
Billie runs all the way home, her bare feet slapping the pavement. She is bubbling with excitement. A secret room hidden between two walls! What could be more thrilling? Billie can’t imagine how her life could get any better.

But just as she arrives at her house, she sees something that makes her heart sink. Her dad is striding towards her with Jack by his side. Jack looks worried and a little apologetic. But Billie’s dad just looks mad. Very mad!

‘What do you think you’re doing, Billie?’ he says, angrily.

‘Oh! Sorry!’ Billie says. It sounds silly, but there is nothing else she can think of to say.

‘You didn’t even tell us where you were going!’ he continues. ‘You must never do that. Luckily Jack knew where you were.’

Billie hangs her head. She knows what she did was very wrong. ‘I’m sorry,’ she says again in a small voice.

Her dad sighs and pulls Billie into his arms. ‘We were really worried, Billie,’ he says. ‘You know you can’t go out on your own at night.’

‘I wasn’t thinking,’ she says quietly.

‘Thanks, Jack,’ Billie’s dad says. ‘You’d better get back to your dinner now.’ He walks Jack to his front door.

Billie is quiet all through dinner. She feels bad that she made her parents worry so much. Even Noah senses something is wrong. Usually he is noisy and chatty but tonight he just pokes at his food with his fork.

He looks up at Billie and frowns. ‘Never do dat again, Billie!’ he says, crossly, wagging his finger at her.

Billie looks at her mum, who is trying not to laugh. She looks at her dad. He bites his smile and looks away. Then they all look back at Noah, who has put on his angriest face possible. At that moment all three of them burst into laughter.

‘What?’ says Noah, surprised. ‘What? Are you happy again, Mumma?’

‘Yes, Nozy, darling,’ Billie’s mum says. ‘I’m happy again now.’


She stands up and puts one arm around Noah and one around Billie and pulls them in tight.

‘Thanks, Noah,’ Billie whispers. ‘You’re the best.’ Noah still looks a little unsure about what he has done but smiles happily all the same.
