Social scientific research is the systematic and rigorous process of exploring the world around us. Good social science requires good research design and solid analytic skills. Both authors strive to teach students the methods of research design and statistical analysis in order that students learn how to pose research questions, test research questions, and draw conclusions on the research that they have conducted, as well as to critique the research they are exposed to through media, classes, and real-life situations. We have taught research methods and statistics courses at the university level for many years. In addition, we have published articles and books on the subjects and are involved in applied research projects in which we put into practice what we develop in this book.
This book grew from the need to provide a systematic but approachable book for our students. Other research design books often use a stilted approach that masks the vibrancy of research statistics and design (or they focus simply on either statistics or design). In this book, we hope to avoid these issues by providing a creative format and common language that will enable students to understand the content of social research at a more meaningful level.
The layout of the book is a reflection of our approach to teaching, and it targets contemporary student learning styles. We present research design material in approachable language interspersed by content that allows students the opportunity to delve as deeply as they wish in the material. Extended study units in statistical concepts and application exercises are placed strategically throughout the book to enhance the main focus of the book, research design.
We use SPSS®1 screen shots of menus and tables by permission from the IBM® Company. IBM, the IBM logo,, and SPSS are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “IBM Copyright and trademark information” at We include SPSS screen shots in the following chapters and sections: Chapters 1–3, 6–11, 13, 15, and 16, Statistical Procedures Unit C, and Data Management Units A–C.
In preparing this book, we have distilled the most meaningful content from our class-tested approaches and from our published works. We use current real-world data for our examples and discussions, in particular, the 2010 GSS2 database, a large state (Washington) database3 that compiles school-based data on student achievement, and publicly accessible data from the U.S. Census 2010.4 Much of the content on statistical procedures and using SPSS is adapted from Abbott’s previous work.5 We hope readers enjoy learning about the engaging world of research premises, procedures, and designs.
1 SPSS, Inc., an IBM Company. SPSS screen reprints throughout the book are used courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © SPSS, Inc., an IBM Company. SPSS was acquired by IBM in October 2009.
2 The GSS data are used by permission. Smith, Tom W, Peter Marsden, Michael Hout, and Jibum Kim. General social surveys, 1972–2010 [machine-readable data file] /Principal Investigator, Tom W. Smith; Co-Principal Investigator, Peter V. Marsden; Co-Principal Investigator, Michael Hout; Sponsored by National Science Foundation. NORC ed. Chicago: National Opinion Research Center [producer]; Storrs, CT: The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut [distributor], 2011. (
3 The data are used courtesy of the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Olympia, Washington. The Web site address is
4 U.S. Census, 2010.
5 Abbott, Martin Lee, Understanding Educational Statistics using Microsoft Excel® and SPSS®, Wiley, 2011. Also, Abbott, Martin Lee, The Program Evaluation Prism, Wiley, 2010. Both are used by permission of the publisher.
Supplementary material for this book can be found by entering ISBN 9781118096482 at