Abbott, James A.
Académie des Beaux-Arts
Accent (CBS television program)
Adams, Abigail
Adams, John
Adams Jr., Frederick B.
Adenauer, Konrad
Agnelli, Marcella
Air France jet crash
Alexandre (Parisian hair stylist)
Alphand, Hervé
Embassy dinner
Embassy luncheon
Hours security incident
Kennedys’ Paris trip
Malraux visit
meetings with Hours
Metropolitan Museum party and
Mona Lisa loan
National Gallery-Louvre link television show
unveiling ceremony
Alphand, Nicole
Embassy dinner
holiday season (1962)
Hours and
Kennedys’ Paris trip
Malraux visit
Mona Lisa loan
National Gallery-Louvre link television show
unveiling ceremony
Alsop, Joseph
Alsop, Susan Mary
Amanuel, Ruth
Anderson, Admiral
Andrew W. Mellon Fund
Annenberg, Walter
Annigoni, Pietro
Anti-Memoirs (Malraux)
“Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer” (Rembrandt)
“Arts and the National Government, The” (Heckscher)
Assumption of the Virgin, The (Poussin)
Atlanta Arts Association and jet crash
Auchincloss, Hugh D.
Auchincloss estate (Merrywood)
Auchincloss III, Hugh D.
Balanchine, George
Baldridge, Letitia (“Tish”)
art inquiries and
on Jackie Kennedy
Baldridge, Letitia (“Tish”) (continued)
on JFK
Malraux state dinner
Mona Lisa loan
unveiling ceremony
Walker’s illness
Baudelaire, Charles
Beatrix, Princess of the Netherlands
Behrman, S.N.
Bell Telephone Laboratories
Bellow, Saul
Berensen, Bernard
Beuret, Albert
Birth of Venus, The (Bouguereau)
Black, Mrs. Millard
Blair House
“Blockbuster” museum exhibitions
Boathouse on a River (Cézanne)
Boating Party (Cassatt)
Bohlen, Charles E. (“Chip”)
as ambassador
Cuban missile crisis
Bonnet, Henri
Boudin, Stéphane
Bouguereau, William-Adolphe
Bowles, Hamish
Bradford, Sara
Brown, Hillary
Brown, J. Carter
as National Gallery director
unveiling ceremony
Bruce, David
Buck, Pearl
Buoninsegna, Duccio di
Cairns, Huntington/wife
Calnan, Matilda Loeser
Calnan, Philippa
Campbell, Joseph
Campion, John E.
Kennedy family protection
Mona Lisa protection
Carmichael, Leonard
Cassatt, Mary
Cassini, Oleg
gown for unveiling ceremony
on Jackie Kennedy
Cézanne paintings
history of
in National Gallery
in White House
Chagall paintings
Chapelain-Midy, Roger
Chatelain, Jean
traveling with Mona Lisa
Walker and
Chayefsky, Paddy
Chicago Daily Tribune
Churchill, Winston
Clark, Kenneth
Cleveland, Grover/wife and daughter Marion
Cohen, Mrs. Burton
Cold War
Mona Lisa loan and
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and
Cole, Nat King
Collingwood, Charles
Condition, La Humaine (Man’s Fate by Malraux)
Connoisseur magazine
Constitution (U.S.)
Coolidge, Calvin
Copley, John Singleton
Copley Family, The (Copley)
Cott, Perry B.
analysis of Mona Lisa condition
mounting painting
protection of Mona Lisa
Cotte, Pascal
Crespi, Vivian
Croiselle, Georges
Cuban missile crisis
detection of missiles
news reports
president’s address to nation
press learning of
U.S. meetings on
See also specific individuals
Cushing, Richard Cardinal
Da Vinci, Leonardo. See Leonardo da Vinci
Dale, Chester
collection commitment
Mona Lisa loan
National Gallery of Art
relationship with Walker
Dale, Mary
Dali, Salvador
David, Jacques-Louis
De Gaulle, Charles
George Washington letter and
JFK’s death
Kennedys’ Paris visit
nuclear weapons and
style of
United Nations and
U.S. tension
World War II
De Gaulle/Mona Lisa loan
Embassy dinner and
letter to the president
politics and
sanction of
U.S. gratitude to
De Givenchy, Hubert
De Pompadour, Madame
De Valera, Eamond
Declaration of Independence (U.S.)
Devonshire, Duke/Duchess
D’Harnoncourt, René
Di Benvenuto, Girolamo
Diaghilev, Serge
Dillon, Douglas C.
Douglas-Home, Robin
Douvier, Guy
Drummond, Lady Margaret Gwendolen Mary
see also Walker, Margaret
Drummond, Sir Eric (Earl of Perth)
Du Pont, Henry Francis
White House Fine Arts Committee
White House restoration
Earl of Perth (Sir Eric Drummond)
Eisenhower, President
Ekberg, Anita
Elizabeth, Queen
Embassy dinner, Mona Lisa loan
Fanfani, Amintore
Feidler, Ernest
Mona Lisa security
sound system and
Figaro, Le
Finley, David E.
Fitzgeralds of Ireland
Folliard, Edward
Andrew Mellon and
“chats” with Mona Lisa
covering Mona Lisa story
Embassy dinner
on JFK
JFK’s death
Mona Lisa loan idea
news covered by
SS France
traveling with Mona Lisa
on unveiling ceremony
Walker and
Folliard, Mary Helen
Forest, The (Cézanne)
Fourth of July (Moses)
Fox, Sanford
Foy, Mrs. Martin
Francis I, King
Leonardo da Vinci and
portrait by Titian
Franklin, Benjamin/portrait
Frick, Henry Clay
Frick Gallery
Friendly, Al
Frost, Robert
Gallagher, Mary
Gardanne (Cézanne)
George, King
Gherardini, Lisa
see also Mona Lisa
Ghirlandajo, Domenico
Giocondo, Francesco del
Girl With a Watering Can (Renoir)
Giuliano de’ Medici bust
Glen Jr., John H.
Glen Ora estate
Goodwin, Richard
Grand Central Terminal preservation
Gromyko, Andrei
Guardian newspaper
Guys, Constantin
Habert, Jean
Haile Selassie
Halberstam, David
Hammersmith Farm
Harding, President
Harriman, Marie
Harriman, W. Averell
Hassam, Childe
Hautecoeur, Louis
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hayes, Lloyd D.
Heckscher, August
on Jackie Kennedy
Mona Lisa loan
as presidential arts consultant
Twentieth Century Fund and
Hemingway, Ernest
Hemingway, Mary
Hennessey, John Pope
Honey Fitz
Hoover, President
Houdon’s bust of Voltaire
Hours, Jacques
Hours, Madeleine
Embassy luncheon and
Louvre evacuation
meetings with Ambassador Alphand
on Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa travels to Tokyo/Moscow
National Gallery-Louvre link television show
position/work at Louvre
son Antoine
Hours, Madeleine/Mona Lisa loan
condition analysis
Embassy dinner
meetings with Walker
Metropolitan Museum
opposition to loan
public exhibition
return to Louvre/analysis
security incident
security/protection measures
unveiling ceremony/evening
in Washington with Mona Lisa
House on the Marne (Cézanne)
Houses on a Hill (Cézanne)
Istomin, Eugene
James, Henry
Jaujard, J.
trip to National Gallery
Jefferson, Thomas
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (National Cultural Center)
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston
John XXIII, Pope
Johnson, Ladybird
Cézanne paintings
Embassy dinner
unveiling ceremony
Walker and
as White House hostess
Johnson, Lyndon
Cuban missile crisis
Embassy dinner
Malraux and
unveiling ceremony
Josephine, Empress
Kazan, Elia
Kazan, Michel
Kennedy, Caroline
at 5 years old
father’s death
on parents
room of
at time of Cuban missile crisis
Kennedy, Ethel
Kennedy, Jacqueline
admiration of all things French
admiration of Malraux
Americans views of
art preferences
art views
birthday card to Walker
communication with Walker after loan
Cuban missile crisis and
at Doubleday
on French National Television
Grand Central Terminal preservation
guarding private life
holiday season (1962)
husband’s death
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston
Lafayette Square revitalization
leaving White House
letter to Walker before leaving White House
Malraux visit invitations/preparations
National Gallery tour for Malraux
Paris trip
President Kennedy’s portrait and
promotion of National Gallery
public support of the arts
at state dinner honoring Nobel laureates
at Viking Press
Walker’s illness and
White House guidebook
Yellow Oval Room after JFK funeral
see also Malraux, André/U.S. visit
Kennedy, Jacqueline and White House art/restoration
“arts czar,” 23
Benjamin Franklin portrait
Cézanne paintings
East Room
Green Room
Louis XVI sitting room
State Dining Room
summary of art work
televised tour of the White House
White House guidebook and
Yellow Oval Room
see also White House Fine Arts Committee
Kennedy, Jacqueline childhood/education
art preferences
historical knowledge and
Merrywood and
National Gallery and
Paris studies and
preparatory schools
Vassar College and
Vogue magazine’s Prix de Paris
Kennedy, Jacqueline/Malraux state dinner
Mona Lisa promise
welcoming gift
Kennedy, Jacqueline/Mona Lisa loan
arrival ceremony
Cold War and
comforting Walker
communications with Walker
Embassy dinner
importance/effects of
Malraux promise on
Metropolitan Museum of Art
as personal loan to Kennedys
president’s image and
request to Malraux
thank-you letter to de Gaulle
unveiling ceremony
unveiling ceremony problems and
view of
Kennedy, John F.
Campion and death
France-U.S. nuclear weapons debate
holiday season (1962)
Louis XVI sitting room
Malraux state dinner/toast
manned space program
on nuclear weapons
Paris trip
President’s Advisory Council on the Arts
selecting gift for wife
Special Consultant to the President on the Arts
speech on arts/culture, Amherst College
at state dinner honoring Nobel laureates
Time magazine’s “Man of the Year,” 25-26
Kennedy, John F./Cuban missile crisis
address to nation
communication with Soviet leaders
press and
Kennedy, John F./Mona Lisa loan
approval on ceremonies
Embassy dinner
press conference announcement
at time of arrival
unveiling ceremony
unveiling ceremony speech
Walker’s responsibilities
Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier
Kennedy, Robert
Cuban missile crisis
Embassy dinner
Malraux visit
Kennedy, Rose
Kennedy Jr., John
at 2 years old
room of
at time of Cuban missile crisis
Ketchum, Jim
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kirsten, Lincoln
Klee, Paul
Kline, Franz
Knight, Christopher
Kress, Rush H.
Kress, Samuel H./Collection
Kuhn, Walt
La Vallière, Louise de
Lacouture, Jean
Lafayette, General
Lafayette, Madame de
Lafayette Square revitalization
Landscape with a Tower (Cézanne)
Lasker, Albert D./wife
Lasky, Joseph
Leaming, Barbara
Lehman, Bobby/Collection
Leonardo da Vinci
France and
ideas/talents of
Italy and
Mona Lisa painting technique
see also Mona Lisa
Lewis, Sinclair
Lewis, Wilmarth
Life magazine
Lincoln, Evelyn
Lindbergh, Anne
Lindbergh, Charles A.
Lippe, Fillipo
Lippmann, Walter
Loeb, John
Loeser, Charles A.
Loeser, Matilda
London Observer
Look magazine
Los Angeles Times
Louie-Marie, Vicomte de Noailles
Louis XIV, King
Louis XV, King
Louvat, Ferdinand
conditions at
security after Mona Lisa theft
television show link with National Gallery
see also specific art; specific individuals
Louvre et les Tuileries, Le
Lurçat, Jean
MacLeish, Archibald
Macmillan, Harold
Madame Henriot (Renoir)
Maharajah of Jaipur and wife
Main Street (Lewis)
Malraux, André
as author/social critic
as cultural minister
death of sons
at Embassy luncheon
JFK’s conversation on nuclear weapons
Kennedys Paris visit
on Mona Lisa
relationship with de Gaulle
Whistler’s Mother loan
in World War II
Malraux, André/Mona Lisa loan
announcement to Louvre curators
curators analysis
Embassy dinner
Folliard’s request
French criticism/protests against
French national pride and
Jackie Kennedy’s request
leaving Washington
painting’s return to Louvre
as personal loan to Kennedys
promise to Jackie Kennedy
public exhibition/attendance and
unveiling ceremony
U.S. gratitude to
Malraux, André/U.S. visit
Blair House
French Institute address
Glen Ora
invitations to
National Gallery tour
Overseas Writers Club and
Robert/Ethel Kennedy
state dinner
welcoming gift
Malraux, Madeleine
Embassy dinner
unveiling ceremony
U.S. visit
Manet, Édouard
Man’s Fate (La Condition Humaine by Malraux)
March, Frederic
Marshall, George
Martin, David
Maysles, Albert
McCone, John A.
McIntosh, Frank H.
McNamara, Robert S.
Cuban missile crisis and
Embassy dinner
Mellon, Andrew
National Gallery of Art and
Mellon, Bunny
Mellon, Paul
Embassy dinner
Mona Lisa loan
National Gallery of Art
Walker and
White House guidebook
Merrywood (Auchincloss estate)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Robert Lehman Collection
see also Mona Lisa loan/ Metropolitan Museum of Art; specific individuals
Meyer, André
Miedan, Lucien
Mohen, Jean-Pierre
“Mona Lisa” by Nat King Cole
Mona Lisa
exhibition catalog on
Francesco del Giocondo and
as president’s relative
speculations on
Mona Lisa (painting)
2005 move in Louvre
end of travels
Italy vs. France claims
National Gallery-Louvre link television show
painting technique
relocations and repairs
scientific investigation revelations on
speculations on
text for exhibition catalog
theft/damage of
travels to Tokyo/Moscow
Mona Lisa hair-do
Mona Lisa loan
airliner vs. ocean liner travel
arrival ceremony
arrival ceremony plans
condition at time of loan
Embassy dinner
exhibition funding
French ceremony stipulations
French protection stipulations
French protests against
French security stipulations
French stipulations on
insurance and
packing at Louvre
packing case
politics of
press corps exhibition
protection/security on SS France
on SS France
SS France trip plans
SS United States voyage
storm during voyage
testing protection
text for exhibition catalog
trip from New York to National Gallery
trip to Paris-Le Havre dock
U.S. gratitude for
“Vault X,” 126
see also specific individuals
Mona Lisa loan/Metropolitan Museum of Art
diplomatic row
ending ceremony
exhibition plans
Jackie Kennedy and
presentation of painting
public exhibition/attendance
trip to
Mona Lisa public exhibition (Washington)
attendance records
exhibition booklets
Hours security incident
merchandise sales
Mona Lisa unveiling ceremony
guest list
hanging painting
president’s speech
president’s speech writing
Relay satellite television pictures
sound system and
VIP guests
“Mona Mania,” 172
Monet paintings
Monroe, President
Morot-Sir, Edouard
Moses, Grandma
“Mrs. Yates” (Stuart)
Murphy, Michael J.
Murrow, Edward R.
Musée du Jeu de Paume
Musée National du Château de Malmaison
Mussorgsky, Modest
Natalle, Elizabeth J.
National Cultural Center (John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts)
National Endowment for the Arts
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Gallery of Art
early donors to
Jackie Kennedy’s promotion of
Mona Lisa arrival
Mona Lisa exhibition for press corps
Mona Lisa exhibition for staff
Paul Mellon and
television show link with Louvre
theft attempt
“Vault X,” 80
see also Mona Lisa loan; specific individuals; Walker, John
National Geographic Society
New Republic
New York Daily News
New York Post
New York Times
New Yorker, The
New Yorker Magazine
Nixon, President
Nocturne (Whistler)
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Nuclear weapons
France-U.S. debate on
JFK on
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
see also Cuban missile crisis
Olympia (Manet)
Oppenheimer, Robert
Orly plane crash
Ormsby-Gore, David
Overseas Writers Club
Malraux and
Page, Geraldine
Paris Match
Paris Opéra Ballet
Parisien Libéré
Pauling, Linus C.
Peale, Rubens
Pei, I.M.
Pell, Claiborne
Perse, Saint-John
Embassy luncheon for
writing of
Perugia, Vincenzo
Philip, Prince of England
Phillips Gallery theft
Picasso paintings
“Pictures at an Exhibition” (Mussorgsky)
Pietà (Michelangelo) travels
Piqueras, Lorenzo
Pope, John Russell
Power of Myth, The (Campbell)
Prendergast, Maurice
President’s Advisory Council on the Arts
Prix Goncourt literary prize
Public Happiness, The (Heckscher)
Publishers Weekly
Radziwill, Lee
holiday season (1962)
Malraux book and
with sister
on sister
Radziwill, Prince
Rapoport, I.C.
Relay satellite television pictures
Louvre-National Gallery of Art link
Mona Lisa unveiling ceremony
Rembrandt’s Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer
Renoir pictures
Girl With a Watering Can
in National Gallery
Rivera, Diego
Robert Frost Library
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
de Gaulle and
National Gallery of Art
Root, Waverly
Rorimer, James J.
Malraux visit and
relationship with Walker
work at Met
World War II and
see also Mona Lisa loan/Metropolitan Museum of Art
Rorimer, James J./Mona Lisa loan
handling Mona Lisa
meeting with Walker
preparation for
public reaction
Rose, Leonard
Rosenwald, Lessing/sister
Rothko, Mark
Rowe, Abbie
Rusk, Dean
Cézanne paintings
Cuban missile crisis
unveiling ceremony
wife of
Salinger, Pierre
announcement on Jackie Kennedy’s pregnancy
Cuban missile crisis
Folliard and
French National Television
Malraux state dinner
Mona Lisa loan
Sassoon, Donald
Schlesinger, Arthur
on de Gaulle
dinner with Kennedys
on Jackie Kennedy
on JFK
Malraux visit
Paris trip and
speechwriting by
White House guidebook
Secret Service
Mona Lisa protection
president/president’s family protection
U.S. documents and
see also Campion, John E.
Self-Portrait with Donors: Confessions of an Art Collector (Walker)
Serullaz, Maurice
Shaw, Irwin
Shepard, Alan B.
Shepard, Tazwell
Sidey, Hugh
Sofia Brothers trucking firm
Sofia Jr., Theodore
Sonnenberg, Hubert Von
Sorensen, Theodore
on de Gaulle
on Jackie Kennedy
Space program (U.S.)
SS France
Mona Lisa trip plans
Mona Lisa voyage
SS United States
Mona Lisa voyage
Stern, Isaac
Stevenson, Adlai
Cuban missile crisis
Metropolitan Museum
Stuart, Gilbert
Styron, William
Sullivan, Francis
Sulzberger, Cyrus Leo
Taylor, John M.
Taylor, Maxwell
Telstar satellite
Accent (CBS television program)
Jackie Kennedy’s White House tour
Louvre-National Gallery of Art link
Mona Lisa unveiling ceremony
role of
Thant, U.
Thayer, Mary Van Rensselaer
Thompson, Llewellyn
Time magazine
Time magazine’s “Man of the Year,” 25-26
“Treasures of Tutankhamun,” 219-220
Truman, President
Tut, King, exhibition
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Campbell
Van Eyck
Vandalism of art
at London’s National gallery
Mona Lisa
Walker’s fears of
Venouil, Josette
Verdon, René
Villa I Tatti
Vogue magazine
Vogue magazine’s Prix de Paris
Von Kluck, Alexander
Wagner, Mayor
Walker, John
on Accent (CBS television program)
Chester Dale and
Chester Dale’s death and
communication with Jackie Kennedy after loan
Cuban missile crisis and
daughter Gillian
Devonshire Collection opening night dinner
views on role of museums and culture and
Folliard and
illness of (1961)
Jackie Kennedy as a child and
Jackie Kennedy’s birthday card to
Jackie Kennedy’s letter before leaving White House
life in Rome
Malraux National Gallery visit and
Malraux state dinner
on Mona Lisa
National Gallery-Louvre link television show
President Kennedy’s portrait and
president’s gift to wife
relationship with Rorimer
summer vacation (1962)
taking position at National Gallery
ties with wealthy families/collectors
unveiling of The Assumption of the Virgin
Whistler’s Mother loan
White House Fine Arts Committee
White House guidebook
see also Cézanne paintings
Walker, John Anthony
Walker, John/Mona Lisa loan
airliner vs. ocean liner travel
analysis of arrival condition
arrival ceremony
arrival ceremony plans
calls to National Gallery on
Chester Dale and
communications with Jackie Kennedy
criticism of
end of responsibilities
ending ceremony/speech
exhibition for press corps
exhibition for staff
exhibition funding
exhibition preparations
fears of
French stipulations on
hanging painting
health issues and
Hours security incident
letters to Malraux
meeting with Louvre officials
Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibition responsibilities
opposition to loan
preparation for leaving Washington
protection/security measures
public exhibition/attendance and
resignation thoughts
responsibility acceptance
responsibility and
return to France logistics
return to Louvre
text for exhibition catalog
trip to Metropolitan Museum
unveiling ceremony
unveiling ceremony plans
unveiling ceremony problems
Walker, John/Mona Lisa loan (continued)
views on moving art
views on (six years after)
see also Mona Lisa loan
Walker, Margaret
as curator’s wife
unveiling ceremony
see also Drummond, Lady Margaret Gwendolen Mary
Walsh, John
Walton, William
Warnecke, John Carl
Washington, George
Washington Post
Watson, Francis
Webster, Daniel
West, J.B.
on Jackie Kennedy
Jackie Kennedy’s White House tour
Malraux state dinner preparations
Whistler, James McNeill
Whistler’s Mother (Whistler)
loan to U.S.
National Gallery-Louvre link television show
White, Jean
White House
guidebook on
Lincoln’s chairs
see also Kennedy, Jacqueline and White House art/restoration
White House Fine Arts Committee establishment see also specific members
White House Historical Association
Widener, Joseph E.
Widener family
Wilde, Oscar
Wildenstein, Daniel
Wildenstein & Company
Wilder, Thornton
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Williams, Tennessee
Winckler, Jean-Claude
Winged Victory of Samothrace
Winston, Harry
Wrightsman, Charles
Wrightsman, Jayne
Wyeth, Andrew
Yalta Conference
Zöllner, Frank