Other Names: Japanese katsura tree, morioka tree, and amazing grace
Number of Species: 2
Family: Cercidiphyllaceae
Genus/Species: Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Leaf: Simple opposite, deciduous, 2- to 4-inch-long heart-shaped to ovoid leaves with an almost smooth margin and pointed tips, red flowers and red stems
Bark: Gray to brown, shaggy and peeling. Tree shape is like a pyramid and has a dense crown.
Fruit: Clusters of 2–4 small winged pods (samara)
Magickal Properties and Lore: Love, beauty, blood, healing and calming sensitive emotions, communication with ancestors and the divine. Burn the leaves to produce a scent like cotton candy or sugar. This essence will help to open and heal the heart chakra.
Practical Uses: Katsura is an ornamental tree planted for its beauty. Wood has been used to make some board games, furniture, and boxes.
Medicinal Properties: There are no known medicinal properties.