
Chapter 6

of Trees


Days of the Week Tree Correspondences

The following list is based on the planetary days of the week as we know them, beginning with an examination of the names of the seven days in other languages, for by knowing these, we may obtain a greater understanding and an easier way to remember the heavenly bodies that energetically influence each day. Included are some of the magickal correspondences and trees associated with each day.


Heavenly Body: Moon

Ancient Greek: Hemera Selenes

Latin: Dies Lunae

Spanish: Lunes

French: Lundi

Italian: Lunedi

Romanian: Luni

Norse Meaning: Moon’s day

Welsh: Dydd Llun

Element: water, spirit

Magickal Workings: all purpose, psychic workings, divination, the underworld, spirit communication, discovering hidden knowledge and mysteries, intuition, empathy, dreams, the sacred feminine, and new beginnings

Trees: willow, birch, elder, holly, hazel, apple, sycamore, evergreens, palm, walnut, chestnut, yew, fir, cypress, cedar, laurel, myrtle, cherry, plum, olive, pear, myrrh, mimosa, pawpaw, papaya, and alder


Heavenly Body: Mars

Ancient Greek: Hemera Areos

Latin: Dies Martis

Spanish: Martes

French: Mardi

Italian: Martedi

Romanian: Marti

Norse Meaning: Tyr’s day

Welsh: Dydd Mawrth

Element: fire, air

Magickal Workings: victory, overcoming obstacles and challenges, resolving inner conflicts, arguments and battles, fulfilling goals, legal matters, courage, strength, protection, and defense

Trees: alder, vine, cottonwood, oak, hawthorn, yew, hickory, elm, holly, and pine


Heavenly Body: Mercury

Ancient Greek: Hemera Hermou

Latin: Dies Mercurii

Spanish: Miercoles

French: Mercredi

Italian: Mercoledi

Romanian: Miercuri

Norse Meaning: Woden’s day

Welsh: Dydd Mercher

Element: air

Magickal Workings: communication, travel, peace, knowledge, learning, memory, inspiration, and art

Trees: willow (for other world communication), aspen, palm, olive, hazel, linden, mulberry, pecan, pomegranate, ash, and oak


Heavenly Body: Jupiter

Ancient Greek: Hemera Dios

Latin: Dies Jovis

Spanish: Jueves

French: Juedi

Italian: Giovedi

Romanian: Joi

Norse Meaning: Thor’s day

Welsh: Dydd Lau

Element: earth, fire, spirit

Magickal Workings: prosperity, healing, finances, protection, stability, health, to attract forces, success, and beginnings

Trees: cedar, olive, juniper, aspen, cypress, oak, bohdi, chestnut, linden, maple, rowan, sassafras, poplar, and birch


Heavenly Body: Venus

Ancient Greek: Hemera Aphrodites

Latin: Dies Veneris

Spanish: Viernes

French: Vendredi

Italian: Venerdi

Romanian: Vineri

Norse Meaning: Freya’s day

Welsh: Dydd Gwener

Element: water, spirit

Magickal Working: love of all kinds, health, beauty, passion, forgiveness, divination, shadow work, understanding, empathy, desire, romance, passion, and union

Trees: apple, maple, willow, cherry, myrtle, birch, linden, cedar, apricot, elder, pine, cypress, myrrh, laurel, blackberry, chestnut, lilac, magnolia, mimosa, orange, papaya, pawpaw, peach, pear, and plum


Heavenly Body: Saturn

Ancient Greek: Hemera Kronou

Latin: Dies Saturni

Spanish: Sabado

French: Samedi

Italian: Sabato

Romanian: Sambata

Norse Meaning: Saturn’s day/Washer’s day

Welsh: Dydd Sadwrn

Element: fire, water, spirit, earth

Magickal Workings: rest, release, banishing, letting go, clearing, cleansing, protection, and exorcisms

Trees: yew, ash, hawthorn, hazel, elder, pomegranate, elm, beech, buckthorn, locust, oak, willow, alder, poplar, rowan, chestnut, lemon, and spruce


Heavenly Body: Sun

Ancient Greek: Hemera Helio

Latin: Dies Solis

Spanish: Domingo

French: Dimanche

Italian: Domenica

Romanian: Dumenica

Norse Meaning: Sun’s day

Welsh: Dydd Sul

Element: spirit, fire, air

Magickal Workings: family, friends, optimism, power, all-purpose, strength, success, Divine Masculine, inspiration, protection, clarity, divination, truth, healing, and finances

Trees: oak, holly, aspen, hazel, lemon, orange, rowan, cottonwood, cedar, sycamore, palm, evergreens, ash, apple, plane tree, olive, poplar, laurel, fig, chestnut, and juniper
