–– Dogwood, White Flowering ––

Other Names: Eastern flowering dogwood, and flowering dogwood

Number of Species: 30–60

Family: Cornaceae

Genus/Species: Cornus florida

Leaf: Simple opposite, deciduous, 2–6 inches long, ovoid shape, pointed tip, smooth toothless margin, deep green above and paler below

Bark: Red to brown, sometimes gray, and splits into small square sections

Fruit: Green drupes that turn red when mature, containing 1–2 seeds

Magickal Properties and Lore: No known magickal properties.

Practical Uses: Fruit is used to make jams and can be made into a sauce similar to cranberry if pitted and cooked with sugar. Wood is very dense and will sink in water. This wood has been used to make weapons in earlier times such as spears, and the bark can be used to make red dye.

Medicinal Properties: The fruit is nutritious and can be used to treat fevers, bowel problems, and heart diseases. Flowers have been used to treat diarrhea.