
Every gardener can easily recognize a ladybird, and there can be very few people who do not know that these colourful beetles are our valuable allies in the constant struggle against aphids and several other insect pests.

There is not a lot that you can do to encourage ladybirds into your garden, but if your roses or other plants are suffering from a severe plague of aphids you can try collecting some ladybirds from the wild. Put them on the infested plants and they will probably stay there until they have polished off the aphids, although not all aphids are eaten with equal enthusiasm. The big aphids that wreck lupin flowers, for example, are avoided by most ladybirds.


Michael Chinery

The ladybird larva looks nothing like the adult, but it is equally effective at controlling aphids in the garden.


Michael Chinery

Aphids may kick and struggle, but they are no match for the ladybird’s tough jaws.


Michael Chinery

Large numbers of ladybirds may hibernate in secluded corners, emerging to sun themselves en masse in the spring.

You can also buy ladybird cultures from various suppliers, but don’t be surprised when you receive a collection of bluish-grey grubs instead of the familiar beetles. These are the ladybird larvae. They are common enough in the garden, but many gardeners do not know what they are and all too many are squashed in the belief that they are nibbling the plants, but the larvae are just as good at eating aphids as their parents and each one can eat over 100 aphids in a week. That’s perhaps as many as 500 before it reaches its full size and turns into an adult to continue the carnage.

Colourful warnings

The ladybirds’ bright colours warn birds and other predators that the insects taste foul. You will be aware of their flavour if you handle them. They literally bleed on your hands and leave long-lasting, pungent stains. Birds have only to try one or two ladybirds before they learn to leave them alone.

Vegetarian ladybirds

Although most of the ladybirds are entirely predatory, there are some vegetarian species, including the 22-spot ladybird. Named for the 22 little black dots on its yellow wing cases, this tiny creature eats mildews and is often to be found on gooseberry and currant bushes in the spring.