Snakes probably like gardeners even less than gardeners like snakes, and they are likely to take up residence only in the wilder and less tidy gardens where they are subjected to minimal disturbance. Unless we are extremely quiet, they usually slither away before we even notice them.
Britain has just three native snake species, and only two of these are at all likely to be found in our gardens: the adder, which is poisonous, and the grass snake, which is not. In Scotland, only the adder occurs and, thanks to St Patrick, there are no snakes at all in Ireland.
The grass snake, also known as the ringed snake because of its conspicuous yellow collar, is Britain’s biggest snake. It can be as much as 2m (6ft) long, although it is usually a good deal shorter. It likes damp grassy places and feeds mainly on frogs and toads. Some small birds and mammals are also eaten. There is not a lot that you can do to attract this or, indeed, any other snake into your garden and, although there is no reason to fear this harmless creature, not many people are likely to want to encourage it. If you have a meadow or other area of long grass that is cut from time to time, pile the debris in a sunny spot and you may find a grass snake basking there. It might even lay its eggs in the heap, taking advantage of the warmth generated by the rotting grass. The grass snake is also attracted to compost heaps, which provide it with food as well as warmth.
Adders occur in all kinds of rough habitats. They are rare in gardens, where they are most likely to be found in sunny spots at the bases of hedges and old walls. Look for the dark zig-zag line on this snake’s back. Adders feed mainly on small mammals, which are poisoned by its venom. The snakes are rarely dangerous to healthy people, apart from the elderly and the very young, but if you do have adders in the area and you don’t particularly want to watch them it is worth stamping your feet every few yards as you walk around – the vibration will send the snakes slithering for cover. Never jump across ditches or other obstacles: you might just land on a basking adder. I have done it myself and was lucky not to be bitten!
Gardens in Italy and the southern half of France often harbour the western whip snake, but don’t expect to see much more than the tail end disappearing silently into the vegetation or under a wall, as this is one of the fastest snakes. It enjoys sunbathing, and if you suspect it may be in the vicinity, it is worth putting down a couple of paving slabs or creating a patch of close-mown turf in an area of longer grass. Set up your sun-bed or deckchair nearby and you may be able to watch this handsome snake. It is non-poisonous and feeds largely on lizards.
Snake bites are rarely dangerous in Britain but should always be taken seriously. The area around a bite usually starts to swell within a few minutes if some venom has been injected. If this does happen, then keep the affected part as still as possible and seek medical attention right away. No swelling means that no venom was actually injected, and a simple painkiller can be taken to deal with any discomfort.