–– Pine, Austrian ––

Other Names: European black pine, sometimes mistaken for red pine or scotch pine

Number of Species: Over 90 species of coniferous evergreen trees

Family: Pinaceae

Genus/Species: Pinus nigra

Needle: Clustered pokey needles grow in pairs, but these pairs do not twist around each other at the base like those of the Scotch pine, 3–6 inches in length, 2 needles per cluster, dark green, and pointed. The needles of the Austrian pine do not break evenly when bent.

Bark: Brown and gray, very scaly. Branches are reddish in color.

Cones: Brown cones when mature, 1–3 inches in length. Each scale of the cone ends with a sharp pointed tip and contains two seeds per scale.

Magickal Properties and Lore: Protection, spell breaking, longevity, purification, fertility, exorcisms, healing, money. Pine is an all-purpose magickal tree. Carry pinecones to increase longevity and fertility. Burn needles to purify and cleanse an area of unwanted negative energies, or spread the needles on the ground to ward off evil spirits. Burn the needles to break or reverse a curse or spell. Place a pine branch over or near the bed to ward off sickness and bad dreams. Carry or burn the sawdust for any of the above. Essence of pine is relaxing and will ease stress and tension, promote insight and intuition, and develop self-confidence. Pinewood makes a great wand or staff.

Practical Uses: Pines are an important and valued source of timber and many species produce edible seeds (or nuts) that can be eaten raw or roasted into breads or cakes.

Medicinal Properties: Pine nuts provide potassium, magnesium, carotene, and vitamin E. Needles can be used for teas, ointments, or bath water to soothe coughs, congestion, breathing, circulation, or as a disinfectant or diuretic.