Underscored references indicate boxed text.
Accel Bar, 178
Accelerade sports drink, 111
Acidosis, preventing, 204–6
Additives to foods, avoiding, 31
Adenosine, 139
longevity, 3–4
older runners, 218–20
slowing process of, 4–5
Agricultural revolution
dairy products introduced into diet by, 25–26
grains introduced into diet by, 25, 27, 29
variety in diet and, 33
Ahlborg carbo-loading method, 122–24, 123
Alanine, 111
Allergies to foods, 37
Aloha Bar, 178
Alzheimer’s disease, 4, 5, 190
Amino acids. See also Proteins; specific amino acids
branched-chain amino acids, 11
energy released from, during running, 11
essential, 51
immune system health and, 17
proteins broken down into, 51
rebuilding muscle proteins, 152–53
vegetarian runners and, 231
Antioxidants. See also specific antioxidants
aging process and, 4–5
best sources of, 28
as defenses against disease, 4–5
for reducing secondary muscle damage, 151
in sports drinks, 114
calibrated to calorie needs, 75
sleep and, 84
spoiling, 85–86
Arthritis, MSM for, 202
Attention to what you eat, paying, 84–85
Bagel for pre-race breakfast, 136
Balancing diet with varieties of foods, 32–34
Balancing energy sources
amounts, 55–58
good vs. bad, 61–64
overview, 45–48
percentage of calories from, 43
defined, 44
dietary links to running-related problems, 55
energy intake and energy needs, 34–36
amounts, 58–59
balancing kinds of, 64–66
overview, 48–51
percentage of calories from, 50
formulas for, not relying on, 43–44
improving on nature, 68–70
amounts, 59–61
overview, 51–53
typical meal contents, 59
Bananas for pre-race breakfast, 136
Basal metabolic rate (BMR), 76
Base phase of training, 88–89
Be Natural energy bars, 178
Biological value (BV) of proteins, 67
benefits of running fitness for, 3–4
enhanced by training, 7
sweating and blood volume reduction, 100
BMR (basal metabolic rate), 76
Body fat. See Fat, body; Leanness (low body fat)
Bolus, 139–40
osteoporosis, 217
strains from stress, 8
strengthened by training, 7–8
stress fractures in women, 218
Boost meal replacement shake, 137
running performance and, 8–9
sensitivity to glucose levels, 46
body composition improved from eating, 79–80
pre-race, 134–38
Build phase of training, 89
BV (biological value) of proteins, 67
balancing energy intake with energy needs, 35–36
basal metabolic rate (BMR) and need for, 76
calculating loss from workout, 147–48
caloric deficit
determining your needs, 75–76
eating habits for creating, 35–36
with and without exercise, 6–7
caloric density, 87–88
in dairy products, 26
fiber not providing, 48
high demand in mornings, 79–80
hunger and appetite calibrated to needs, 75
as measure of nutrient and metabolic energy, 45
muscle loss from restricting, 73
from carbohydrates, 43, 53, 55–56
from proteins, 53
in pre-race meal, 135
reducing intake a little, 73–74, 75–76
in smoothies, 180
vegetarian runners’ needs, 230–31
weight gain from small surplus, 75
Carbohydrate gels. See Gels
Carbohydrates. See also Balancing energy sources; Glucose and glycogen; Grains
absorption of, 108–10
best sources of, 56
broken down into glucose by digestion, 45–46
calculating loss from workout, 147–48
chemical composition of, 45
counting grams of, 124–25
diet analysis for, 57
disease risk reduced by, 151–52
exercise interval and, 69
fiber, 48
fueling recovery with, 81–82
glycemic index (GI) for, 61–63, 62, 135
good vs. bad, 61–64
high-carbohydrate/high-fat foods, 63
immune system health and, 17
low-carbohydrate diet, 23, 24, 54, 73, 140, 149
as macronutrients, 44–45
moderate-carbohydrate diets, 56–57
damage reduced by, 102–3
repair aided by, 152–53
wasting from lack of, 47
overview, 45–48
percentage of calories from, 43, 53, 55–56
in pre-race meal, 135, 136–38, 140
replenishing after running, 147–50
simple vs. complex, digestion and, 47–48
in sports drinks, 101–2, 103, 108–10
training and improved storage of, 10
typical meal contents, 59
water retention from consuming, 132, 134
careless approach, avoiding, 121
counting carbohydrate grams, 124–25
glycogen depletion and, 122–24, 123
length of race and, 122
sample 24-hour schedule, 128
storage of glycogen and, 57, 58
Western Australia method, 125–27, 126
Carotenoids, 5
Chicken breasts, Dijon, 184
Cholecystokinin (CCK) hormone, 85–86
Chondroitin, 198–200
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), 114, 191–92
Coffee, 139, 189, 190. See also Caffeine
Collagen, 8
Composition, body. See Optimizing your body composition
Confusion about nutrition
desire for a magic bullet, 23–24
fake nutrition experts, 21–22, 23–24
greed in selling nutrition advice, 23
information overload, 19–20
media exaggeration, 21
scientific errors, 20–21
scientific limitations, 20
sources of contradictory information, 20
CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10), 114, 191–92
Cortisol (stress hormone), 88, 150, 152
Creatine, 18, 114, 192–93, 196–98
Customizing diet to individual needs
allergies and intolerances to foods, 37
balancing energy intake with energy needs, 34–36
evolutionary adaptation and, 36–37
food journal for, 36–37, 40–41
nutrigenomics, 40
Cytomax sports drink, 102, 111
Dairy products
agricultural revolution and introduction of, 25–26
organic, 30–31
servings, 32
Dehydration. See also Sports drinks; Water
changes in racing practices, 98
dangers of, 107
heat stroke not caused by, 106–7
from low-carbohydrate diet, 73
glucose levels and, 46
risks for diabetic runners, 221–22
running fitness and reduced risk of, 4
sports nutritional needs and, 223
Diets. See also Optimizing your body composition
balance of macronutrients in, 54
continuing after setbacks, 85
customizing to individual needs, 36–41
exercise and, 6–7
from fake nutrition experts, 21–22, 23–24
greed in promotion of, 23
ineffectiveness of self-denial, 73
low-carbohydrate, 23, 24, 54, 73, 140, 149
magic bullets as oversimplifications, 23–24
moderate-carbohydrate, 56–57
muscle loss from restricting calories, 73
problems for runners from, 73
Dijon chicken breasts, 184
Dining out. See Eating out
recipes and recommendations, 181–84
Disease. See Illness
Disordered eating, 217–18
Doubling, 149–50
Drinks. See Sports drinks; Water
Drugs, performance-enhancing, 1–2, 97
Eating disorders, 217–18
Eating out
avoiding when possible, 165
body composition and, 83
calories in beverages and, 170–71
choosing restaurants, 166–67
controlling your portions, 171
at fast-food restaurants, ills of, 165, 166
ills of eating on the run, 163–65
making special requests, 170
ordering healthier options, 167, 168–69, 170
Eggs, organic, 30–31
functions of, 13
in gels, 115
loss through sweating, 14, 110–11
salty foods for supplementing, 111
in sports drinks, 98, 100, 110–11
Endurox R4 sports drink, 69, 127, 137
Energy. See also Balancing energy sources; Calories
balancing intake with needs, 34–36
body fat and costs for runners, 6
calories as measure for, 45
muscle energy and VO2max, 12, 13
older runners’ needs, 220
preference for energy-dense foods, 164
released from amino acids during running, 11
as sports drink benefit, 99, 101–2
vegetarian runners’ needs, 230–31
youth runners’ needs, 213
Energy gels. See Gels
Ensure liquid supplement, 127, 137
Ergogenic aids. See Caffeine; Gels; Sports drinks
E3 sports drink, 114
race-specific genetic adaptations, 36–37
Exercise. See also Training
basic strength workout, 91–96
caloric deficit with and without, 6–7
diets and, 6–7
glutamine depletion after, 13
immune system enhanced by, 17
nutritional support during exercise interval, 69
for optimizing your body composition, 74
weight loss and, 74
Fartlek runs, 90
Fast food or junk food
advertising dollars spent on, 164
conformity factor in choosing, 164–65
ills of, 163–65
preference for energy-dense foods, 164
restaurants, avoiding, 166
Fat, body. See also Leanness (low body fat); Weight loss
American Council on Exercise guidelines for, 77
carnitine and utilization of, 190–91
energy costs for runners, 6
four-point plan for reducing, 76–79
fueling recovery properly and, 81–82
low muscle weight with low body fat, 72
minimum percentage for health, 6
problems from too little, 6
replenishing muscle fat stores, 153–54
skin-fold measurements for testing, 77
tester for, 77
too low, concerns about, 78
triad condition in women and, 217–18
caffeine for delaying, 139, 188–89, 190
calcium and muscle fatigue, 12
chronic, caffeine and, 190
controlled by the brain, 8, 104
sodium citrate for delaying, 205
sports drinks and lowered perception of, 104–5
Fats, dietary. See also Balancing energy sources; Fatty acids; Oils
balancing kinds of, 58, 59, 64–66, 65
best sources of, 56
cutting back on “sin” foods, 82
daily needs for, 53
dairy products and saturated fats, 26
eating after workouts, 153–54
essential fatty acids, 49–50
functions of, 50
high-carbohydrate/high-fat foods, 63
immune system health and, 17
as macronutrients, 44–45
overview, 48–51
percentage of calories from, 50, 53, 58–59
polyunsaturated, 49–50, 58, 59, 64, 65
saturated, 49, 58, 59, 64–66, 65
storage in the body, 12
trans fats, 20, 49, 64–65, 65, 82
typical meal contents, 59
use enhanced by training, 12
VO2max and muscle energy from, 12
Fatty acids. See also Fats, dietary; Omega-3 fatty acids
essential fatty acids, 49–50
prostaglandins produced by, 17
storage in the body, 12
Fiber or roughage, 48
in balanced diet, 34
dinner recipes, 183–84
servings, 32
Fluid belt, 116–17
Foundation runs, 90
Fried foods, avoiding, 167
Fructose, 108–9
Fruit & Nut Delight energy bar, 178
Fruitarians, 229, 230. See also Vegetarian runners
glycemic index (GI) for, 62
as mainstay of healthy diet, 26–27
in pre-race meal, 136
servings, 32
for snacks, 179
Fullness from eating
eating filling foods, 86–87
redefining, 83–84
spoiling your appetite, 85–86
Fungicides, 30
Galactose, 109
Gatorade sports drink, 98
caffeine in, 139
consuming before workouts, 81
electrolytes and, 115
exercise interval and, 69
sports drinks vs., 115–16
using, 115–16
for youth runners, 213
GI (glycemic index), 61–63, 62, 135
Glucosamine, 198–200
Glucose and glycogen. See also Carbohydrates
bodily use of, 45–46
brain sensitivity to levels of, 46
calculating loss from workout, 147–48
carbohydrates broken down into, 45
and glycogen depletion, 122–24, 123
fluctuating levels of, 46
glycemic index (GI) and, 61–63, 62, 135
levels maintained by liver and pancreas, 46
low-carbohydrate diet and, 73, 149
pacing strategy affected by, 104–5
pre-race meal and, 134
replenishing after running, 147–50
storing before endurance tests, 57–58
training benefits for use of, 13
VO2max and muscle energy from, 13
beneficial during exercise, 111, 201
deficiency in runners, 53
functions of, 13
overview, 201–2
post-exercise depletion of, 13, 201
in recovery drinks, 202
Glycemic index (GI), 61–63, 62, 135
Glycerol for water loading, 133
Glycogen. See Glucose and glycogen
Glycomacropeptide, 86
Grains. See also Carbohydrates
agricultural revolution and introduction of, 25, 27, 29
glycemic index (GI) for, 62
rice, kinds of starches in, 48
servings, 32
Grazing, 80
Grehlin (hormone), 84
Grocery shopping. See Shopping for food
Hamburger dinner, 183
Health, general. See also Principles of healthy eating
aging, 4–5
factors affecting, 4
overlap with running fitness, 3–4
Heat stroke, 106–7
Hemoglobin, training benefits for, 7
Hill workouts, 91
Hip Twist exercise, 95
HPA axis, overtraining and, 142–43
Hydration. See also Dehydration; Sports drinks; Water
glycerol for water loading, 133
pre-race, 132–34
rehydration after running, 146–47
sports drinks benefits for, 99–101
youth runners’ needs, 213
Hyperglycemia, 222
Hyponatremia, 14–15, 101, 132–33
Ideology, nutrition beliefs based on, 22
Illness. See also specific conditions
antioxidant defenses against, 5
glycogen depletion and, 123
preventing after exercise, 150, 151–52
running fitness and reduced risk of, 4
too little body fat and risk of, 6
using nutrition to prevent, 17–18
Immune system
enhanced by exercise, 17
glutamine as fuel for, 13
immunosuppressive dietary problems, 17
nutrients supporting, 17
omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids and, 50–51
strenuous exercise and, 150
suppressed by intense or long workouts, 17–18
suppression reduced by sports drinks, 105, 151–52
Industrial revolution, 26
glucosamine and chondroitin for cartilage, 198–200
importance of nutrition for preventing, 2
risks for runners, 16–17
speeding recovery from, 159
using nutrition to prevent, 16–17
Interval workouts, 90
Intolerances to foods, 25–26, 37
Iodide, childhood growth and, 211
Iron, training benefits for, 7
Isoleucine, 11
Junk food. See Fast food or junk food
Lacto-ovo vegetarians, 229, 230. See also Vegetarian runners
Lava Salts tablets, 111
Lean AttiChews, 86
Leanness (low body fat). See also Fat, body; Optimizing your body composition
American Council on Exercise guidelines for, 77
disease risk reduced by, 4
four-point plan for, 76–79
as health indicator, 72
ideal for athletic performance, 72
low muscle weight with, 72
muscle tone and, 74
Leptin (hormone), 84
Leucine, 11
Linoleic acid, 49–50
Linolenic acid, 49–50
Liver, glucose levels maintained by, 46
Longevity, 3–4. See also Aging
Long runs, 90
Macrobiotic diet, 229–30. See also Vegetarian runners
Macronutrients. See also Balancing energy sources; Carbohydrates; Fats, dietary; Proteins
best sources of, 56
defined, 44–45
diets and balance of, 54
links to running-related problems, 55
Margarine, 20
Meal replacement shakes, 137
dinner recipes and recommendations, 181–84
eating breakfast, 79–80
eating filling foods, 86–87
grazing, 80
pre-race (4 hours before), 134–38
for recovery, 155
redefining “full,” 83–84
reducing portion size, 80
spoiling your appetite, 85–86
typical macronutrient contents, 59
in balanced diet, 34
dinner recipes, 182–84
ills of modern livestock practices, 26, 31
organic, 30–31
plant proteins vs. animal proteins, 66–68
servings, 32
Media, exaggeration by, 21
Men, minimum body fat for, 6
Menu for dinners, 182–84
Methyl bromide (fungicide), 30
Mexican wrap dinner, 183
Milk. See Dairy products
MSM (methylsulfanylmethane), 202
acidosis, preventing, 204–6
calcium and muscle action, 11–12
caloric deficit and, 6–7
creatine for reducing damage, 18
from running, 60
reduced by creatine, 196
reduced by sports drinks, 102–4, 106–8
glycogen replenishment after running, 147–50
glycogen stored in, 144
injury-response mechanism in, 9
loss from calorie restriction, 73
low muscle weight with low body fat, 72
muscle tone and leanness, 74
nitrogen balance and, 60
older runners’, 219–20
protein requirements for runners and, 59–61
rebuilding proteins, 152–53
reducing secondary damage, 150–51
replenishing muscle fat stores, 153–54
size increased by fueling recovery, 81
training benefits for, 9–10
wasting from lack of carbohydrates,
weight gain from creatine, 193, 196, 197
Naked smoothies, 180
Natural foods
agricultural revolution and, 25–26, 33
carbohydrate sources and, 63–64
evolutionary adaptation and, 24–25, 27, 32
fresh fruits and vegetables, 26–27
grains, avoiding processed, 27, 29
industrial revolution and, 26
oils, avoiding processed and damaged, 29–30
organic foods, 30–31
recovery drinks vs., 154–58
Nitrogen balance, 60
No-depletion carbo-loading method, 124, 125
No-pain-no-gain mentality, 141–42
Northwest Delights Nooksack Trail Mix, 181
Nutrigenomics, 40. See also Customizing diet to individual needs
Oatmeal for pre-race breakfast, 138
Odwalla smoothies, 180
Oils. See also Fats, dietary
ills of extraction methods, 26
oxidation of, 49
polyunsaturated, 49
processed and damaged, avoiding, 29–30
Older runners, 218–20
Omega-3 fatty acids
as anti-inflammatory nutrients, 151
deficiency, 50
linoleic acid as, 49
oil supplements for, 69
overview, 203–4
prostaglandins produced by, 50–51
recovery and, 51
for youth runners, 215
Omega-6 fatty acids, 49–50, 59
Omron HB-306 body fat tester, 77
Optimizing your body composition
basic strength workout, 91–96
being consistent, 82–83
continuing your diet after setbacks, 85
cutting back on “sin” foods, 82
breakfast, 79–80
filling foods, 86–87
smaller portions, 80
eliminating “screen eating,” 85
exercise needed for, 74
four-point plan for leanness, 76–79
fueling properly, 80–82
getting more sleep, 84
grazing, 80
lowering stress, 88
paying attention to what you eat, 84–85
redefining “full,” 83–84
reducing calorie consumption, 73–74, 75–76
replacing beverages with water, 79
spoiling your appetite, 85–86
team effort for, 87
training, 88–89
varying your training, 89–91
Osmolality of sports drinks, 100
Osteoporosis, 217
Overweight runners, 223–25, 226–27, 228
Pancreas, glucose levels maintained by, 46
Peak phase of training, 89
Pedialyte drink, 102
Perspiration. See Sweating
Pillars of performance nutrition
enhance post-exercise recovery, 16
enhance your general health, 3–5
fuel running performance, 11–15
improve on nature, 18
list of, 3
maximize training, 5–10
prevent injuries and sickness, 16–18
Pillow Balancing exercise, 94
Polymorphisms, 37
Portions. See Servings
Potassium, 14
Pre-race nutrition
bolus, 139–40
final hour before racing, 138–40
hydration, 132–34
pre-race meal (4 hours before), 134–38
Principles of healthy eating
balance energy intake with energy needs, 34–36
customize diet to needs, 36–41
eat a balance and variety of foods, 32–34, 34
eat natural foods, 24–32, 63–64
importance of understanding, 24
Propel electrolyte-fortified water, 138
Proteins. See also Amino acids; Balancing energy sources
animal vs. plant, 66–68
best sources of, 56
bioavailable, 52
biological value (BV) of, 67
broken down into amino acids by digestion, 51
deficiency, symptoms of, 53
essential amino acids, 51
exercise interval and, 69
fueling recovery with, 81–82
functions of, 52
glycogen replenishment aided by, 153
ills of too much, 53
as macronutrients, 44–45
muscle damage reduced by, 103–4
nitrogen balance and, 60
older runners’ needs, 220
overview, 51–53
percentage of body mass, 52
percentage of calories from, 53
rebuilding muscle proteins, 152–53
requirements for runners, 59–61
soy protein supplements, 70
in sports drinks, 103–4, 111, 114
typical meal contents, 59
vegetarian runners and, 52–53, 231
Racing. See also Pre-race nutrition
drinking guidelines for, 116–19
importance of nutrition for, 2–3
simulating race conditions, 119
tapering before, 58, 129–30, 131
using sports drinks during, 98–99
Raw diet, 230. See also Vegetarian runners
Recombinant erythropoietin (rEPO), 97
beginning as soon as possible, 145–46
comparison of recovery drinks, 156–57
engineered drinks vs. natural foods for, 154–58
fueling properly, 81–82
glutamine for, 201–2
goals of recover nutrition, 145
ingredients of, 144–45
lowering psychological stress, 160–61
meals for, 155
nonnutritional ways of boosting, 158–61
omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids and, 51, 151
overtraining syndrome and, 141–43
preventing illness, 150, 151–52
rebuilding muscle proteins, 152–53
reducing secondary muscle damage, 150–51
rehydration, 146–47
replenishing muscle fat stores, 153–54
replenishing muscle glycogen, 147–50
rest required for, 145
ribose and, 114
sleep and, 159–60
speeded by sports drinks, 105
supplements for, 69–70
time required for, 144–45
using nutrition to enhance, 16
window for, 146
Recovery runs, 89
Rehydration, 146–47
rEPO (recombinant erythropoietin), 97
Rest, recovery and, 145
Restaurants. See Eating out
Resting metabolic rate (RMR), 220
Ribose, 114
RMR (resting metabolic rate), 220
Roughage or fiber, 48
Salmon dinner, 183
Salt tablets, 111
Satiety. See Fullness from eating
“Screen eating,” eliminating, 85
defined, 32
dining out and, 171
eating smaller portions, 80
redefining “full,” 83–84
snacks, 177
Shopping for food
avoiding foods with additives, 173–74
choosing a grocery store or supermarket, 172–73
frozen foods, 174
guidelines for reading labels, 173
staples vs. nonstaples, 173–74
stocking up, 174–75
Sickness. See Illness
Side Stepup exercise, 93
Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch exercise, 96
Smoothies, 179–80
choosing nutritious and delicious snacks, 176
consciously and purposefully, 177
energy bars for, 178
fruit for, 179
healthy snacks for runners, 177–81
keeping snacks handy, 176–77
oversnacking, avoiding, 177
smoothies for, 179–80
soup for, 178–79
trail mix for, 181
usefulness of, 175–76
citrate, 204–5
functions of, 14
hyponatremia from loss of, 14–15, 101
loss through sweating, 14–15, 110–11
phosphate, 205–6
for preventing hyponatremia, 132–33
in sports drinks, 100–101, 110
water retention and, 133–34
Sodium citrate, 204–5
Sodium phosphate, 205–6
Soup for snacks, 178–79
Soy protein supplements, 70
Spaghetti dinner, 184
Sports drinks. See also Dehydration; Hydration; Water
carbohydrate in, 108–10
choosing the right drink, 108–14
comparison of brands, 112–13
comparison of recovery drinks, 156–57
creation of, 98
disease risk reduced by, 151–52
drinking before running, 81, 118, 138
electrolytes in, 98, 100, 110–11
exercise interval and, 69
fluid belt for, 116–17
gels vs., 115–16
guidelines for workouts and races, 116–19
hydration benefits of, 99–101
hyponatremia prevented by, 101
immune system suppression reduced by, 105, 151–52
length of race or run and, 98–99, 119
lower perceived exertion level with, 104–5
muscle damage reduced by, 102–4, 106–8
osmolality of, 100
performance enhanced by, 98
recovery drinks, 69–70, 154–58, 202
recovery speeded by, 105
for rehydration after running, 146–47
tomorrow’s workout enhanced by, 105–8
useless extras in, 114
for youth runners, 213
Starches, 47–48. See also Carbohydrates
Stick Crunch exercise, 92
Stir-fry dinner, 182
Strawberries for snacks, 179
Strength. See also Muscle(s)
basic workout for, 91–96
benefits of training, 91
bones strengthened by training, 7–8
Stress. See also Recovery
HPA axis and, 142–43
overtraining syndrome, 141–43, 201
psychological, reducing, 160–61
reducing, 88
from workouts, 143
Studies, scientific
errors and limitations in, 20–21
influence of funding on, 23
on supplements, 185–88
Sugars. See also Carbohydrates
cutting back on “sin” foods, 82
digestibility of, 47
types in sports drinks, 108–9
Superoxide dismutase, 4
Supplements. See also specific supplements
biased information about, 185–86
for carbo-loading, 127
ConsumerLab.com guide to, 187, 200
improving on nature, 18
label information for, 185, 187
oil, for omega-3 fatty acids, 69, 203, 204
for recovery, 69–70
for runners (summary), 194–97
salt tablets, 111
scientific studies of, 185–88
in smoothies, 179–80
youth runners and, 213–15
blood volume reduced by, 100
electrolyte loss through, 14–15, 110–11
factors correlated with sweat loss, 146
importance as cooling mechanism, 99–100
rates in runners, 100
VO2max and, 146
Tea (caffeine), 189
Team effort for losing fat, 87
Tempo runs, 90
THG (synthetic steroid), 1
Time, recovery and, 144–45
Trace minerals, 7. See also specific minerals
Trail mix for snacks, 181
Training. See also Exercise
bloodflow enhanced by, 7
body fat reduced by, 6–7
bones strengthened by, 7–8
calculating calories burned during, 147–48
consistently, 88
drinking guidelines for, 116–19
fartlek runs, 90
fat burning during, 12
foundation runs, 90
fueling workouts properly, 80–81
hill workouts, 91
importance of nutrition for, 2
interval workouts, 90
long runs, 90
maximizing with nutrition, 5–10
for overweight runners, 223–25, 226–27, 228
pre-race workouts, 123, 124, 125–26
progressively, 88–89
recovery runs, 89
strength training, 91–96
tapering before a race, 58, 129–30, 131
tempo runs, 90
tomorrow’s workout enhanced by sports drinks, 105–8
twice a day (doubling), 149–50
using sports drinks during, 98
varying, 89–91
Training stimulus, 16
Trans fats, 20, 49, 64–65, 65, 82
Triad condition in female athletes, 216–18
Trimethylxanthine. See Caffeine
Tuna steak dinner, 183–84
Ultragen sports drink, 69, 137, 208
Valine, 11
Variety in diet, 32–34
Vegans, 229. See also Vegetarian runners
digestibility of, 47–48
as mainstay of healthy diet, 26–27
ordering at restaurants, 167, 170
servings, 32
Vegetarian runners
categories of vegetarianism, 229–30
general health and, 229
nutritional concerns, 230–31
protein needs and, 52–53, 68, 231
Vitamin B12, vegetarian runners and, 231
Vitamin C
antibody production increased by, 17
childhood growth and, 211
combined with vitamin E, 207–8
disease risk reduced by, 5
functions of, 206–7
for reducing secondary muscle damage, 151, 206–7
Vitamin D, childhood growth and, 211
Vitamin E
combined with vitamin C, 207–8
disease risk reduced by, 5
free radical damage limited by, 4, 15
maximum dosage concerns, 208
for reducing secondary muscle damage, 151, 206–7
muscle energy from fats and, 12
muscle energy from glucose/glycogen and, 13
sodium phosphate studies using, 206
sweat rate and, 146
in testing ergogenic effects, 186
Water. See also Dehydration; Hydration; Sports drinks
carbohydrates and retention of, 132, 134
drinking during running, old beliefs about, 97–98
glycerol and retention of, 133
hyponatremia (water intoxication), 14–15, 101, 133
as most important nutrient, 15
replacing beverages with, 79, 171
role in running, 15
sodium and retention of, 133–34
sports drinks vs., 99, 100–101
water loading, 132–34
weight loss from losing, 72–73
Weight loss. See also Diets; Optimizing your body composition
consistency and maintenance of, 82–83
exercise and, 74
not recommended goal for runners, 72
popularity of pursuing, 71
reducing calorie consumption for, 73–74, 75–76
running for, 223–25, 226–27, 228
skipping breakfast and, 80
winter weight gain and, 88
Western Australia carbo-loading method, 125–27, 126
Winter, weight gain during, 88
Women runners
minimum body fat for, 6
nutritional needs, 215–16
triad condition, 216–18
Workouts. See Training
Youth runners
ensuring healthy eating habits, 211–13
hydration and energy needs, 213
nutritional needs, 210–11
supplement use by, 213–15