How to Recharge
Your Life with
More Than 500 Affirmations
Now you have read how to use affirmations, when to use affirmations and why to use affirmations. Are you ready to use affirmations? Are you ready to make a change; add something to your life; let go of something in your life?
When you’re ready to make a change, turn to the subject of your intentions and find an affirmation that feels good. If none feel right to you, write one of your own. Remember, you don’t have to believe it. It is something you are going toward. You’re moving in that direction.
Subjects are often interconnected. For example, if you’re seeking to find more love in your life, you might look at resentments, to see what or who is filling your heart with anger or pain. Or look at letting go, to see what you are holding on to that is blocking you from feeling love. There’s an old saying that if you have one foot in the past and one foot in the future, you can’t be in the present moment.
Affirmations for losing weight can be found under addiction, food and weight. A new job affirmation can be found under career or purpose.
If you have the time, it would be wonderful if you could find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. Sit quietly and meditate for ten or twenty minutes. Meditation helps you to connect with God, Higher Power, Allah, Jesus, Universal Energy, Divine Guidance or anything you want to call the Power that is greater than ourselves. You can connect with your angels, your spirit guides, or whatever you believe works.
Find an affirmation that feels right for you or rephrase it in any way that makes you most comfortable. The affirmations in the index of this book are simply suggestions. Personalize them in any way you wish. Or write your own!
When you become willing to follow these simple instructions, incredible transformations will begin to occur in your life. Watch for miracles!
Let yourself feeel the power of these affirmations and discover how they can change the way you feel. Discover how they can change your life.
If we believe we are going to change, we are going to change!
Expect your every need to be met.
Expect the answer to every problem,
Expect abundance on every level.
Eileen Caddy
I have abundance in all areas of my life.
I am open to all the blessings of the universe.
I deserve to have wonderful things happen to me.
I have everything I need today.
Everything I need is flowing into my life today.
The Universe is providing me with ________________
(add your own intention or desire here).
I allow God to provide me with abundance on all levels.
I accept myself just as I am today.
I am willing to accept life on life’s terms.
I accept my limitations.
I am learning to accept limitations in myself and others.
I accept my progress today.
I accept others as they are today.
Addictions/See also Compulsions; Food; Habits; Recovery; Weight
I don’t gotta even if I wanna.
I feel the joy of being a nonsmoker.
It feels so good to be drug- and alcohol-free!
I am proud of my healthful eating today.
I am free from the desire to ______________________
(add your own word(s) here, i.e., overeat, gamble,
work, control).
I am a sober person today.
I am free from the control of addictions.
I am drug-free today.
I am asking God to remove ________(name addiction).
One cannot help being old,
but one can resist being aged.
Lord Samuel
I am managing my aging process with grace and acceptance.
I am at the perfect age for me today!
I am grateful to be alive at any age!
My guardian angel is guiding me to my highest good
Unseen angels are looking after me today and all is
I have the unconditional love of my guardian angel and
know that all is well in my life today.
With the help of my angel(s), my life is changing in a
positive way today.
With the help of my angel(s), I face any difficult situation
and come through easily and effortlessly.
Remember, every minute spent in anger is sixty seconds of happiness wasted.
Author Unknown
I am learning to express my anger in healthy ways.
As I breathe in and out, I watch my anger melt away.
I choose to ignore the anger of others.
I am learning to calm down and practice managing my
I am learning to give myself emotional distance from
tension and conflict.
Attitude/See also Feelings
I have a positive and healthy attitude today.
I’m changing my day by changing my attitude.
My feelings are my friends today.
I allow my feelings to change into positive energy today.
My life is in balance today.
I am balancing my personal, spiritual and professional
life today.
God is guiding me as I learn to live a well-balanced life.
I take on only what I can handle.
I am learning to balance the demands on my life today.
I am learning to balance work and play.
I can learn to find balance in my life.
It feeels good to be creating a more balanced life.
I love my body today.
I am taking good care of my body today.
God is helping me to accept my body just the way it is.
It feeels so good to put only healthy things into my
I treat my body with care and respect, knowing that it
is the home of my soul.
I am taking care of myself mentally, physically and
Business/See also Success
All the energies of the universe are guiding the people
to buy my product(s) today.
I am creating a successful business that will help me, my
family and others.
Source is guiding people to it now who will benefit from
my work!
God is guiding me to the next step to make my business
more profitable.
My business is flourishing!
Career/See also Guidance; Job; Purpose
It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.
Walt Disney
I am moving forward in my career.
I am growing into my career.
I’m finding the perfect career for me.
I’m finding a fulfilling career that is financially
God is guiding me on my career path.
I always knew that one day I would take this road
but yesterday I did not know today
would be the day.
Julia Cameron
I am worthy of positive changes in my life.
Today I welcome CHANGE as opportunity.
I am open to positive changes in my life today.
Nothing is stopping me from growing today!
I’m learning more quickly to recognize what I cannot
I’m letting go of all my struggle to change what I
cannot change!
I am taking time to reflect and to enjoy the pleasure of
new experiences.
I trust that I will know the right time to make changes
in my life.
Choices/See Decisions
I am fulfilling all my commitments.
I can be trusted to come through today.
I promise only what I can do today.
I keep all my promises today.
If you cannot be compassionate
to yourself, you cannot be
compassionate to others.
Thich Nhat Hanh
I am a caring and compassionate person.
I give compassion freely today.
I am a loving and compassionate person today.
I am grateful for my compassionate heart.
Compulsions/See also Addictions; Food; Habits; Recovery; Weigh
I am free from repeating actions that harm me.
I know that saying “no” to addictions is saying “yes” to
As I close the door to compulsive addictions, many
other doors open.
God gives me all the strength I need to say no to my
compulsive ways.
I am letting go of my need to do unhealthful things.
Confidence/Self-Confidence; Self-Esteem
Today I am fully alive and open to feeling all that there
is, knowing that I can handle all that comes my way.
I am a confident person today.
I am confident in my ability to meet challenges today.
I am a dynamic, confident, charismatic, motivating, fearless ___________________ (add your own word(s)
here, i.e., speaker, leader, teacher, singer, writer, etc.). I have the confidence to express myself openly and freely today.
I have all that I need to do what is good and right in my
life today.
I know that confidence grows with each success.
I feeel strong and confident today.
I am learning to trust my own wisdom and give myself
permission to follow it.
I feeel confident in my ability to ___________(add your
own word(s) here, i.e., act, speak, pass this test, etc.).
I am choosing to spend time with people who help me
feel confident.
I am growing in self-confidence.
I know what is right for me and I act on it.
I’m letting go of my need to control everything.
I’m learning to do the footwork while God controls my
I’m learning to let go and let God.
I see my need to control as a block to me today and I
am letting it go.
Courage is fear that has said its prayers.
Author Unknown
My courage grows as I try new things.
The Universe supports me as I push beyond my fear.
I have the courage of my convictions.
I have all the courage I need to _____________________
(add your own word(s) here, i.e., take a plane ride,
apply for a new job, speak up to my boss).
I have all the courage I need today to face my shortcomings.
Today my creativity is flowing easily and effortlessly.
I am open to all the creativity of the universe.
God is showing me what a creative person I am.
I am willing to let go of all the blocks to my creativity.
My Higher Power guides me in making healthy and
positive decisions today.
I am being guided to make positive choices in my life
I am making healthy decisions today.
My decisions are positive and for the good of all
I choose healthy paths today.
I have choices today.
I trust myself to make a good decision.
Difficult Situations
The experiences of life can become our teachers;
the accidental predicaments
of our lives are, in this sense,
spiritual opportunities.
Tara Bennett-Goleman
I have all the strength, support and guidance I need to
get through this situation.
I am willing to ask a friend to help me through this
I make things easy on myself today.
God is guiding me through this difficult time.
I can learn to ask for help when things are tough.
I can get through anything with the help of my Higher
All the energies of the universe are guiding me through
this time.
Doubt/See Faith and Trust
All the positive energies of the universe are pouring
through me today.
I choose to spend my energy in a balanced way.
My energy is a force for good in the world.
I use my energy to create positive results.
I am directing my energy in positive and loving ways.
I am open to all the positive and loving energies of the
God gives me all the energy I need today to do all that
needs to be done.
Divine energy is flowing through me with every breath
I take.
God is guiding me in the best use of my energy.
I am excited about __________________.
I feeel excitement pouring through me as I think about _________________.
I am finding healthy and positive things to feel excited
My Higher Power gives me all the energy and incentive
I need to exercise today.
I feel so good as I take time each day to exercise.
I weigh_______ (insert your intended realistic weight here) and I always have enough time, energy and desire to exercise my body.
I weigh________(insert your intended, realistic weight here) and I have created my perfect body with slim, trim limbs and firm toned muscle.
Faith/See also Problem; Trust
I would rather live my life as if there is a God
And die to find out there isn’t,
Than live my life as if there isn’t
And die to find out there is.
Author Unknown
My faith is increasing each day.
All the answers I need are coming to me as I need them.
I rely on my faith today.
I turn my will and my life over to the care of God today.
I put my faith in a Power greater than myself.
I have faith that God is guiding me through this time.
Fear can’t stop me from moving forward.
Fear no longer owns me or is a threat to my day.
I’m letting go of my fear today.
I’m turning my fear into faith.
I am moving beyond my fear.
I am free of fear because I have faith.
Feelings/See also Attitudes
I am not my feelings.
It’s okay to feel my feelings.
I do not have to act out on all my feelings.
I’m handling my feelings in a healthy way.
I am becoming debt-free today.
I am living within my means today.
I am donating more freely to good causes.
All the money I need is flowing to me today.
My business is growing and prospering.
God is guiding me to use my money wisely.
I am financially responsible today.
I am contributing financially to the well-being of others
whenever possible.
I see money as a way of easing the pain of others.
(Remember to feel the words
as you say them.)
Food/See also Addictions; Compulsions; Habits; Recovery; Weight
God is designing my menu today.
My food choices are healthful today.
I am eating what I need to stay healthy today.
Food is my friend today.
My Higher Power is giving me all the strength I need to
eat what is good and healthful for me.
I am learning to enjoy eating food that is good for me.
Forgiveness/See also Letting Go; Resentments
I see my ability to forgive as a gift
from God, accepting it as a gift to me.
Sandy Bierig
I’m moving toward giving forgiveness today.
I’m letting go of all my resentments today.
I accept forgiveness from others.
I am learning how to forgive today.
I am willing to be a forgiving person.
I am devoted to inner peace. I forgive myself no matter
I let go of my judgments and freely forgive.
I am letting go of all my negativity and am becoming
free to let joy into my life.
I am letting go of all the blocks that keep me stuck so I
can be free to move forward.
I choose to be free today.
No matter what happens to me or around me, I am free
Today I trust that by searching deep within for my own
truth, I am discovering the door to freedom and
I am free to be me!
Friends/See also Relationships
I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift
us to our feet when our wings have
trouble remembering how to fly.
Author Unknown
I take time for my friends today.
I am a good friend.
I am the kind of friend I’d like to have.
I am a loving and considerate friend today.
I’m taking time to have fun today.
I give myself permission to play, explore and create.
I take some time each day to laugh and play.
I spend at least a few minutes every day with loved ones
just having fun.
I have harmless fun today.
We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give.
Norman MacEswan
I am growing in my ability to be generous.
I am able to share with others more freely.
I am a generous person!
I feel wonderful when I am able to give freely to others.
I am donating more freely to good causes.
I am more generous with my_______________________
(add your own words here, i.e., time, money, self).
I’m generous with my praise and compliments.
I am willing to let go of any fear I have that keeps me
from being generous.
Goals/See also Plans
The tragedy of life does not lie in not reaching your goal.
The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.
Benjamin Mays
I am setting realistic goals for me today.
My goals are positive and move me forward on a
healthy path.
I am willing to set challenging goals for myself.
I am working a little every day to reach my goals.
My goals are for my highest good and for the highest
good of all.
God gives me all the strength I need to reach my goals.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order,
confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast,
a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Melody Beattie
I am maintaining an attitude of gratitude today.
I start each day with my gratitude list.
I am grateful for the smallest things today.
Gratitude keeps me connected to the universe.
I can always find something in my life for which to be
Taking time to grieve brings relief from my pain.
I’m taking all the time I need to grieve.
Grieving is my path out of darkness.
Allowing myself to feel my grief is healing.
God guides me through my grief.
God gives me all the strength I need to handle my grief.
Guidance/See also Career; Job; Purpose
All the energies of the universe are guiding me today.
God is guiding me on my path and my pace today.
I am being guided in positive directions today.
I pray for guidance in all that I do.
I am open to God’s plan for me today.
The Universe is providing me with _________________
(add in your own intention or desire here).
I allow God to provide me with abundance on all levels.
Habits/See also Addictions; Compulsions; Recovery; Weight
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
I am developing healthy habits today.
I am letting go of all the unhealthy habits that kept me
He who lives in harmony with himself
lives in harmony with the universe.
Marcus Aurelius
I feel connected to the peace and harmony of the universe.
My home is in harmony today.
I love the harmony in my relationships today.
My life is flowing harmony today.
My Higher Power is showing me how to remove all my
blocks to peace and harmony.
(Remember to feel the words as you say them.)
Healing energy is flowing through all the cells of my
I feel vibrant and in good health.
Today I am connecting with my own natural rhythm
and honoring it.
I am letting go of everything that threatens my health.
I am an instrument of God’s healing love.
Healing energy is flowing through me with every breath
I take.
I’m taking good care of my health today.
I have the power to heal my body.
Honesty/See also Integrity; Principles; Values
If you want to hear the truth, listen to the heart,
because it doesn’t know how to lie.
I am living an honest life today.
I am one with myself through honesty.
Honesty is my way to freedom today.
I dare to tell the truth no matter what happens.
It feels so good to be truthful in all my affairs.
God guides me to speak the truth.
I am giving up my need to lean on others.
I am finding my own path today.
I trust myself to the care of myself today.
I am learning to be an interdependent person.
It’s sometimes okay to need the help of others.
God gives me all the inspiration I need to have a
wonderful day.
I feel inspired as I grow on my spiritual path.
I feel inspired to be the very best of who I am.
I feel inspired to ______________________________
(add your own words here, i.e., write, act, paint, win the Olympics).
I’m generous with my praise and compliments.
Integrity/See also Honesty; Principles; Values
If you have integrity, nothing else matters.
If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.
Alan Simpson,
former U.S. Senator
I live with integrity today.
God guides me on a life filled with integrity.
I follow the voice of my inner spirit.
I have all the intelligence I need today to ____________
(add your own word(s) here, i.e., pass this test, do this
job, write this book).
I am an intelligent person.
I am opening myself to others.
I dare to be intimate today.
I am open to allowing others in today.
I’m letting myself be seen as I am.
I’m willing to let others get close to me.
I am learning to trust myself.
There is a special place within me where I find wisdom.
I trust the small voice inside of me.
I dare to follow my intuition.
Today I sit quietly and patiently, waiting to hear my intuitive voice, trusting the stirring and encouragement of my own inner wisdom.
(Remember to feel the words as you say them.)
Job/See also Career; Guidance; Purpose
But where is this going to lead me
to make me a more realized person?
Nicole Kidman
God is guiding me to the perfect job for me today.
I am perfect for this job.
I am in the process of getting the perfect job for me
I feel strong and confident in my job today!
I am working in a job that benefits people.
My work contributes to the good of humanity.
I am growing in my ability to do my job well.
I feel the joy of _____________today. (Insert what is appropriate for you, i.e., teaching, running, parenting, skateboarding, writing, learning, etc.).
I am open to having joy in my life.
I live joyfully.
I deserve joy today. I feel the joy of living today.
I am finding time to have joy in my life.
I am discovering what brings me joy.
I am willing to let go of anything that keeps me from
feeling joy in my life.
I’m letting go of being judgmental today.
I am learning to live without judging others.
I am accepting others as they are.
As I practice letting go of my judgments, all parts of me
come together and I feel complete.
Letting Go/See also Forgiveness; Resentments
But more frequently the task
is one of letting go,
of finding a gracious heart that
honors the changes in life.
Jack Kornfield
Today I am willing to let go of all anger and resentments
that keep me stuck in tension and in pain.
My past no longer owns me.
I’m no longer a victim of my past.
I am letting go of ________________________________
(insert your own intention here).
Today I am willing to let go and let God work in my life.
I am letting go of all the negative thoughts that limit my
I’m letting go of my self-imposed burdens today.
I’m letting go of should and ought to today.
I’m letting go of my need to be perfect.
I’m letting go of my need to control everything.
I am at peace with the past.
God is guiding me to let go of all that is blocking me
from feeling peace.
Just to be is a blessing.
Just to live is holy.
Rabbi Abraham Heschel
I am open to new experiences today.
I am willing to live life on life’s terms.
I love life today!
I choose to live my life in a positive way.
I am feeling passion in my life today!
I value life as a gift from God.
The experience of love is a choice we make,
a mental decision to see love
as the only real purpose and value in any situation.
Marianne Williamson
Today I choose to see everyone through the eyes of
I am growing in love and compassion.
My heart is filled with love and compassion.
I can accept love today.
I choose to give love freely.
I am coming from a place of goodness and love today.
God is removing everything that blocks me from my
ability to love and be loved.
I am learning to love without judgment today.
The secret of meditation is to become conscious
of each moment of your existence.
Thich Nhat Hanh
I am eager to meditate today.
I have all the time I need to meditate every day.
I am a daily meditator.
Meditation is a gift I lovingly give myself each day.
I release all my resistance and barriers to meditation
Meditation brings me closer to my creative source.
My meditation is flowing easily and effortlessly.
I feel myself filled with loving energy as I meditate
I seek the knowledge of God’s will for me in meditation.
Miracles are instantaneous, they cannot be
summoned, but come of themselves,
usually at unlikely moments and to those
who least expect them.
Katherine Anne Porter
I am open to all the miracles of this day.
I expect miracles.
I’m hanging in ’til the miracle happens.
I believe in miracles.
Today I have all the courage I need to let go of everything that is holding me back so that I can step forward and experience each miracle that is waiting for me.
I am clearing out old confusion and doubt so that I can
see the miracles today.
Money/See Finances
The Universe is providing me with all my needs today.
All my needs are being met today.
I have everything I need today.
There is Divine Order in my life today.
I am moving toward order and clarity.
I am clearing out the clutter of my life.
My life is full of peace and orderliness.
My child is/children are a great source of joy in my life.
I am willing to give my child/children the space he/she/they need when the time is right.
I am a calm, loving ______________________________ (insert your own word here, i.e., parent, mother, father, guardian), filled with strength and flexibility, supporting my children in becoming all that they can be.
Peace/See also World Peace
We look forward to the time when the power of
love will replace the love of power.
Then the world will know the blessings of peace.
William Ewart Gladstone
I am taking the time today to do whatever I need to do
to bring peace into my life.
I am feeling peace in this very moment.
I feel peace pouring through my entire body.
Peace and relaxation flow through me with every
breath I take.
Peace is as close as my next breath.
I feel peace at all times.
I am positive and peaceful today.
I am filled with peace and harmony.
I release the illusion of being rushed.
I feel peaceful and serene, knowing that I’ll know when
I need to know.
For only in the reality of our imperfection
can we find the peace and serenity we crave.
Ernest Kurst and Katherine Ketchum
I’m letting go of my need to be perfect.
It feels so good to let go of perfectionism as my goal.
I am looking for progress, not perfection in my life.
Plans/See also Goals
Affirm: Today I set my intention to remember God.
I awaken asking, “God, what would You have me do
today?” Then I listen for an impulse, idea or directive.
Throughout the day, I welcome God’s interruptions,
knowing Spirit has a plan bigger than my own agenda.
Mary Manin Morrissey
I am planning my day to have time to connect with God
and also with myself.
My plans for today are realistic and manageable.
I look forward to God’s guidance when I make my
Since my house burned down
I now have a better view of the rising sun.
Mather Fox
I am positive and peaceful today.
I choose to have positive people in my life today.
I look for the positive in each situation.
(Remember to feel the words as you say them.)
Prayer/See also Spirituality
Rise with the sun to pray.
Pray alone.
Pray often.
Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak.
Native American Code of Ethics
I take time to connect with my Higher Power every day.
I deepen my connection with God each day through
prayer and meditation.
I pray for the knowledge of God’s will for me and the
power to carry it out.
I talk to God in the morning to start my day.
Principles/See also Honesty; Integrity; Values
Lead your life so you won’t be ashamed
to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
I live a life based on principles today.
I trust my inner sense of what is right for me.
I do my best to do what is right in all my affairs.
Problem/See also Faith; Trust
God is opening the door for the perfect solution to my
The Universe gives me all the answers I need today.
Procrastination/See also Solitude; Time
Even if you’re on the right track,
you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
Will Rogers
I do what needs to be done when it needs to be done.
I do things immediately today.
I do things today so I will have more time tomorrow.
Purpose/See also Career; Guidance, Job
Let the beauty you love be what you do.
There are a thousand ways to kneel
and kiss the earth.
To find our calling is to find the
intersection between our own deep
gladness and the world’s deep hunger.
Frederick Buechner
I am positive and directed and have purpose in my life.
My next step is becoming clear.
I am waiting patiently for clarity of my purpose.
I am finding meaning and purpose in my life.
Recovery/See also Addictions; Compulsions; Food; Habits; Weight
It feeels so good to know I am on my spiritual path to
God is guiding me on my spiritual path to recovery.
I am growing every day as I practice the 12 steps of
Relationships/See also Friends
This is the most profound spiritual truth I know:
that even when we’re most sure that love
can’t conquer all, it seems to anyway.
Anne Lamott
Today I am finding the good in all the people to whom
I am connected.
I am willing to live in the present moment and not continue to go over regrets and resentments of the past.
Today I am willing to accept people as they are, not as
I would like them to be.
I am finding the perfect partner for me today.
The Universe is guiding me to the perfect partner for
God is guiding me into a healthy relationship.
I am meeting a healthy, positive and available person. I am attracting positive people in my life today.
I am attracted to positive and loving people, and positive
and loving people are attracted to me.
I am a loving __________________(insert your own word here, i.e., partner, friend, parent, daughter, son, lover, grandmother).
I am a positive and loving person.
I value the role of others in my life today.
I am happy for the success of others.
I am happy to be one among many today.
I surround myself with positive and healthy people
Relaxation/See also School-Related; Teaching
I am leaving my work at work.
I am taking time for me today!
I feel relaxed and calm today.
I am learning to relax today.
I deserve to take time for me today.
Resentments/See also Forgiveness; Letting Go
Avoid hurting the hearts of others.
The poison of your pain will return back to you.
Native American Code of Ethics
I am willing to let go of all the resentments today that
are keeping me stuck in the past.
I am turning over all my resentments to my Higher
I welcome forgiveness as a way to release me from my
If I take five minutes out of each day to remember
to treat others the way I want to be treated,
we could accomplish wonderful things together.
Bob Fishel
I am respected in my profession, and what the Universe
offers me today reflects that.
I deserve to be treated with respect.
I respect and care for my body today.
I treat others with respect.
I respect the differences in people.
(Remember to feel the words.)
I take full responsibility for my life today.
I am responsible for the results of my words and
Today I am responsible for myself and I let others be
responsible for themselves.
I am responsible, organized, motivated and productive
I am safe today.
I find safety with my friends and family.
God is keeping me safe.
I deserve to feel safe.
I spend time with people who help me feel safe.
There is always a place where I can go and find safety.
God is guiding me safely on my journey.
School-Related/See also Relaxation; Teaching
I am passing my exams with ease.
I am passing my course with ease.
I am filled with all the knowledge I need to pass this
I am passing my exam with flying colors.
My mind is relaxed and open to all that I need to learn
I am focused on my studies.
I get all my homework in on time.
I am a terrific student!
I am finding learning to be fun and exciting.
I am doing the very best I can.
I’m becoming smarter and smarter every day.
I am learning to refrain from judging myself if I have trouble with __________________________________ (insert your own word here, i.e., reading, spelling, speaking, writing, typing, computers, etc.).
I am learning to refrain from demeaning myself if something is too hard. I can ask for help without feeling less than others.
Self-Confidence/See also Confidence; Self-Esteem
I am growing in self-confidence.
I can!
I know, love and trust myself today.
I am equal to the tasks I face.
Self-Esteem/See also Confidence; Self-Confidence
The “self-image” is the key to human personality.
Change the self-image and you change
the personality and the behavior.
Maxwell Maltz, M.D.
I am terrific just the way I am!
I believe in myself today.
I deserve to be treated with love and respect.
I am good enough just the way I am.
Today I dare to be with me and all that I am.
Today I treat myself as my own best friend with
gentleness and love.
I value myself today.
My ego is fed in healthy ways.
I celebrate my strengths, abilities and talents.
I am giving up my need for self-pity today.
I am finding healthy ways to feel good about myself.
God is replacing my self-pity with gratitude.
I am letting go of the burden of shame in my life.
My past no longer owns me.
I am willing to forgive myself for things I have done in
the past.
I’m letting go of my “shoulds” today.
I no longer do things just because someone says I
I make choices based on wants, not “shoulds.”
My “shoulds” no longer own me.
I’m keeping my life simple today.
God is guiding me in a simple life today.
I’m learning to simply be.
Solitude/See also Procrastination; Time
I welcome the peace, serenity, wisdom and spirituality I
find when I take time for solitude.
Everyone can do without me while I take some time for
It is important that I take time alone to connect with
God each day.
I deserve some special time in solitude.
Spirituality/See also Prayer
Affirmations such as
“I am a child of the universe,”
and “God takes care of injustice,” or
“I am safe and I trust God’s justice,”
turn us in the right direction.
Barbara Berger
I am growing toward others and God today.
God is guiding me on my spiritual path to recovery.
My spirituality is deepening as I take time to pray and
meditate each day.
I am growing as a spiritual human being.
I am one with God.
I am willing to release everything that is blocking my
spiritual growth.
God is giving me all the strength I need today.
I am giving up my need to struggle.
I am willing to move forward, in spite of my struggles.
Success/See also Business
I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career.
I have lost almost 300 games.
On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the
game-winning shot … and I have missed.
I have failed over and over again in my life.
And that’s precisely why I succeed.
Michael Jordan
I am staying with ______________________________ (insert your own word(s) here, i.e., school, this project, my job, finding a new job) until I succeed.
I am getting more and more successful in___________ (insert your own word(s) here, i.e., school, work, this relationship, my job).
I am a success!
I am successful in all that I do today.
God is guiding me forward to succeed.
I am working toward successful results.
My relationships are successful today.
I’ve outgrown the need to suffer.
12-Step Expression
I surrender the things that hold me back.
I can’t. God can. I think I’ll let God.
I give up my need to do everything alone.
Use what talents you possess;
the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang except those that sang best.
Henry Van Dyke
I am so grateful for my God-given talents.
I’m developing my God-given talents.
My talents and abilities are valued and needed, and
what the Universe offers me today reflects that.
Teaching/See also Relaxation; School-Related
I am a confident, encouraging and motivating teacher.
I feel the joy of teaching today.
I am grateful for the gift of being able to contribute to
the lives of my students.
I feel the joy and enthusiasm that brought me to this
Even though it is not always obvious, my teaching is
changing the lives of many of my students.
If there is one student I can help, my day is worthwhile.
Time/See also Procrastination; Solitude
I’m doing everything on time today.
I have all the time I need to do everything that is good
and right in my life today.
I’m taking time for me today.
I have all the time I need to do God’s will today.
I am making time today to ____________________.
I’m living my life one day at a time.
My past no longer owns me.
I have put aside my regrets from the past and fear of
the future.
I can do anything for one day.
This is the first day of the rest of my life.
I am flexible; I am calm; I am forgiving; I have plenty of
I am relaxed and patient.
I leave for appointments in plenty of time to reach them
without rushing.
I am arriving at the perfect time.
I am enjoying this extra time to relax.
God is guiding me safely home.
I ask to be held in God’s care when leaving for a trip.
I am traveling safely.
God is in charge of my trip.
Trust/See also Faith; Problem
I’m learning to trust my instincts today.
I’m trusting _______________________(insert your own word(s) here, i.e., God, myself, others, people I love, people who care about me).
I’m trusting that my intentions are coming from good
and love.
I trust that my Higher Power is guiding me to my next
I trust myself today.
I am letting go of doubt, fear, anger and distrust and
quietly accept the unknown.
I trust that the Universe is providing for all my needs.
I trust everything is happening for my highest good.
I am being led on the right path for me today, trusting
all the details to God.
Values/See also Honesty; Integrity; Principles
I take time to recognize my core values.
I am living my life, consistent with my values.
Weight/See also Addictions; Compulsions; Food; Habits; Recovery
I am in the process of arriving at a healthy weight for me.
I am proud to be eating correctly today.
My Higher Power is guiding me to eat healthy and lose
I weigh ________(put in your own intended, realistic weight) and I maintain my weight easily, eating foods that are healthy and consistent with a slim, trim figure.
I am becoming willing to achieve the perfect weight for
I am achieving the perfect weight for me.
I am becoming willing to become willing to get ready to
lose weight.
I am willing to do everything I can to nurture my body,
mind and soul.
I am willing to be a positive and loving person.
God gives me all the willingness I need to grow as a
spiritual human being.
I am willing to do everything that is good and right
I am willing to be willing to ______________________
(put your own intention here, i.e., give up sweets, walk one mile daily, study for my exams).
Step two: I am willing to _________________________
(put your own intention here, i.e., give up sweets, walk one mile daily, study for my exams).
I can do anything for one day.
World Peace/See also Peace
Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me.
I take time each day to pray for world peace.
I know I am making a positive difference in the world today.
Today I am being a little kinder to everyone I meet.
Today I will do my very best to bring peace to my life
and to the lives of those around me.
I am sending thoughts of peace and love to my world
family today.
I am connected to all people who are a force of peace
and light in the universe.
I am bringing peace and serenity to at least one other
person today.
Worry/See Faith, Fear, Trust and Letting Go