
Family and friends helped me to write this book: Sue Donohue, wife and reader; Gene Donohue, cousin, consultant, resource, and founding 155th Regiment re-enactor; Jack Brew, cousin and lifeline to the main character; the late Mary Suchan, John’s great-granddaughter; Elaine Kelly Pease, great-granddaughter of Captain Tim Kelly of the 164th Regiment; Patty McClain, proofreader and literary critic; Pat Wille, formatter and technical adviser; Jeanne Bowman, reader and literary critic; Bob Yott, Bath Soldiers and Sailors Home historian; Kathy Shaw, literary critic; Buffalo Irish Genealogical Society members; librarians at both the Buffalo and Erie County Central Library and the Clarence Library; Ben Maryniak, late Civil War historian; First Ward historians Barbara Sullivan and Tim Bohen; Ed and Sue Curtis, Salisbury Confederate Prison Association founders ; Michael Gent, reader and literary adviser; Judy Tamburlin, clerical help and reader; Tim Trabold, computer consultant and manuscript rescuer; Dr. Edmund Egan, medical adviser; and the volunteer staff at the Waterfront Memories Museum.

Lastly, let me mention in a most special way my editor, Carl Thiel.