Doubt Shall Not Make an End of You

Doubt shall not make an end of you

Nor closing eyes lose your shape

When the retina’s light fades;

What dawns inside me will light you.

In our public lives we may confine ourselves to darkness,

Our nowhere mouths explain away our dreams,

But alone we are incorruptible creatures,

Our light sunk too deep to be of any public use

We wander free and perfect without moving,

Or love on hard carpets

Where couples revolving round the room

End found at its centre—

I reach into you to reach all mankind,

And the deeper into you I reach

The deeper glows elsewhere the world

And sings of you. It says,

To love is the one common miracle.

Our love like a whale from its deepest ocean rises—

I offer this and a multitude of images,

From party rooms to oceans,

The single star and all its reflections;

Being completed we include all

And nothing wishes to escape us.

Feel nothing separate then—

We have translated each other into love

And into light go streaming.