–– Linden, American ––

Other Names: basswood, American basswood, bee tree, and lime tree

Number of Species: About 30–40 species

Family: Tiliaceae

Genus/Species: Tilia americana

Leaf: Simple alternate, deciduous, ovate to heart-shaped, 5–7 inches long, very sharp-toothed margin, pointed tip. Flowers are yellow with 5 petals.

Bark: Gray, deeply fissured and scaly with age, though smooth when young. The inner bark is fibrous and paper-like.

Fruit: Round green nut-like fruits with 1–3 seeds, turning yellow when mature, hanging in clusters from a leaf-like wing and covered with very tiny hairs

Magickal Properties and Lore: Mercy, victory in legal battles, luck, healing, peace, love, sleep, dreams, freedom, immortality, and protection. Hang branches, dried leaves, or bark over the door to protect the home. Linden is sacred to Freya, Frigga, Mary, Jesus, Thor, and Phylira. The message of this tree is to never give up on your dreams.

Practical Uses: The wood is soft and great for carving, used to make yardsticks, and Native Americans have used the inner bark to weave baskets, ropes, and floor mats. Bees gather pollen from the flowers to make honey, and this honey is considered superior in taste and of very high quality. The leaves are sometimes used in salads.

Medicinal Properties: Flowers as a tea are beneficial for the blood and can be used to lower cholesterol and high blood pressure. It can be used to soothe diarrhea, clear the sinuses, promote sleep, and soothe inflammations and burns.