 45

Naevius, 2

Nausicaa, 28

Neckham, Alexander, 237

Nero, 134

New Comedy, 7, 40, 41, 73, 74, 123

New Testament, 19

Nicanor, desires Theban maiden, 265

Nicerates, wife of, a suicide, 266

Niobe, 34

Novius, Tabellaria, 49

Odo, Bishop, 234

Odysseus, 28

Old Comedy, 2

Old Testament, 19

Olympio, 45

Ovid, 13, 20, 54, 84, 193, 202, 230, 237, 247, 259; Amores, 82, 83, 239; Ars amatoria, 1112, 75, 86, 92110 passim, 224, 239; Epistula ex Ponto, 94; Fasti, 262; Metamorphoses, 2122; Remedia amoris, 12, 72, 84, 92110 passim, 217, 224; Tristia, 54, 94, 95

The Owl and the Nightingale (anonymous poem), 220

Pacuvius (Roman playwright), 215

Pandora, 30, 224

Paris of Troy, 99, 232; Judgment of, 216

Parker, H., 103

Pasiphae, 30, 95

Paul, Saint, 14, 15, 16, 18, 187, 190, 193, 196, 244, 246

Paula, 163

Pelagian heresy, 156

Penelope, 28, 97, 266

Pericles, 2

Perictione, gives birth to Plato miraculously, 196

Peripatetics, 26

Persius, 3, 6, 86, 90, 120, 156, 157, 165, 230; Sat. 1.32-35, 167; Sat. 1.4, 4; Sat. 3, 90

Peter, First Epistle of, 3:7, 162, 169

Peter of Blois, 194, 197, 203, 211

Peter of Corbeil, archbishop of Sens, 220, 223

Peter the Venerable, abbot of Cluny, 235

Petitmengin, Pierre, 167

Petronius: poems, 113, 118; Satyrica, 2, 104, 121, 12953 passim, 224, 226

Petrus Pictor (satirical poet), 23435

Phaedra, 54, 132, 139, 147

Phaedrus, 95

Phidon, daughters dance in his blood, 259, 261

Phillips, Adam, 39

Phillipus, wife of, 195

Philodemus, 30

Philo of Alexandria, Allegorical Interpretation of Genesis, 16

Phyllis, rides Aristotle, 89

Pindar, 114

Plato, 84; Laws, 30; Phaedros, 101; Republic, 30; Symposium, 84; Theatetus, 8

Plautus, vii, viii; Amphitryo, 3970 passim; Asinaria, 46, 50, 112; Aulularia, 48, 117; Bacchides, 52; Casina, 13, 40, 45, 49; Menaechmi, 3970 passim; Mercator, 49; Miles gloriosus, 7, 42, 47, 6365; Mostellaria, 40; Pseudolus, 40

Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 104, 239

Plutarch, 7, 31, 36, 132, 158; Coniugalia praecepta, 32; Moralia 6, 7

Pollmann, Karla, 11

Poppaea Sabina, denounced by Tacitus, 224

Porphyrio (commentator on Horace), 93

Porphyry (Neoplatonist), 158

Potiphar motif, 132, 169

Pratt, K., 210, 211

Praxiteles, 136

Propertius, 12, 86, 117

Proverbs, Book of, 162; Prov. 6:23, 169; Prov. 6:26-27, 169; Prov. 6:29, 251; Prov. 21:9, 163; Prov. 25:24, 163; Prov. 30:15, 16, 164

Prudentius, Hamartigenia, 104

Psalm 45:10-11, 166

pseudo-Aristotle, Oeconomica, 29

pseudo-Clement, Recognitiones, 130

pseudo-Lucian, Loukios, or The Ass, 130

Pythagorean school, 32

Quintilian, 27, 195

Quinze joyes de mariage, 201

Rawson, Beryl, 51

Reuben, 237

Revelation 14:4, 16

Rhetorica ad Herrenium, 245

Richlin, Amy, 10

Robertson, D. W., Jr., 252

Roger of Caen, De contemptu mundi, 237

Romans, Epistle to, 12; Rom. 5.18-19, 16; Rom. 6:22, 14; Rom. 7:3, 14

Rufinus, Flavius, 214

Rufinus of Aquileia, 157

Russell, Donald, 26, 27

Sabine women, rape of, 97

Sallust: Catilinae coniuratio, 22425; Jugurtha, 119

Salome, 20

Samson, 17, 237

Sappho, 9, 12, 31, 36, 84

Secundus (mysterious philosopher), 239

Sedley, D. N., 76

Segal, Erich, 57

Semonides, On Women, 10, 30, 33, 36, 112

Sempronia, denounced by Sallust for vice, 225

Seneca the Elder, Controversiae, 34

Seneca the Younger, 3, 8, 27, 54, 78, 79, 92, 95, 139, 158, 193; De ira, 7879; Letters, 95; Medea, 86; Natural Questions, 239; On Marriage, 32, 158; Phaedra, 86, 235; Troades, 261

Serlo of Bayeux, Ad Muriel sanctimonialem, 234

Sertorius, 34

Servius, 259

Shakespeare, William: All's Well That Ends Well, 40; The Merchant of Venice, 41; The Tempest, 41

Shelton, Jo-Ann, 43

Shepherd of Hermas, 15, 130

Shuhmann, Elisabeth, 50

Sibylline oracles, 162

Sirens, 20

Sisenna, lost translation of Aristides, 134

Sledd, James, 257

Smith, W. S., 3, 233

Socrates, 2, 29, 191

Solomon, 17, 163, 164, 233, 237, 249

Spartan wives, 29

Stesichorus, 99

Stobaeus, 27, 36, 37; Anthologies, 35; Florilegium, 35

Stoics, 26, 32, 115

Suetonius: De rhetoribus, 28; Life of Nero, 119; Life of Virgil, 9

Susarion of Megara, 111

Tacitus, 17; Annals, 224; Dialogue, 224

Tantalus, 77, 82

Tatian, 162

Terence, 165, 239; Adelphoe, 41; Eunuch, 74; Hecyra, 3970 passim

Terentia (wife of Cicero), 225

Tertullian, 17, 15481 passim, 196, 225, 246, 259; Ad uxorem, 249; De cultu feminarum, 18; De monogamia, 18, 168, 247, 250, 251

Testament of the Pig, 157, 158

Thales, falls into a well, 8

Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New

Testament, 251

Theobold, archbishop of Canterbury, 194

Theognis, 36

Theon, 27, 28

Theophrastus, 27, 31, 15859, 191, 193, 194, 225, 24369 passim

Thessalonians, First Epistle to, 5:17, 160, 169

Thirty Tyrants of Athens, 261

Thomas, Gospel of, 17

Thucydides, Peloponnesian War, 8889

Timothy, First Epistle to, I Tim. 2:15, 163; I Tim. 3:2, 12, 171; I Tim. 14, 16

Timothy, Second Epistle to, II Tim. 2:20, 251, 252

Titinius (Roman playwright), Procilia, 49

Tityos, 77, 78, 80, 85

Toohey, P., 94

Treggiari, Susan, 10, 26, 51

Tyndareus, daughters of, 28

Valerius Maximus, 200

Valerius Messala, husband of Terentia, 225

Varius Geminus, Roman orator, 163

Venus, 76, 89, 99, 101, 217

Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum maus, 239

Virgil, 156, 162, 165, 213, 259; Aeneid, 86, 89, 239, 263; Eclogues, 107, 218; trapped in basket, 9

Vulcan, 100

Walter of Chatillon, 228; Missus sum in vineam, 230

Wiesen, David, 156, 159

Wilson, K., 7, 192, 196

Winkler, Martin, 33

Witke, Charles, 20, 156

Xanthippe (wife of Socrates), 8, 29

Xenophon, 26, 191; Oeconomicus, 30, 31; Symposium, 29

Xenophon of Ephesus, 129, 139

Zeitlin, Froma, 10

Zeus and Hera's marriage, 28